Sunday 21 August 2011


Hi Everyone

Where are the weeks going?!?!  I have never known time fly by so quickly.  I don't know about yours but my week has been super busy .. .. .. any chance of a few more hours in a day please?!?!?

Today though is going really well in the House of Hearts .. .. it is one of those days where everything is going to plan and everything feels all lovely and relaxed.  Woo hoo!!!  Why can't every day be like this?

Anyway, here are my snippet makes for this week:

This last picture is to show you what I have started to do with some of my smaller snippets as I am finding I am cutting into a snippet and just being left with smaller and smaller bits.

So now I am actually punching flowers out of them direct into an old Chinese Takeaway container (don't look for the heart .. .. those are all in a jam jar LOL!!)..

The container on the left (containing all the flowers and a pokey tool and some little brads) and an old mouse mat .. .. goes with me to my Mum's and whilst we are talking I sit and make flowers.  If I am really lucky my lovely sister and her girls arrive whilst I am there and then as if my magic the container on the left turns into the container on the right .. .. and I have a ready supply of gorgeous flowers sitting ready and waiting to be used!!  Brilliant!!

Now for the register of so many lovely playmates who also wanted to reduce their snippet mountain too this week:

My first playmate this week was super eagre and early .. .. in fact she had been lurking around the playground for two hours waiting for me to make an appearance last Sunday!!  Sorry about that Brenda - good job it wasn't rainng  LOL!!   Brenda had made a gorgeous House Mouse christmas card and used up some beautiful snippets into the bargain.  Love the snowflake!

Irene was good and early this week too (what eagre beavers everyone is becoming .. .. must be because it is such fun to use up those snippets).  Irene made another beauty this week with her LOTV image.  Wonderful embossing and snippets .. .. and just wait until you read about the baker's twine!!  Dedication indeed Irene .. .. well done!!  But then later in the week Irene decided to return to the playground and share a make which must feature the smallest snippet of all time .. .. decided for yourself .. .. you can find it here .. .. and it is super cute. 

My playmate Sandra joined us next.  Sandra has just gained some duster brushes and put them to good use to make a really lovely card.  What a fantastic way to use up the white snippets Sandra!!  This one is definitely going on my list!!  Thank you for the inspiration.

A beautifully layered Christening card was then shown around the playground by Lynne .. .. gorgeous snippets and a fabby way to use up smaller pieces of ribbon.  Great idea Lynne.  Must remember that one!!  Loving the hearts that frequently make an appearance on Lynne's makes too!! 

Di gave us a giggle and two gorgeous snippet makes this week using one of those ever popular themes with the ladies .. .. handbags and shoes!!!  So nice to see DL cards too .. .. a great change from the squares and the easels that seem to have taken over at the moment.

The next playmate into the playground was Beryl .. .. who very kindly took me down memory lane with her snippet make.  She used some beautifully coloured Encaustic Art snippets!!  A great make although Beryl's ribbon did have a mind of its own and caused the air to turn a bit blue around her craft space .. .. thank goodness that was out Beryl's system before she got to the playground!!!  LOL!!!

Gorgeous snippets were used on the card Elizabeth shared this week .. ... and she just happened to have an image she had sitting waiting to be used that matched perfectly.  How jammy is that?  Elizabeth is resurrecting an old tradition with her make this week.  I thought that was a wonderful idea!

Next into the snippet playground was Sally.. .. who has now got her Christmas stash out and would like to share two snippet makes.  The first one is here and the second one here!!!  Woo hoo!!! I don't know about you but I always love it when the Christmas stamps etc start to get proper use .. .. it is like having a whole new world of goodies to play with.  Loving Sally's card with all the little buttons.  Great Christmassy snippet makes!!!

Hazel was my next playmate to arrive in the playground with a lovely creation that must have made a nice dent in the snippet pile as there were quite a few lovely layers.  Gorgeous snippets and a great image and sentiment. 

Hazel must love the snippet playground (well we are all a lovely friendly bunch you know) as she retuned again later in the week with another two snippet creations .. .. one you will find here and the next one here!!!  So that is three snippet makes in total .. .. what an eagre snippetier!!

The next arrival was Bernie .. .. between us we managed to show off the wrong creation last week (LOL!!!) .. .. so Bernie has linked what she really wanted to share last week, this week (does that make sense?) .  I am so pleased she did because it is far too lovely to miss.  How small are these snippets?!?!  and yet they still made a gorgeous card.  Great ribbon technique to see here too.

Tara was the next in line to share her fabby make .. .. and what a beauty it was too.  I won't spoil the fun by telling you what she created .. .. but let's just say she got extra points for using such a wide variety of snippets LOL!!  Well done Tara xx

My next playmate to arrive in the playground was Carol who created a brilliant Christmas card.  The treatment she gave her image was so realistic that she made me feel cold !!  Not sure if we should feel pleased or sorry for Carol  .. .. her children went back to school last week!!!  LOL!!!

A snippet playground newbie this week was Sarah who shared a really gorgeous card.  I love what Sarah did with her snippets .. such a great finished look.  Thanks for mentioning the cupcakes and making me peckish Sarah!!!  Tee hee!!!

Vicky was the next playmate to share a snippet creation .. .. and what a beauty if was too.  Just the thing for putting you in the mood for a holiday .. or for making you daydream of one that has perhaps passed!!!  Gorgeous colours and a fabby trick for making seagulls !!  Thanks for sharing Vicky xx

The lovely Amanda was the next to arrive with a snippet make that was so lovely.  Perfect colouring, great layout and super fabby snippets.  I managed to resist the urge to look where she bought them for at least 5 minutes!!  LOL!!!

Next to arrive in the playground was Mags who used her snippets for a spot of weaving!!  The finished look is like a lovely Christmas patchwork quilt.  Great idea Mags!!!  

A really cute share was waved around the playground next by Sylvia.  This beautiful little make could sit on my mantlepiece all Christmas and I still wouldn't want to take it down come new year!!!  It just shows how snippets can be used to make the most gorgeous projects.

Someone else getting organised for Christmas popped into the playground next .. ... my new Funky Hand playmate Katina .. .. who had been very busy making three super duper little Christmas cards.  They are just so cute and perfect for your snippets!!

Then last but by no means least was another snippet newbie Ann who came with a beautiful share.  After 33 weeks I am losing track a little now of all the lovely creations people are putting forward .. .. but I think I am right in saying that this is the first scrapbook layout to be waved around the playground.  What a lot of patience Ann showed with this layout and what a lot of snippets she used up too!!!  I hope the babysitting went well Ann!!  Hope you got lots of cuddles in!!!

So that is me for this week.

Thank you to everyone who joins me in the playground to share your lovely makes and inspiration.

I am a little bit earlier this week .. .. .. just shows how well the day is going.

Time now for me to go and get started on the Sunday lunch.  Hubby has gone to fetch our little baby boy and I am on prep duty.  I love Sunday's .. .. and cooking Sunday lunch for two hungry men!

Not so keen on the pile of ironing that is staring at me though!!

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend and I'll see you again tomorrow.



  1. gorgeous gorgeous cards and i love your two boxes of flowers...what a great idea!!

  2. Hello Jules

    Fabulous and stunning cards, I love the colours and design layout. My favourite is your gorgeous Christmas card. The small pieces of Holly paper are fab, and wow the central snowflake is fabulous especially with the added pearls.

    A brilliant idea to make flowers with small snippets.


  3. Your snippets are gorgeous Jules,I do like the lollys one just a smidge better but they are all beautiful.

    What a great idea to have flowers punched and made up ready you must have every colour combination,might have to copy that

  4. Love the snippet cards you've made Jules.

    And . . . WOW . . . great idea about the flowers.

    Hugs, Sandra

  5. Jules these are all so beautiful as are your flowers another fab idea and a great way to use up the bits! Chanelle xxx

  6. Great snippet makes, thought I would join in this week!!

  7. Beautiful snippet cards again Jules - I think the first one is my favourite this week. Love your organisation with the flowers!! Fab idea. xx

  8. They are all so gorgeous Jules...really hard to pick my fave, but I do love the ice lolly card...

    hope you are have a lovely evening....yep I'm chasing my tail too and never enough hours in a

    big hugs Vicky xx

  9. So beautiful Jules and I love reading what you write about people who join your challenge!! I love all your makes, the first one is really pretty and a great idea to use up smaller pieces of paper; then second is really fun, I've never tried paper piecing can you believe? And the third is just plain gorgeous.


    PS - Great idea with the flowers too.

  10. Beautiful cards Jules. I love them all, but the ice cream one is making me hungry.
    Nikki x

  11. Beautiful snippet makes this week, so original :)

  12. Oh I'm so glad it's not just me - I've found that my snippets aren't going down, the pieces are just getting smaller as I cut into them lol! I definitely need to start punching shapes from mine too, great idea :o)

    Love all your makes as usual, such fabulous use of your snippets! Lisa x

  13. All these are gorgeous, as ever, but I really like the ice creams one this week!
    Hugs, Alison x

  14. Great cards Jules, I really love the patchwork you made, so neat!

    and love all your flowers, too pretty!!!

  15. As always, Jules...gorgeous, gorgeous cards! I LOVE the ice cream desserts! SOOOO cute!!!

  16. Great cards this week Jules you certainly have been busy and a sneaky christmas card as well. Love the flower box idea, perfect for all those little scraps and an enjoyable way to spend some time assembling as well.

  17. stunning cards jules.your lilac colours on your 1st card are really pretty and gorgeous traditional christmas card but my fav is the yummy lollies and ice cream card. fantastic :D

    xx coops xx

  18. Hi Jules your snippets are gorgeous you just make it look so easy.... maybe l might have a go one of these weeks when the sun stops shining x Susan x

  19. oh jules, your snippets put me to shame hun!! they are all stunning.
    hugs Lou xxx

  20. Wow, some gorgeous cards, Jules! You're SO good using up your bits, I have got a box but I always forget to look!!! Sorry I haven't been around much, have been suffering with bad headaches so am trying to restrict blogging time! x

  21. Hi Jules, lovely snippet makes but the first one has got to be my fave as I just adore the colours you've used. Smashing idea for the boxes of flowers, I might try that myself. I have one card ready to enter this week's snippet challenge but hope to get another one done as well.
    Sally x

  22. Lovely, as usual! And what a great idea for using up the snippets-of-snippets - I must have a Chinese soon so I can use the containers lol!

    luv, Mags x

  23. 3 great snippets, but absolutely love the Christmas card. The first ones layout is perfect for smallers snippets - clever you.
    Look forward to seeing all thoses flowers on your cards.
    Avril x

  24. Great Inspiration from everyone! Jules your snippet cards for this week are fab!

  25. wow what beautiful samples Jules - I'll try to join in before the end of the week.
    Need to find some snippets first.
    Usually give all mine to the ladies at work. Hmmm must be more frugal and use them.
    Ann xxx

  26. Great idea about the flowers Jules! All your cards are terrific - each in its own way. The mind boggles at how you come up with all your lovely designs!

    Is it me (yup, no doubt!) - I truly can't find a heart on your Christmas card though :( Have been looking for a couple of days but am now holding my hands up and admitting to it!!

    Love, Di xx

  27. They are all fabulous Jules. Love them all and don`t think I can choose a favourite.
    Lynne xxx

  28. Stunning cards, as usual Jules, love the ribbon on the first card - unusual colour combo - but my favourite card this week is the Christmas one. I never cease to be impressed by your ingenuity in using up your snippets and, what about the others ... their cards are gorgeous too. This week, so far, I've been able to stick to my resolve to use the leftovers from whatever I've been working on ... this week a scrap layout. So I may not be making much impact on the snippet mountain but at least it's not getting any bigger :) Elizabeth x

  29. Love your mix and match flowers! Love your snippet cards. Amazing! Really love the purple one with the sort of patch work features. Hugs, Lesley

  30. ooooooooooooooooh this snippet idea is getting addictive. I made a card and then thought hang on I can use the snippets to make a tag!
    My babysitting was just brilliant - didn't get much sleep as when quiet I watched him and when he made a sound I watched - maybe next time I will be relaxed.
    Your snippet cards are really fabulous - totally inspired by them.
    Ann xxx

  31. Hi Jules, that's me back with another card ... a Christmas one this time, but using up some DP that isn't particularly Christmassy. If I carry on like this I won't have any snippets left :) Elizabeth x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx