Thursday 23 June 2011


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a good day .. .. the weekend starts here in the House of Hearts as hubby has the day off work tomorrow .. .. so a nice long weekend for us.

You will never guess what is planned .. .. yes .. .. gardening yet again!!!

Everything is growing nicely but we need to spend a bit more serious time out there.

We were having a little look around last night to see what things we need to get done .. .. and then hubby very kindly finished by saying "and then Sunday if the weather is nice we can perhaps .. ... ..

Oh I got all excited!!  What does he have planned?!?? My imagination started running away with myself and then he finished by saying

.. .. ..  sit out in it"!!!!! 

Oh well .. ..  I suppose sitting out in it is better than digging it LOL!!!

I was polite as always though and replied with a chirpy "that would be nice!! 

We are actually promised some lovely weather for Sunday and Monday so we shall see.

Anyway, round to my share for today .. ..

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "3976K" Acrobat
Sentiment:  Verve Stamps "VSC-09-048" Thankful Hearts
Backing Papers:  Digichick Boutique - Joyful Heart Designs
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
My Trust Sewing Machine
Ribbon from a very special blog buddy (Thank you xx)

So that is me for today.

I hope you all have a lovely evening .. whatever you are doing.



  1. Hi sweetie, this is just beautiful, gorgeous work hugs pops x

  2. Fabulous Jules, as always.Gorgeous colours, super papers and the image is wonderful.
    Lynne xxx

  3. Beautiful card Jules, such a sweet little image and your backing papers are fab. Well I hope you'll have a very restful 'sit out' in the garden on Sunday. I feel you may need it after all the hard work! Enjoy your weekend. x

  4. Awww thats lovely, gorgeous subtle colour scheme, work really well together :).

  5. This is adorable Jules. I love the sentiment!
    Enjoy your long weekend and I hope the sun shines for you and your hubby.
    Hugs, Clare x

  6. This is superb Jules,your colouring is spot on,just love

  7. Oh just lovely Jules, the image is beautifully coloured & so very cute.Love the colours & stitching. xx

  8. yummy bp's and sentiment, such a cute image too! x

  9. Oh I love this little balancing hedgehog . he is a real cutie and you have made a super card.
    x Tricia

  10. Oh, this is gorgeous Jules, love those colours!
    Helen x

  11. Hi Jules,
    You always make me smile with your stories lol
    What a gorgeous card,i love this PB image and those papers are lush!
    Have a lovely long weekend :) xx

  12. Beautiful card Jules love those papers and that great fun image.
    Lorraine x

  13. OH I love this acrobat hedgue, too cut, but that is one strong spider web LOL!

    Totally love this, great papers Jules!!!

  14. Aww, I love these Penny Black hedgehogs, so cute! Really nice papers & design. The stripey ribbon finishes the card off lovely. Have a good long weekend with your hubby & do enjoy sitting in the garden as there's nothing better on a sunny day. That's if the weather man is right!
    Sally x

  15. Fabulous creation Jules, love the image and colouring. Hope you have a lovely restful day in the garden on Sunday.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  16. These PB hedgehog images are so cute Jules and always make me smile. Love the blue and green (even though the old saying dictates we shouldn't put them together, lol). Your stitching is quite awesome my friend!

    Lesley Xx

  17. stunning card jules.the image is fab and i really love your pretty papers and fresh colours :D
    am hoping for a dry weekend, my garden is like a jungle. i really need to get out there and sort it out :D

    xx coops xx

  18. A fabulous card - I love it. The little hedgie is adorable (I can feel a spend coming on) as are your colour choicea.


  19. Hi Jules, Ah, the garden, it's such a lure at this time of the year. We replaced a couple of very dead roses with some new shrubs yesterday - the sun was shining. I don't think I ever sit in my garden for long - I always spot something that needs to be done :( Your card is lovely, I like the fresh colours of the papers, hedgehogs, love hedgehogs, and the ribbon is very nice. Ooh, I've just spotted a coal tit on the feeder - that's a rare sight here. Have a great weekend. Elizabeth x

  20. Another stunner Jules the image is gorgeous and the DP's are a perfect match.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  21. Oh how did this one slip by me, what a smasher, love that little hedgehog, what a sweetie, and the papers are lovely.

    Enjoy yourself in that garden, you relax and put your feet up, thats a real good idea hes had, you should take him up on it!

    Hugs Jacee

  22. Oh I love this card (as usual!).

    It's been sunny here today so I've been out in the garden weeding. The chickens wanted to have a go too, but their idea of weeding, and MINE, are entirely different things!

    Hugs, Sandra

  23. Beautiful!! The forecast is fabulous for the weekend so I'm looking forward to sitting out too! xx

  24. Hi Jules!

    Your story made me laugh out loud, I know for sure my husband will say exactly the same LOL. And I would react just like you!

    And your card has it all; cute and gorgeous!
    Love and hugs,

  25. so cute!!! I love the stripy ribbon!!! Hugs Juls


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx