Monday 15 August 2011


Hi Everyone

I hope that your Monday has been kind to you.

The weather has been lovely here in my neck of the woods but is likely to be going downhill .. ready for it to pick up again at the weekend.  Let's hope so!!

Here is my share for the day:

This used:

Backing Papers:  Raspberry Road
Sizzix Die:  "654901" Daisies #2
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
A pair of those old fashioned plastic fancy edge scissors
Ribbon and brad from the Stash Box

and that is it for my make.

Now for the tale of the window blind.  My little craft pod is the very smallest bedroom in our house and I have been struggling by late afternoon with the sun blinding me and I have ended up having to pull curtains across and work in semi darkness !!

Anyway, I had a brainwave and asked hubby if we kept the old venetian blind that used to be in the small bedroom many years previous when occupied by little baby boy.  A search in the roof space found it!!  Yay!!!  That should improve matters.

But then the problem was actually fitting the blind back up.  We have changed the windows since then and the screw holes were now in a different place .. .. but the biggest problem of all .. .. my desk is pushed up to the window with no chance of it moving backwards or left or right.   Which meant hubby needed to climb on the desk!!  Eeekkk!!! 

Big clearing up job to give him access and me lurking behind him with the vacuum cleaner sucking up the plaster and brick as he drilled.  We must have made for brilliant and bewildering entertainment for anyone looking in. 

I gave the blinds a good hoover, washed them down twice (they were very dirty as they weren't wrapped up in the roof) and then I cleaned them with Mr Sheen (all whilst the blind was in-situ and whilst perched on the top of the desk).  They are sparkly like new again now!!  Plus I have taken the curtains down altogether which has made my little pod much brighter and given the appearance of being bigger.

So all round much better .. .. apart from feeling very old whilst perched on the desk cleaning.  What happened to the days when I could just leap up and down from anywhere and twist my legs any which way I wanted?!?!?  I must have looked a right sight from outside .. .. I certainly felt it .. .. especially when I kept getting cramp in my foot!!  LOL!! 

Anyway off to the bath now .. .. and I will catch you again tomorrow.



  1. LOL would have loved to have been standing outside watching ya both!
    Fab card hun just love it, I've got the daisy die & I think I've used it twice..oops!!
    Hugs Shell x

  2. Oh Jules, this is fabulous. I really, really need the daisy die and yours is fave colour.
    Lynne xxx

  3. Fantastic card!!!! Its nice when your crafty space suddenly feels bigger isnt it!!!

  4. Hi Jules, love your gorgeous card especially the beautiful flower. Another story to make me chuckle, bet you two looked so funny up on the desk. At lest you can craft away without being blinded now hun.

    Donna x

  5. Oh I can imagine you perched up there on your desk with your marigolds on and I'm very impressed that you actually remembered where you'd put the blind! I LOVE your gorgeous card today Jules with those amazing colours and that fabulous flower! Vx

  6. Hi Jules
    Love your little story, a pity there aren't any piccies! :D
    This is a beautiful card, I just love the bright burst of juicy orange!

  7. WOW Stunning card Jules,love it.
    Wendy xx

  8. What a stunninhg flower- such a gorgeous colour scheme!
    Hugs, Alison x

  9. A beautiful card. I love the bright petals. I'm glad the blinds are now sorted and doing their job.
    Nikki x

  10. Gorgeous creation ♥ Pops x x x

  11. WOW!! That flower certainly packs a punch Jules; the orange is fab!! Gorgeous colour scheme.

    Glad you sorted your blind (you did make me giggle with the images you conjured up!) My room is at the front of the house and I only get bright sunlight early in the morning. I end up with the craft lamp on by lunchtime when it's blazing sunshine in the back garden! xx

  12. A lovely card, Jules! I am glad you got your blind sorted in the end, and no footprints were left on your creations! I know what you mean about feeling old when doing jobs like that - a trip to Sainsburys feels like an assault course to me (I scale the shelves regularly, as it isn't a short-people -friendly shop!)

  13. Fab colour combo Jules. Love the blind story, you need to le me know how you persuaded your hubbie to put the blind up, I bought one about a year ago and I am still waiting lol

  14. great make, love the orange flower!

    lol, love your daily escapades Jules! xoxo

  15. well done with the blind, fabby card!

  16. Wow, that flower is stunning Jules, so eye catching! Sounds like you had fun with your blind lol!
    Helen x

  17. Hi Jules, the orange looks great with the black/white/green combo and that is a neat way of using the tiniest bit of ribbon too. Had a chuckle at your story of the blind - eons ago, when I was an army wife and had army issue venetian blinds to clean, I used to take them down and dunk them in the bath - much easier than cleaning them in situ ... the damage they can do to your hands ... hate the perishing things even though I can see the benefits. We craft in similar conditions, smallest room in the house, etc., and when the sun is streaming through the window it does seem an awful shame to pull down the roller blind :) Started early on the snippets cards this week - I have a cunning plan to use some of the leftovers after each project if at all possible ... might keep that mountain down :) Elizabeth x

  18. Love that bright daisy, it really jumps of the card!
    You're very brave letting hubby get on your desk...I'm a bit over protective of my craft room!!!
    Jenny x

  19. Hi Jules, I absolutey love that layered flower, oh I do wish I had a die cutting machine. The orange & black go great together, It's a combo that I'd like to try. Say no more about bending in all directions with no problems, it's happenning to me too. lol. Glad you can now see better in your little craft pod & I bet it looks lovely.
    Sally x

  20. Wow - I've been dozing in front of the TV and this card sure woke me up! It's gorgeous - so sunny! Loved the image of you perched on your desk - I can soooo relate to that feeling of 'Can I get down, will I seize up with cramp, what if the neighbours see me and call for the little white van from the Funny Farm?' - now, can I sleep as my eyes are pinged wide awake by your lovely flower! Di xx

  21. I would have loved a picture of you perched on your desk,must have been a sight.

    Love your card Jules,that flower is

  22. This is just gorgeous Jules love the colours and beautiful design.
    Sounds like you both had fun hanging the blind and so pleased it worked out so well and you have a bright new room now.
    Hugs Linda

  23. tee hee - I've got visuals of you on the desk now... I don't think I'd be any better Jules!!!

    Lovely colourful card - love the layering across the card with the ribbon.

    Paula x x x

  24. What a cheerful card! That bright flower would take the gloom out of anyone's day.
    Blessings Bernie

  25. Wow, that is one bright but gorgeous flower! I love how you layered all that paper! Had to go back up and look for the heart:) You have me cracking up. The picture of you two on the desk hanging and then cleaning the that's one for a comic strip. Toe cramps you say...just had those myself while reclining in my chair, nasty things:) Thanks for the fun post!!!

  26. Glorious card Jules, love that daisy. You gave me a good chuckle about the blind. Know what you mean about clambering about stuff to get at things that need cleaning, those days are sadly behing me.
    Beryl x

  27. Hi Jules, Totally fabulous, I love this colour and it sits so well on your background, gorgeous! I have a similar problem with light in my room, I sympathise, too much sun can be difficult to work in. I have to sit behind a blind most days:{ Fitting yours sounds like a whole load of fun:0) Gay x

  28. wow this is fabulous jules.stunning striking colours and the zingy orange flower really takes centre stage, its gorgeous :D
    oh i don`t envy you putting the blind up, i cleaned my windows the other day and the blind in the spare room wouldn`t stay up so i had to have it perched on my

    xx coops xx

  29. Whoa . . . that's BRIGHT . . . BUT absolutely GORGEOUS! What a great flower die. Love the colour combo you've used.

    That's certainly woken me up this morning! Feeling summery and cheerful now. Thanks!

    Hugs, Sandra

  30. I love, love, love that orange daisy!! Sunshine... ???? .... not seen it in my neck of the woods for flippin ages :(

  31. Hello Jules

    Your card is fabulous especially the flower, (you have reminded me I have this die somewhere !!! )the colours is gorgeous, and your little brad in the centre fab.


  32. Love that orange flower! Your description of lurking with a vacuum cleaner for the bits of brick and plaster really cracked me up! But it's so important to have a craft pod that's comfortable, and I'm glad the blind has worked so well!

    luv, Mags x

  33. You crack me up, Jules!! I always love stopping by to see what you've been up to!! =D

    Love the card too. That flower is gorgeous.

  34. Oh lovely card Jules. Love the fab colours you've used, and that big flower is gorgeous! Glad you got the blind sorted lol :o) Lisa x

  35. Wow, gorgeous card Jules, I adore that flower, spectacular!!

    You made me smile about your antics with the blind, can just imagine the scene with you balancing on the desk, I'm sure it was worth the gymnastics, I have the same problem from lunch time onwards with the sun, nice to see, but a flamin' nuisance when your trying to craft!
    Hugs Jacee

  36. Wow!!!Hun, Just love this card, It makes you feel so bright and Cheery, that flower is stunning. I know what you mean about the cramp in the foot, gone are the days when I used to do handstands on the wall outside (or in) LOL!!!!
    Big Hugs,

  37. Stunning love the flower and yes it is bright but brilliant had a giggle about you with the blinds had a pic of you getting stuck up there lol anyway beautiful card as always
    Jacki xx

  38. Love this bright bold daisy on the more muted background. It makes a real statement!!! I think your blind must be working really well - it blocked out our sun all day!!! Hugs, Lesley


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx