Sunday 16 October 2011


Hi Everyone

Well .. .. Sunday Snippets seem to have followed the same theme as the whole of last week .. .. I'm late!!!  Tut tut!!!

But with a very good reason which I will share later. 

But for now here are my snippet makes of the day

So why am I so late?

Well when big baby boy and his wife were visiting last week I asked if would be possible for me to "borrow" their spare camera to see if the picture it took would be better for my website than what I am currently using.

They very kindly brought it with them and today was my first chance to have a play.  (Thank you kiddie winks .. .. I will make you an extra pancake next time I see you LOL!!).

So these pictures are done by simply pointing and clicking.  I was advised to put the camera on a tripod .. .. but I have put that somewhere safe!!!  I think I need to get that found during the course of this week and I might be brave and have a play with the numerous buttons and settings!!!

First impressions I think the pictures look much better.

So round now to my lovely snippet  creations from my playmates last week .. .. .. and gosh what a lovely collection of shares!!

First to the playground was the lovely and hyperactive Hazel.  I think she might have had a few extra "E" numbers this week as Hazel has broken the snippet playground world record and visited the playground a whole EIGHT times!!!  So much lovely inspiration and you will find it all here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here!!  Well done Hazel.  Your snippets have clearly taken a good battering this week and your stocks simply "must" be reduced!!!

Not only is Hazel sharing a brilliant array of cards but she has also been covering notebooks with her snippets.  Make sure you have a good click around them all.  They are lovely!

Lynne was the next playmate to arrive and she shared a lovely card which you will find here.  Gorgeous colour combo and snippets!!

Lynne was closely followed by Irene who had made a gorgeous card with her snippets.  Again lovely colours and also a fantastic sentiment stamp.  When you look closely you actually appreciate just how many layers and snippets were used .. .. really lovely Irene. 

Debbie was next to share a lovely Christmas card .. . .which carried a lovely touch of tartan.  I don't know why but I always think tartan looks so lovely .. especially on Christmas cards.  Super cute image too!!

One of my Funky Hand playmates .. .. Jackie .. .. was the next to share a lovely array of snippet makes.  I know from pictures previously posted on Jackie's blog that she has a mountain of snippets (just as I have) .. .. it is probably something to do with the fact that we both make cards and wedding stationery full-time .. .. it is surprising how many you make!!  Anyway, Jackie shared four gorgeous makes which you will find here.

My next playmate was my lovely DIL Cat.  Who whilst visiting last weekend dived into my snippet drawer and very kindly used up a few of them for me .. .. as well as pinching a few images too LOL!!  Isn't it lovely to share!!!    Lovely stash Cat .. .. couldn't have chosen better myself LOL!!!

Sandra then called by the playground with a lovely card that has such a cute Penny Black image.  I would say it is one of my favourites .. .. but then I say that about them all!!  LOL!!!  I love how Sandra adds the little rectangles and flowers to her cards.  I think they look so cute .. .. and use up the smallest of snippets!!

Catherine then made an appearance carrying a card in each hand.  You will find one here and the other one here.  Both of Catherine's cards are gorgeous but the last one is my favourite.  I just love the colour combo and all the swirls and flowers! 

Di called by next with a lovely stepper card.  Not a card I have ever made .. .. but I can see it has great potential for using up lots of snippets.  Might have to give one of these a try!!  I am always about 6 months behind everyone else LOL!!!

Trick or treats made an appearance next .. .. but don't be frightened .. .. Sarah's post is definitely a treat!!!  Not only is Sarah sharing her lovely mini Halloween milk cartons .. she is also providing a lovely link so that you can make your own.  Thanks for that Sarah!!  Just perfect for snippets!!

Two lovely makes next from Elizabeth.  You will find one here and the other one here.  Both are gorgeous and I just can't choose a favourite because they are both stunning in their own right.  I think a mini mountain of snippets must have been used on these two!!  Great shares Elizabeth.

Along to the playground then came Mandy .. .. who brought with her a lovely butterfly card which you will find here.  Gorgeous colours and fabby use of snippets.  Love the touch of sparkle too!

A super cute Christmas card next from Sally .. .. which had me pondering on what song the little robins were singing.  Not sure if I guessed right .. .. but I was singing my guess for at least an hour afterwards!!  LOL!!! 

Next to share their creation in the playground was Lynn .. ... and what a lovely share it was.  I feel certain that we will all be trying to replicate the gorgeous bear that Lynn has created out of circles.  I love it!!!!  Thanks for sharing with us all Lynn.

Then last but by no means least was Mags who came along to share a lovely engagement card.  Lovely colours and such a sweet ribbon and flower embellishment.

For me it is now time to finish off the veg for our evening meal and then the ironing board is calling!!!  Boring!!!!!

I'll see you again tomorrow morning bright and early with my next Happy Handy Hippo make. 

Have a lovely evening.



  1. Lovely makes Jules, just adore that Christmas card though, might have to steal that idea for myself too! It's nice to be back in the playground, it's been a while!


  2. gorgeous gorgeous makes as per usual, i don't know how you do it x

  3. Great snippet makes Jules, particularly like the Christmas card. Managed to raid the snippet box today before I go away for a few days. Carol x

  4. Love your cards today (fab news at trying out the camera). As for my offcuts box - I used lots of snippets last week - and am still trying to - but the mountain doesn't seem to go down! It might be because I've also been snipping into new papers too! x

  5. Hi Jules, beautiful snippet makes as always. The Christmas one is my favourite tonight. Your photos always look gorgeous to me but I can see difference tonight. Not sure how to describe it 'though. Perfect anyway! xx

  6. Great snippets Jules. My favourite is the chandelier(not sure if this is how you spell it)Gorgeous makes busy lady.Love Debbie x

  7. They are all so gorgeous Jules....but I do so love the first one hun...

    enjoy the ironing.....yuck...!

    big hugs Vicky xx

  8. Wonderful cards. I think my favourite is the one with the chandelier - very elegant.
    Nikki x

  9. Gorgeous cards as always Jules. Love the Christmas one, the holly paper is so pretty. Fab pics too.

    Donna x

  10. Three gorgeous creations Jules,I really cannot pick a favorite one all stunning.Hope you have had a good

  11. gorgeous cards, Jules! I've actually managed to join in this week, and on a Sunday too! You wouldn't believe the piecing together that my card needed!

  12. Wonderful cards Jules, I promise to try and make a card for your challenge this week.
    Beryl x

  13. Dear Jules,
    I Just arrived at you blog. Oh my, do I love your art and creative mind! I'll be watching this blog closely, thank you for giving us so much of your time and mind. You make so wonderful and lovely works! I enjoyed the visit on your site. Many thanks for your beautiful inspirations!!
    Many warm Hugs from Marina from Germany
    I invited you gently to visit my creative Website:

  14. Hi Jules, these are fabulous as always, I think the daisy is my fave!
    Helen x

  15. These are all absolutely beautiful Jules the designs and embellishments are wonderful.
    Lorraine x

  16. Thanks for encouraging me to use my scraps again this week, still not sure they are going down at all. Does this mean I've made a lot of cards with nothing? lol
    I love your cards Jules, especially the first one. x

  17. All gorgeous Jules - the photos look great too but I think your photos are always good. I like the third card the best as I love the sentiment pun on delightful ;-)
    Have a good week.
    Tara x

  18. Hi Jules
    Three gorgeous cards love them all....
    Hugs sylvie

  19. Beautiful cards as always - I know it must be me but I can't see a heart on the chandelier one :( Can't pick a favourite - they're all perfect! Di xx

  20. fantastic snippet makes jules.all so elegant and classy.i really love your christmas card though, so stylish :D

    xx coops xx

  21. Fantastic snippets this week Jules. I love the Pink and Black Chandelier card.


  22. I hope I've done it properly this time! I'm such a numpty when it comes to computers!! x

  23. Hi Jules, here's the first of my snippet makes for this week - hopefully not my last, although I have got a couple of lovely new 6x6 pads that are soooo tempting. Love all your cards as usual but, if I had to choose, my favourite it the middle one ... it's the snowflakes that I like so much. Elizabeth x

  24. Wow Jules these are absolutely fantastic! Didn't have time to comment but I did run thru the playground having a quick look at all the lovelies everyone had to share. Such inspirtation!
    Blessings Bernie

  25. Gorgeous, gorgeous cards again Jules. Once more I can`t choose a favourite, they are all beautiful.
    Lynne xxx

  26. Hi!
    This is my first time on one of your challenges! I like your work it is lovely!

  27. Hi Jules, used up a few more snippets today but, as it's a gold card that I like using, I'll be getting more so rather defeats the purpose. However, the snippet mountain is reduced if only temporarily :) Elizabeth x

  28. Super cards Jules, as I said earlier :) And, I was right about that sneaky little heart too - what a tease. Just made it into the playground this week, by a whisker! Have a great weekend. Love, Di xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx