Sunday 28 August 2011


Hi Everyone

Snippet Sunday here ahead of a lovely Bank Holiday Monday tomorrow .. .. just as well you have an extra day as you might need it to get through today's post!!  You might want to split it across two days!!  LOL!!

Firstly though before I head off into snippet territory I would like to apologise for my lack of visiting over the last few days.  Life if very hectic here in the House of Hearts at the moment with a few exciting developments on the horizon .. .. but sadly things on the commenting front aren't likely to improve until next weekend!  I am needing every minute I can get at the moment .. .. but it will calm down.

At this stage it is just the pain before the gain!!

I haven't forgotten about you all .. ... I promise .. .. and I will catch up with you all eventually!!

Anyway, round to my snippets (which I made bright and early this morning).  Thankfully my sewing machine didn't wake my lovely hubby up!!  He probably couldn't hear it above his snoring  LOL!!!

.. .. and now time for the snippet register.  Just look how many lovely playmates I had this week:

First past the post, nice and early, was a newbie snippetier who has been peeping through the playground railings wondering whether to come and play or not.  Thankfully this week she decided to "go for it" and so we have a lovely first sharing from Catherine who confesses that she (like lots of us) has a mini mountain of snippets to get through.  The lovely thank you card that Catherine has posted has made a start on using them though and every little helps!!

Not very far behind Catherine was Brenda who after battling through clearing up the aftermath of a party the night previous, decided to shut herself away in her craftroom for a bit of peace and quiet and battle through clearing up some of her lovely snippets instead.  What a good job Brenda did too .. she brought a lovely share into the playground.

Next to the playground was the lovely Mandy who was carrying a lovely shaped card which was just perfect for using up some of those strips of paper we all get left with.  I love the card base and the gorgeous colours Mandy worked with .. .. but Mandy had so much fun she returned later with another creation which you will find here .. .. more gorgeous snippets and bling to boot!!

The next playmate to make her way to the playground and share her snippet make was Tammy who made a really bright and beautiful Christmas card.  Non-traditional colours and very effective.

Then a fairly new recruit who has caught the snippet bug was Sarah who played along twice this week.  Firstly with her gorgeous cupcakes here (and a fabby felt flower!!) and then secondly with a trio of loveliness here.  How lucky Sarah's daughter is to have such a creative Mum!!

Lynne was next to the playground with a gorgeous card that was so bright and summery.  I am loving the gorgeous colours, flowers and ribbon detail .. .. just beautiful!!  I hope life is calming down a bit for you now Lynne xx

Di was next on the scene with a super House Mouse make.  Great use of those snippets Di  .. .. .. and if you take time to read the whole of Di's post you will also notice that she bestowed an award on me .. .. for being to blame for spending her crafty pennies!! 

Well all I can say to that is just watch this space and wait and see what I have up my sleeve .. .. I might be in for a few more awards of this nature LOL!!!!  Can't spill any beans until the 5th September but there is a lot of excitment in the House of Hearts about this development!!
My lovely buddy Sally was next in line with her snippet make  Her creation was so lovely .. beautiful pastel colours arranged so perfectly and a fabby flower punch too.  Love it!!

Elizabeth has been working so hard with her snippets that she is in danger of running out of them!!!  I somehow don't think I will ever be able to say that LOL!!!  Lots of lovely creations from Elizabeth this week .. .. two super cute ones that you will find here and a great card for a Christmas birthday here.

Debs was another lovely playmate who called along twice this week.  Her first lovely creation you will find here and the second one here.  I am loving the dinky tiny tags that Debs has used on her projects .. .. they look so sweet!! 

Irene called by next with such a lovely delicate snippet make.  Loving the finished look of this very much .. .. I would love all the goodies for making this to be in my snippet box that's for sure!!!!

The next snippetier to arrive in the playground was Sandra who has introduced me to Rudolph Day.  Apparently Rudolph Day falls on the 25th of each month and on this day you try to post a Christmas card on your blog and then add the finished card to your Christmas card pile to try and reduce the pressure come the manic season.  Sandra did a lovely job of using up her snippets on her Rudolph Day creation!  I feel certain those orange snippets must "nearly" be used up by now Sandra LOL!!!

Jenny called by with a beautiful Christmas card made with her snippets.  She called it a clean and simple Christmas card .. .. but it looks fantastic.  See for yourself.  I love the wreath very much!

Jenny was very quickly followed by Tara who used her snippets to make a lovely acceptance card.  Loving the hearts on this but also the gorgeous vellum frame.. ... such a romantic look which Tara is planning to carry through onto a wedding card for the happy couple.  How special that will be!!!

The next lovely snippet creation came from Carol.  Lots of lovely snippets got the chance to shine here .. .. such gorgeous papers and colours!!  I hope you had a good time meeting up with your blog buddy Carol!!

Ann is the latest playmate to admit to becoming addicted to using up her snippets LOL!!  Fabby colours and great embossing on show here!!!  Not only has Ann made a gorgeous card she made a sweet little tag to go alongside too.  Perhaps I should put some Christmas tags on my snippet make list too .. .. along with all the other inspirational ideas you lovely ladies are providing!! 

A newbie arrived in the snippet playground next in the shape of the lovely Susan who was excitedly waving her first snippet make .. .. and lovely it was too.  A really great sentiment used as the main feature of the card .. .. accompanied by snowflakes.  Gorgeous colourway too.  I hope you had fun in the playground Susan!!

Then last but not least this week was the lovely Amanda who shared the most gorgeous twisted easel card .. .. and also had me singing away!!  LOL!!  Amanda did what quite a few folk seem to be doing now and used up some of her snippets before they even made their way to the drawer!!! 

Oh aren't we all getting into good habits!!! Well in this department anyway!!  LOL!!!

I do hope you have had fun looking at all of the inspiration my lovely playmates have provided this week .. .. thank you ladies xx

So that is me for today.

I am now off to spend the rest of the day taking photographs of  my wedding stationery and organising them into files.  One of the big jobs on my "do list" is working on having a new website built and if I want it finished for the 3rd October .. .. which is when our next wedding fayre is .. .. then I have to pull my finger out big time.  Hence the reason I may not be visiting much at all this week.  I will try to schedule a share each day but am unlikely to do any visting until the weekend (apart from my snippet entries of course).  Sorry :-(

I have a first meeting on Friday evening with the lady who is going to build my website for me, and I have lots to prepare in readiness!!  I want it all to go as smoothly as possible so have questions and notes galore!!  Tee hee!!  She will wonder what's hit her!! 

The idea is that I am going to be able to add my own photographs and text (after a bit of training!).

Thankfully I am off cooking duties today .. .. we are having a Chinese so I can focus all my attention on the job in hand.

Have a good rest of Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday.



  1. Oh my goodness Jules I can't believe I'm first. Your sample cards today are stunning as always.
    Ann xxx

  2. Wow Jules a stunning set of cards I love them all, they are gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxx

  3. Hi Jules, have you met yourself coming back yet, lol!!! Busy, busy, busy!! Have had a productive day myself but chickened out with the sewing machine again. Definitely tomorrow though!

    Gorgeous makes today. I can't pick a favourite but I really NEED that wreath stamp!!! If you get a minute (ha, ha!!) can you tell me where it's from?

    Speak soon xxx

  4. 3 gorgeous cards, good luck with the meeting about the website xx

  5. Three gorgeous snippets Jules I must say I am leaning towards the first one.
    Good luck with the new web

  6. Gorgeous makes Jules....and I hope the website is sorted soon for you hun....just so exciting :o)

    biggest of hugs Vicky xx

  7. Gorgeous cards Jules :o) Love them all (as always!) but especially love the fab design on your 2nd one, such a great male card. Good luck getting the website and everything else sorted! Lisa x

  8. Love the cards, Jules! The vellum on the first one reminds me of reflections on the water-beautiful. The blues on the second are so serene--love! And the wreath on the third is just gorgeous!

  9. Fab snippet cards Jules - AND a Christmas card too! Congrats.

    Just off to see what my other playmates have been up to.

    Hugs, Sandra x

  10. Gorgeous snippets Jules, love the blue one, what a really fab design. Oh! my you are a busy bee hun, really chuffed for you with the new website, you must be so excited. Well done you, way to go girl. :o)

    Donna x

  11. Fabulous snippet makes Jules, and another Christmas one, really must start making some Christmas cards. Thank you for including me in the weekly lineup.

  12. Lovely snippet cards Jules, sorry I never managed last week. Hope to join in again this week
    Beryl x

  13. fabulous snippet cards jules.beautiful colours on your 1st card and fab image on your 3rd fav is your 2nd,the blue squares and stars are really striking ;D

    xx coops xx

  14. Hi Jules, I wondered where you'd been but now I understand why your House of Hearts gets soooo busy. I miss your comments but will be patient to hear from you, as I understand that your wedding work gets first priority. Good luck with the new website, that is something I would like to have but sadly can't afford at the mo. Love your snippet makes this week, they are all so so nice but I think the third one does it for me, great design & colours.
    Take care & be good.
    Sally x
    ps. I'll try to pop in the playground with a snippet card or two later in the week. x

  15. Three great snippets this week, but I love your Christams card. Gorgeous.
    Avril xx

  16. lovely snippet makes Jules, so loving seeing them each week!

    Way to go!

  17. I love your snippet makes, I always learn a lot from seeing what you've done. I love how you describe the Playground, too, it makes me smile! :-)

    luv, Mags x

  18. More fabulous cards Jules! Good Luck with your new website.

  19. Back again, made it this week
    Beryl x

  20. Fab snippet makes Jules and that wreath stamp is just gorgeous :)
    Love the blue squares too...great inking.
    Playing catch up still and will hop around the other snippettes tomorrow :)
    Jenny x

  21. Love them all Jules...and I found the hearts too without leaving a nose print on the screen here! Good luck with the website, I'm sure it will be terrific. Love, Di xx

  22. Gorgeous cards Jules, all of them. I think I might have some of those papers lol. Good luck with the web site.
    Lynne xxx

  23. Gorgeous - I love that wreath stamp too. That card took a full cup of tea to find the heart too ;-) very sneaky one that was lol!!
    Tara x

  24. Hi Jules, it's taken me a bit longer this week, been busy making other non-snippet makes, but went through my bits of embossing box ... yes, I even keep my practice pieces, just in case ... and came up with another Christmas card. There's only 115 days to Christmas, and if you are a salaried worker there's only 3 pay days till C Day - now that's quite a thought. Elizabeth x

  25. Not sure why but I posted my cards here and a comment earlier but neither card nor my comment seems to be here now. Strange. Anyway your cards are amazing as are all the other playmates. So many talented ladies and much inspiration. Every week my head spins with ideas.
    Blessings Bernie

  26. Fabulous snippet makes this week Jules, love them. Carol x

  27. whoops completely forget to link my butterfly one..added now!

  28. Fabby makes and I just LOVE your red and black wreath with these pretty papers. Hugs, Lesley


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx