Sunday 13 November 2011


Hi Everyone

A "less hectic" week this week in the House of Hearts as I haven't needed to prepare for a wedding fayre .. .. .. but I have been making samples for some of the lovely bride and grooms I met!!!

To think that this time last week were actually at the fayre!!  It was a wonderful day and the shabby chic table plan went down really well.

But I also need to pull my finger out and get cracking on with more Christmas makes so with this in mind my snippet makes this week just had to all be Christmas creations LOL!!!

In fact my blog is probably going to be all Christmas for a week or two now!!

Anyway, here are my Christmas snippet makes:

So those are my makes which means it is now time to call the snippet register and introudice you to all of my lovely playmates for this week.

You may remember that last week Sarah wanted to know what she could be doing with all the white offcuts she gets after making a 6 x 6 card blank.

Well Lisa was the first to the playground and she showcased what she does (and is planning to do more of) with her white snippets here.  Brilliant idea Lisa .. .. I dread to think how many cards I could make like this out of my white snippet mountain .. .. but I won't count .. .. I will just get on and make them and then see you in about 3 years time!!!  LOL!!!  (Only joking)

Actually my middle card this week was made only with white snippets. 

Someone else who uses a lot of white snippets and who inspired me to make at least one card this week with my white snippets was Irene .. .. .. and Irene has been super good this week and used up lots of snippets (including the white ones) and you can see all of her lovely creations here, here and here.  I just love the flowers and embellishments Irene makes.  They always look so delicate.  Beautiful!!

Next to the playground was Beryl with her lovely snowman Christmas card.  Beryl sounds super organised in that it reads as though she has a box dedicated to her Christmas snippets.  Now that's a good idea!!  I could rummage through a smaller mountain of snippets then .. .. mmmm..  Might start removing Christmas ones as I go along .. .. thanks for that Beryl.

Now the next person to share their snippet make was Carol who I think has to take the prize for using the oldest snippet ever on her lovely Christmas creation.  She used some lace and ribbon from off a dress that she made at school some 34 years ago?!?!?  I am well impressed Carol.  I don't think I would ever be able to beat that!

The next playmate to appear was Karen .. .. who was very hyperactive on the snippet front .. .. and not only did Karen make lots of lovely creations she managed them with one sheet of paper!!  You can find a vast array of creations from Karen's one sheet of paper here, here and here.  In fact I think there are 13 different makes .. .. all from one sheet of orange gingham!!  Well done Karen!

Hazel called by the snippet playground a couple of times this week too .. .. and not with cards in her hands either.  Hazel is always far more inventive with her snippets than I am that's for sure.  You can see her lovely makes here and here.

My lovely Funky Hand playmate Jackie was next to the playground carrying a lovely pile of Christmas cards .. .. in fact 4 of the lovely beauties.  You can see them all here .. .. what gorgeous snippet you have Jackie (or should I say had LOL!!!).

The next visitor to the playground this week was Elizabeth who released a massive post onto her blog .. .. some of the post contained snippet makes (as in the owl card and a penguin card) but also lots of other lovely inspiration too.  Elizabeth is working her way through the Christmas alphabet .. .. I wonder if snowy snippets will be acceptable for the letter "S" LOL!!!

Lovely pink and girly snippets were on show next from Mags .. .. such a lovely finished look .. .. and I must admit I am surprised that Mags even had time to take part reading about all the dirty washing that suddenly made an appearance for her :-(

Then last but by no means least for this week was Mandy who shared a card featuring loads and loads and loads of hearts!!  LOL!!  Love the gorgeous tree and the heart doily.  Thanks for sharing the love Mandy!!

So that is me for this week.

I am back tomorrow with my next Happy Handy Hippo creation .. .. and a quick reminder that we are in the last few hours for entering the Handy Hippo Prize draw here.  Lots of Christmas goodies on offer for one very lucky winner.

Have a great evening everyone.



  1. Gorgeous snippet makes Jules. I love the button tree one. Sorry I'd didn't make it to the playground this week, more crimbo makes all week.
    Sally x

  2. Such beautiful cards again Jules! The button tree is fabulous and your choice of papers for the snowflake one are just perfect.

  3. Ooooh, that button tree is SO cute!! And I love the reindeer too! Beautiful cards, all!

  4. Fab Christmas cards Jules!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  5. Absolutely gorgeous cards again this week Jules. Love them all, especially the middle one. Sorry I haven`t joined in for a couple of weeks,life has been a bit hectic. I have missed my weekly snippet fix.
    Lynne xxx

  6. All so gorgeous Jules...I do love the last one tho'..

    big hugs Vicky xx

  7. Gorgeous snippets Jules as

  8. Hi Jules, all 3 snippet makes are gorgeous. I love the reindeer one the best. Is the reindeer from a cutting die or Cricut cartridge? It looks so elegant and the colour combo works a treat. Hugs, Pauline x

  9. All three cards are marvellous but I particularly like the blue one.

  10. Amazing cards this week Jules, really must get back into this......

  11. Hi Jules, fab Christmas cards - love the tatty button tree one in particular, the design papers are a treat, but the other two are gorgeous too. Dash, I never thought of snowy snippets for my S card, as you will see in my last post I chose S for Silhouette :) I think you'll like my T card though, it's made with some snowy snippets. Elizabeth x

  12. All three are gorgeous Jules, I think the blue one is my fave. Love all the pretty snowflakes.

    Donna x

  13. Hey Jules, absolutely loving your christmas cards, I adore the button christmas tree, what stamp is that?

    Love the reindeer too!

  14. Wonderful snippet makes Jules, love that button Christmas tree
    Beryl x

  15. Oo - three gorgeous makes Jules. I can't pick a favourite because I love them all! Very pleased to be joining in with you this week. x

  16. Hi Jules - just playing catch up - beautiful cards over the last couple of weeks. As l still have a bit of time before the Christmas fayre would you mind if l did something similar to your blue snowflake card - l need to do quick to make cards, take care x Susan x

  17. Hi Jules, just posted a snippet make - the letter T card in the Alpha series - I raided my white card snippets for this one with just a touch of colour thrown in :) Elizabeth x

  18. Gorgeous snippet makes as always Jules. I think we are all swinging into Xmas mode now, the weeks are flying by aren't they.
    I'm so glad your Fayre went well. Good Luck with all the samples.
    Hugs Lisax

  19. all so stunning your fantastic designs and really love your 1st card, the buttons on the tree are fab :D

    xx coops xx

  20. Amazing snippet makes again this week Jules...I just love the snowflake card, those Pink Petticoat sentiments are so usable :)
    Jenny x

  21. Gorgeous Christmas card Jules, my favourite is the button one, but they are all fab.


  22. Fabulous selection of cards as always Jules! Love the second one, the colour is gorgeous and so is that snowflake!
    Helen x

  23. Late this week! Soz Miss xxx

  24. Love you Christmas makes here Jules. FABBY! xxx

  25. Fabulous cards as always Jules! I managed to make a card and tag this week. Sarah x

  26. fab snippit collection!!! Love the added buttons to your tree!!! Hugs Juls

  27. Hi Jules

    I think I must have had a senior moment, thanks for letting me know. I've replaced my link.


  28. Evening Jules - another snippet card for you to look at. Haven't a clue where all the snippets come from - do you think they could be breeding in a dark corner of the craft space :) It does mean that I've a couple of more snippet cards done - just need to find time to post them. Elizabeth x

  29. Hi Jules, yes, it's me again with another card in the alphabet series - another vintage style using up more bits and bobs of card, etc. Event the embellishments are all just little leftovers from other projects needing a good home :) Elizabeth x

  30. Beautiful makes, just love that button tree.


  31. Gorgeous Jules! I esp. love the button tree but they're all super. Laughed at my chum Sandra saying 'Soz Miss' for being late.........same here, but at least I'm back this week, I missed the playground :)) Love, Di xx

  32. Hi Jules, yes, another snippet card for your perusal :) I'm seriously getting nowhere with the snippet mountain - they have found a way to multiply in my absence I suspect. Elizabeth x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx