Wednesday 27 April 2011


Hi Everyone

I don't know about you but I am still struggling with what day of the week it is .. .. .. and it can only get worse once the next Bank Holiday arrives on Friday!!

Our radio is talking of possible rain on Friday.  I hope it is wrong.  It would be so nice for the weather to be beautiful for the Royal Wedding and for all the celebrations people have planned. 

Hubby breaks up tomorrow so I am busily trying to get ahead of myself in readiness for having my routine knocked for six!!  No doubt the time will fly far too quickly.

Anyway, here is my share for today

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "1652J" Cheesecake Wish
Sentiment:  Penny Black "2908K"  To You
Backing Papers:  DCWV Paper Stack "Floral Prints"
Martha Stewart Punch:  Traditional Scallop (with just a bit of it peeping out)
Woodware Punches:  Daisy and label
Leone Em Pty:  Ash Branch
Distress Inks for the image background
Clear shrink plastic, brads and ribbon from the Stash Box

I was really excited after producing my little sentiment tag out of clear shrink plastic.  I think it looks dead cute.  There are going to be a lot more of these making an appearance.  I simply stamped my sentiment in Black Stazon and shrunk away!!!  Woo hoo!!

I'll catch you again tomorrow  .. .. my turn to cook tonight so no blog hopping for a while.  We have a glut of mushrooms so tonight I am going to try a Mushroom Stroganoff recipe I have found.

Have a good evening.



  1. Another cutie Jules...and I love your wee sentiment too..! enjoy your of my faves yum yum...

    hugs Vicky xx

  2. Glad I'm not the only one, I've convinced myself it's thursday all day today lol. that card is beautiful, such a sweet delicate image .

  3. So pretty Jules and your tag is fab! xx

  4. Hi Jules,
    Gorgeous card, love the colours and cute little image. I do hope it stays dry for the wedding, it would be a shame if it rains after all this lovely sunshine we have had recently. Can't wait to see her dress! Sue x

  5. I just love your card Jules, so pretty and lovely colours. Not used shrink plastic for years, looks great. Enjoy your dinner, not eaten that for years and I totally agree. These holidays and kids at home have played heave played havoc with my crafting lol

  6. Stunning card, Jules! I love it!

  7. What a lovely touch using shrink plastic for your sentiment.Great idea.Another beautiful card Jules.The colour scheme is lovely and soft,such a sweet image and your flowers are gorgeous.Love Debbie x

  8. Such a gorgeous creation sweetie, love the design, perfect big hugs love Pops x

  9. Absobloominglutely lovely, he!he!he!
    Pretty colours and a totally cute mousy, perfect!:0) xxx

  10. Beautiful card Jules and loving your shrink plastic neat. Annette x

  11. This is just gorgeous Jules,I sooo love the sentiment,I have never used shrink plastic at all.I will have to have a go soon.

    Enjoy your mushroom

  12. Hi Jules, what a gorgeous card, I have just remembered I have this stamp but it has never seen any ink. I may have to find it and use it now. Love the colour scheme, really pretty papers

  13. Wow - i'm really impressed to your sentiment in shrink plastic (the stuff always scares me!!!) and am loving the lease of life you have given to the papers, Luv Sam x

  14. Beautiful card Jules the colours and just gorgeous - I'm just catching up and the last couple of PB cards are absolutely gorgeous too - I do love the aeroplane one!

    Love Lynda xxx

  15. Its really cute, love your little plastic sentiment. Hope the rain holds off, I am dying to see what she wears and would love to have seen the wedding invitations:)

  16. Awwww your little sentiment tag does look fabulous, great idea. I love your back ground too and that is one of my favorite PB images so all in all it's a real winner from where I'm standing.
    Hmmmmmm dinner sounds yummy, enjoy!
    Kaz xx

  17. Awww another pretty card, love those softly coloured papers... he he got them too ...
    Bon apetit xxx

  18. Hi Jules this is just so perfect the colours are so pretty and soft.
    Louise xx

  19. Oh this is so sweet, Jules and the shrink plastic sentiment is just perfect. Mushroom stroganoff sounds yummy too! xx

  20. Oh I love this Jules, this lil' mouse is one of my fave PB's! :D Gorgeous papers, thanks for reminding me I have these somewhere! And I love the cute little tag too :)

  21. I have those papers!!! (You can tell I'm a carding newbie still, I get so excited seeing papers or images I have on peoples' blogs lol!) What a lovely card you've made with them and the gorgeous PB image!

    Have a great weekend!

    luv, Mags x

  22. Awesome Shrink plastic tag, I have some shrink plastic here, but need to get some staz-on ink to stamp with!

    Love that PB blowing his dandelion away, so precious!

  23. Oh Jules such a cute card and the colour pallete you have used is perfect for this image.
    I hope too that the weather stays fine especially after all the gorgeous weather we have had.
    Max x

  24. wow, this is so pretty and delicate jules.the image is so sweet and i love your flowers and the tag is fabulous :D

    xx coops xx

  25. Such a cute PB mouse. GREAT idea about the SP tag. Can you tell me how you managed to attach the tag AND the heart so neatly to your main ribbon please?
    Hugs, Sandra

  26. I keep thinking it's Friday especially as I'm going to work today.
    Gorgeous card,cute image,lovely papers.janex

  27. wow another gorgeous card!!!

  28. Hi Jules, love the muted tones of the card. Such a cute image.

    Being off work until next Tuesday, the days are beginning to merge into each other. I have to actually to stop and think what day it is at times lol!

    Hugs, Pauline x

  29. Oh this is gorgeous, Jules! I love the colour scheme, this super cute image and your background looks fantastic! And I agree, the tag is dead cute! Hugs Delphine xx

  30. I love this little fella and what a gorgeous background you gave him too. Fabulous creation Jules.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx