Tuesday 5 July 2011


Hi Everyone

Well did you get any rain?  We were promised some .. .. but all I can say is it was a good job I ignored the forecast and watered my crops this morning anyway as we got next to none!!

Having said that it is a little overcast now so perhaps it is going to be the best sort of rain .. .. that which happens whilst we are asleep!!  LOL!!!

I have had a lovely busy day today and as usual the time has flown.

Here is my share for today .. ..  not my favourite make of the day .. .. but I am not allowed to share that one!!

This used:

Image:  Charmed Cards "Madison with Attitude"
Backing Paper:  Digichick Boutique "Joyful Heart Designs"
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat
Ribbon and buttons from the Stash Box

There isn't too much to this card as the backing paper was so delicious it didn't really need much else.

So that is me for today .. ..

Catch you again tomorrow .. .. when I will be in a rush ahead of The Apprentice. 



  1. Fabby!!!! Love this!!! Loving the grunge effect of your papers and the faux stitching, such a fab design! Hugs Juls

  2. Fab card as always Jules - love the post title lol!!!
    Have a wonderful evening.
    Debs xx

  3. I got rain early this evening! Good job the Husband covered some of the Chicken run with tarp this afternoon!

    LOVE this card Jules. That image is just perfect for a teenager with attitude!

    Hugs, Sandra

  4. Fabulous!! xx

  5. Those papers are really fab Jules and that is just the perfect image to go with them. It's a real cool chick card.

    Love Lynda xxx

  6. It's fabulous Jules...cool image and those papers are just perfect hun...

    hugs Vicky xx

  7. I love the image - she really does have attitude and the papers are fantastic for it.
    Nikki x

  8. A very different image than you usually use Jules, but I still love it! I've never not liked any of your cards, they're all fab!

    A few spots of rain earlier in Nottingham, hoping it will come in abundance tonight as it's quite muggy xx

  9. I love it Jules, what a fab image and those papers are amazing. Love the gorgeous bow too. We had a shower here at teatime, just enough to water the plants, saved me a job.

    Donna x

  10. This is gorgeous Jules,love the image, ooh naughty naughty fancy letting me know about another digital paper company. I dare say I will have to drag myself off to have a look.....xxx

  11. Love her fashion boots, fab card for the young ones...ooo now I sound old ;)
    We got most of our rain this evening, just after I got the washing in :)
    Jenny x

  12. Wow, this one's different Jules. Smashing image & I like the faux stitching around it as well. Super papers, a perfect compliment for the style of card. We got rain on our day out! :(
    Sally x

  13. WOW! Awesome card Jules! The image is just perfect for a young girl and those papers are fabulous!!! :o)

  14. Great card for a Teen I'd say! Love the grungey papers and the emo girl with her headphones!

  15. stunning cards jules.the image is fab and i love your scrummy papers and design.
    its really bounced with rain here this morning but the skys gone blue again now ;D

    xx coops xx

  16. Hi Jules.

    I just love that image. Please can you let me know where you can get it from in the uk. I have someone in mind who just looks like her.


  17. Brilliant funky card Jules. Would really suit my teenage niece! Luv & Hugs Trish x

  18. Very cool card Jules! Perfect for a teenager!
    Helen x

  19. This is just so chic! Fabulous teen card! I love the red mats and that fabulous ribbon!

    luv, Mags x

    PS Thank you for telling me how to make a sticky post, I appreciate it!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx