Tuesday 12 April 2011


Hi Everyone

Hope your day has gone well.

The weather has been a mixed bag here but the sunshine did manage to peep through eventually.  Unfortunately it was towards the end of the afternoon though which meant I then had to pull one of the curtains over in my craft pod as I couldn't see what I was doing.  What a waste of sunshine!!

I may have overdone it with the sparkle and bling on this creation .. .. but hey .. .. is there such a thing as too much?!?!???  I doubt it!!  LOL!!

I cannot claim the layout for my make today as my own.  I took inspiration from a magazine that is yonks old.  I sadly rip pages out of craft magazines and store them in lever arch files .. .. and these become my bedtime reading/inspiration.  It is surprising how magazines that are years and years old are featuring techniques that are re-appearing on the craft scene again.

A bit like fashion I suppose. Though if I think back to some of the things I have worn in the past there aren't many of them I would want to wear again .. .. except for my maxi coat.  Oh wow how I loved that coat!!!

It was in a deep aubergine colour and I wore it into the ground.  I can remember one day slipping over on the ice whilst wearing it and I couldn't get up again because my coat kept getting in the way and wrapped around my legs.  LOL!!  A kind gentleman helped me to my feet .. .. and the strange thing is I still remember this gentleman and sometimes see him around town (but he is very old now and I often wonder whether I might need to help him up to his feet one day).

Anyway enough of my ramblings and round to my share

This used:

Image:  Imagination Crafts (no name or number on my wrapper)
Sentiment:  Computer Generated
Backing Papers:  DCWV "Floral Prints" Paper Stack
Marianne Creatables:  Butterfly (love how this one comes in two part)
Ribbon and gems from the Stash Box
Diamond Stickles
Glamour Dust

I stamped the image with a stamp pad I have had since I first started crafting many, many years ago.  It is an All Night Media ink in "Wisteria" (in fact the colours is very similar to my maxi coat LOL!!).  Once dry I then drew over the image with a glue pen and sprinkled it with glamour dust.

Next .. .. I will put some people out of their misery.  The heart was a little elusive to some of you last night .. .. but it was there (though it did take hubby quite a few minutes to find it!!).

HERE IT IS (bang on top of the carrot foliage)

Easy once you know!!  I didn't buy the stamp knowing it was there .. .. I just noticed it whilst colouring.

Lastly, I would like to send you over to one of my lovely blog buddies .. .. Dawn.  She has a special birthday coming up soon and is offering some blog candy in celebration.  Dawn asked me if I would advertise her giveaway for her .. .. so pop along here to see what a gorgeous prize Dawn has on offer and good luck.  (Happy Birthday to you Dawn xx).

So that is me for today.

Enjoy what is left of your evening.



  1. I love this creation Jules, love the colours and love the butterfly.

    Who is sneaky then hiding the heart like that, stands out a mile when you know where to look.

    Have a great evening, I'm tidying my little craft room.xxx

  2. Love this Jules and NO there's no such thing as too much sparkle!! :D
    Thank you for reminding me I have these pretty papers! Fab layout and love the butterfly too :)

  3. This card is gorgeous, and you have'nt overdone the sparkle - just perfect!
    Avril x

  4. Totally gorgeous card, Jules. LOVE the colour! And definitely not too much bling!

    You're not the only one who saves pages out of magazines in files and reads them at bedtime for inspiration! I started tearing the pages out when all the mags I was saving threatened to take over the house! And yes, what goes around often does come around again. Some of my mags were over 10 years old!

    Hugs, Lynne xx

  5. Gorgeous Jules. Love the sparkley swirl especially - and can I borrow your little bunny once he's finished digging your plot. He's super.
    Beryl xx

  6. Oh Jules I thought yesterdays heart was the rabbits nose, silly me.

    This is a great creation, I love the colour.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  7. Hi Jules bad blogger here!
    hope you are ok, it sure looks like you are from these perfect cards on your blog. you really do get on with it, not like me, I seem to take forever to get one on my blog.
    hugs chris x

  8. This is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!! Love it!

  9. Beautiful card Jules and lovin your sparkle. I have the same problem with the sun in my kitchen. End up having to shut the blind late in afternoon. Cant win can you!!

  10. Hi Jules, gorgeous sparkly card and naughty you! that was the sneakiest heart ever!! Have fun:0) xxx

  11. No there can never be too much sparkle Jules and this is just perfect, love the colours, papers, design and that butterfly super card.
    Lorraine x

  12. oooh tricky heart there Jules!

    LOVE this purplicious creation! awesome papers and glitter!!!

  13. Lovely shades of purple and the butterfly sets it of perfectly
    Louise xx

  14. Wow this is so pretty and so elegant.. just been reading about your 'heart' on your cards :) what a nice idea.. and just been having a look at your blog ... loved what I see, you make such elegant cards... I really have to follow. Thank you for the inspiration. Hugs xx

  15. ... can't find the 'Follow' button!!

  16. stunning card jules.the butterfly is gorgeous and i love your beautiful lilac colours and fab sparkle :D

    xx coops xx

  17. This is so pretty Jules I love the colour and that butterfly is lovely, i too like how it has two parts to it, just makes it that bit more, the jewels you've added finish it nicely, a really lovely card.
    I see the heart amongst the carrots!! that one was a bit of a puzzle, LOL
    speak with you soon, Hugs Jacee

  18. Really pretty papers you have used here Jules and I love the colour. The bling is just right and I do love that butterfly. I must look out for that one as I haven't seen it before.

    I'll own up to having been stumped by the heart in your previous card, lol! I spent so long looking for it I think forgot to leave a message, Ha! Ha!

    Lesley Xx

  19. Love the colour and the layout of this card hon.
    PS: You're not alone on the cutting up and keeping of magazine articles . . . I do the same!

    Hugs, Sandra

  20. Lovely card Jules these papers are the first stack i ever bought, i must dig them out again. love the bling and the lovely butterfly. I had a deep purple maxi coat too. I remember thinking i was the bees knees one night when i wore it with....wait for it......red hot pants with a bib. My legs were like matchsticks too,lol. Oh and i had white tights on too.....

  21. You can never have too much sparkle Jules and this card was made to be sparkly! I love the papers and the prettiness of the whole design. You made me think about my maxi coat; it was a brown faux furry thing that I got in the sales at Miss Selfridge and I thought I looked the bees knees. Looking back, I probably looked more like Yogi Bear but there you go. My next purchase was an afghan coat that smelled so bad!! Oh memories! xx

  22. Oh Jules, this is so beautiful! I love the colours, gorgeous papers and butterfly, all very delicate and elegant! Hugs Delphine xx

  23. Absolutely lovely. And there is never, ever too much bling or sparkle ...... or pearls. I'm completely addicted to pearls.


    Hugs ~ Carole


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx