Monday 25 April 2011


Hi Everyone

So Easter has nearly come and gone :-(    ... .. . ...  but let's not be too sad .. .. another long bank holiday weekend is just around the corner and is going to follow very soon!!  In fact in three days time .. woo hoo!!!

Today has been another day of gardening jobs  .. ..  but it was just a bit too sunny for the heavy digging we need to do so instead hubby painted a couple of fences and I have sown seeds for putting into the greenhouse.  Runner beans, courgettes, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and lettuce.    I have never grown peppers before so that should be interesting.  Then just so I had at least some flowers about the place .. .. some marigold flowers.

I bet the marigolds will raise their little heads first.  They grow likes weeds really don't they?  LOL!!!

Then of course no day is complete without making at least one card!!

This one is for a friend to send to her Grandson .. .. I think the image is just perfect for a card that needs sending abroad.

This used:
Image:  Penny Black "4126K" Hedgehopper
Sentiment:  Computer Generated
Backing Paper:  Pink Petticoat
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Crystal Stickles
Cord from the Stash Box

So hubby is back at work tomorrow for three days then he has 10 days off.  Oh dear .. .. that is going to ruin my routine!!!

I see Mr Blogger didn't sort out the spacing problems over the holiday .. .. but I will let him off .. .. there were lots of things I didn't do either.

Enjoy what is left of Easter Monday and I will catch you again tomorrow.



  1. Hi Jules, brilliant card, love the little hedgie. It was a fantastic weekend, gorgeous weather, how lucky were we!!!!!!:0) xxx

  2. Another great card!
    Hugs, Sandra

  3. Oh love this Jules! I adore this little hedgie in his little areoplane, sooooo cute! And perfect paper too!
    Enjoy your last 3 days of freedom for a while! :D

  4. Awww this is so sweet, beautiful colours, love it. .. yes definitely the day wouldn't be complete without making a card he he and my hubby too is on vacation leave this week.. yes o dear me!!! ha ha

  5. Such a cute card Jules! I keep seeing this image and will end up buying it I think, it's fab. Looks great with the sky paper too :o) Lisa x

  6. What a fabulous card Jules, I love that little hedgehog, so cute.
    Sounds like you've been busy with the garden, it's a job on its own isn't it?
    Enjoy whats left of the weekend
    Hugs Jacee

  7. It's fabulous Jules...fab image and super duper layout too hun..

    glad you had fun in the garden too..and you must take some piccies of your veg..!

    have a lovely evening..hugs Vicky xx

  8. Such a beautiful card the colours are just perfect for this cool image!!!

    You have had a real busy weekend sounds like you are both so organised! Love Chanelle xx

  9. Lovely card Jules, perfect papers for the image. Sounds like you are enjoying the gardening.

  10. Gorgeous card Jules, love the red plane against the bright sky:)
    Jenny x

  11. Oh Jules this is such a gorgeous card!!!how cute is that stamp, i have not come across him yet!. Your friend will be thrilled with it. I love the cloudy backing paper and is totally perfect for the image. Wow sounds like you and hubby have been busy. Been so beautiful these past few days and nice to see the gardens looking so lovely. Hope you will get a break next bank holiday though hun!!!. Big hugs Clare xxx

  12. This is just perfect Jules!! Your garden sounds as though it's coming on a treat! I was out in mine too toady, but I was lazing and watching Molly and Lucy playing in the sand pit. Lovely! xx

  13. Oh what a fab card...luv it ...ace colouring :D

    xx Lizzy xx :)

  14. Cute card! I love that cloud paper. :-)

  15. Absolutely fabby and good to see a different use for it, besides Valentines, Luv Sam x

  16. Oh Jules this is fab - perfect design for the image and the occasion - you clever girl!
    Hope you had a lovely Easter.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  17. Hi Jules, love this fab card. Great image and perfect paper too. Blue and red are so lovely together. You've been busy again then hun, can't beat the smell of homegrown tomatoes, mmm!

    Donna xx

  18. Just stunning Jules,love the image and the

  19. What a brillaint card, especially for being sent abroad. I love the image, i've never seen him before. Me and my Hubby spent the day in the garden, cutting hedges and lawns Pheeeeeew! hard work in this lovely sunshine.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  20. brilliant card jules.i love the fab image and the backing paper is fabulous.mmmm yum all those homegrown veg are going to be scrummy :D

    xx coops xx

  21. a lovely card, it will be well recieved

  22. LOVE this card Jules the colours are fab, I must try light blue and red sometime soon, and that hedgie in his plane is the cutest thing ever! Perfect for a grandson for sure!

    Enjoy your time with hubby!

  23. Perfect card for sending over sees, the hedgehog looks so cute! Love the blog post title lol!

    Hope your marigolds pop up soon with their lovely bright faces. We have been busy getting rid of the weeds lol!

    Good luck with the veggies, we have one pepper plant, they are getting quite big now. Also the daffodils are starting to bloom and a heavily laden mandarin tree.

    Enjoy your long weekend next weekend, take careX:)

  24. Hi Jules and what a fab card love the plane and the clouds,I am looking forward to the weekend also even though just had a week off lol.
    Louise xx

  25. glad you've had a nice Easter break,us too,Bob's back tomorrow ,me later. Great to get in the garden.
    Love your fun card, makes me smile.

  26. Great card hun, hope you had a fab weekend!
    hugs shell xx

  27. This is such a fab card, Jules. I love the image and the paper is just made for it!

  28. Very pretty card, love the fresh feel and that cute little hedgie! Sounds like you have been gifted with crafty and green fingers, good luck with the veggies. My routine has been knocked out of the ball park this week lol, takes some getting used to with everyone hanging about lol.

  29. Hi sweetie, this is just gorgeous loving your colours that you have chosen, fab hugs pops x

  30. Crisp, bright and gorgeous. Your card is fabulous.

    I love to work in the garden too. I wish we had enough space for a greenhouse. Well maybe one day....if I win the lottery :)Being able to grow your own vegetables and lots of flowers...seems heaven to me :)

  31. Hee! Hee! This is great Jules and made me smile as soon as I saw it. I love his goggles!

    Lesley Xx

  32. I love your card, Jules! Fantastic image and sky and the sentiment is totally perfect with them! Hugs Delphine xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx