Sunday 20 November 2011


Hi Everyone

Happy Sunday!!!

I hope you are having a nice relaxing day .. .. and if not then I hope it calms down soon!!!

Time to share my crafty snippet makes for the day.  Once again they are Christmas makes as I am doing a late night Christmas shopping evening on Friday and still need some more creations to bulk my stand up a bit.

I will be doing the night with my lovely Sis .. .. but she didn't tell me we have to dress up as backstreet Victorian women until "after" I have agreed to do it!!!!  Thanks for that Sis!!  Mwah!!!

So the remainder of this week are likely to be Christmas shares too!!

Anyway, here are today's makes .. ..

Looks like I need to get some stray glitter brushed off this one!!!!

and now round to the snippet register for last week .. ..

My first lovely playmate was Lynne who shared a lovely Christmas card using one of my all time favourite Christmas backing paper packs.  I have never seen a bad card made with these papers .. .. they are gorgeous.

Louise was the next to arrive in the snippet playground .. and she used a mini mountain of snippet on her creation.  All pieced together in such a lovely way with lots of lovely embellishments.

My next playmate was the very hyperactive Elizabeth who make so many creations this week it is unbelievable .. .. and yet she still tells me her snippets are not reducing!!  (Tell me about it!!)  I am sure Elizabeth's must have reduced a little though looking at all her lovely creations here, here, here and here!!!  Bearing in mind Elizabeth always decorated her cards front, back and inbetween then I am sure she must have made at least a dent!!! 

Irene has also been very busily running around the snippet playground too sharing all her lovely makes.  You can see them here, here and here.  I feel certain that Irene must be getting somewhere .. .. especially with her white snippets!!

A beautiful Christmas card was brought to the playground next by Andria .. .. such lovely snippets on this one!!  Lots of lovely layers and embellishments.

Two gorgeous makes next were shared by Ann .. .. this one and another snippet make here!!  How great are these!!  Especially the cute little label!!  Perhaps I should just sit and 4 million these and then I might not have so many snippets!!!  LOL!!!

Another fabulous share next from Tammy who always manages to incorporate such great shapes and colours into her work.  Love the touch of sparkle too!!!

Next up was Katina with her snippet share .. and such a good idea too.  I really do" need to make some of these!!  They are fabulous.  I think we will all be having a go at these over the next week or so!!  Thanks for the inspiration Katina and for linking us all to the template!!

A beautiful colour combo was on show next from the lovely Sandra .. .. two great shares on this post .. .. but I love the use of snippet letters!  A great finished look!

Sarah was the next to share in the playground and brought with her two lovely makes that she put together using a fabby spellbinders die that has only just seen the light of day!!  I think after making creations this beautiful the dies won't be being put away for a little while yet!!

The lovely Sally then called by with a fabulous Christmas card for us all to look at.  Lots of lovely layers and snippets used up on this special personalised creation.

A bright and beautiful creation was shared next by Brenda .. .. gorgeous snippets used alongside a fabby Penny Black stamp!!  What could be better!!!

Di rushed back from her holidays to share her lovely snippet make this week .. .. a what a beauty is was too.  I think Di has to get the award for having the most patience when working with stickles!!!!

Then my last playmate for this week was Mandy .. . who used loads of scrummy snippet on her creation here.  I am always a soft touch for backing papers with any kind of writing on it!!

So that is everyone for this week.  Thank you so much for keeping me company ladies and bringing so much inspiration to the playground.

Have a lovely evening and I will catch you again tomorrow .. .. bright and early .. .. with my Happy Handy Hippo make for this week.

Edited to say:  I have had a few emails about the sentiments I have used.  They came free with a download from Pink Petticoat.  You can find them here and thank you to Brenda B .. .. it does help if you actually add Mr Linky if you want people to keep you company LOL!!!



  1. Ooh Jules they are all gorgeous....but my fave is the heart one....stunning work hun...!

    have a lovely evening...hugs Vicky xx

  2. Stunning cards Jules, the top one is my fave, those trees are gorgeous. Joey x

  3. These are such gorgeous cards, tell me PLEASE where do you get the sentiments from??? Love them...x

  4. Stunning makes Jules!!! The second one is wonderful! You have the most fabulous ideas. Lol, have you got your outfit ready?

  5. Great cards, Jules! I love the tiny trees in the first, and how you stitched that gorgeous heart in the second! The sparkle on the third is so beautifully icy!

  6. Three simply stunning snippets Jules,I have to say the heart one is my favourite,good luck on Friday, you must post a pic of yourself dressed in Victorian

  7. I can't see a Mr Linky so here's my snippet card. Beautiful makes Jules, tell me please, how do you edge with glitter so beautifully? You must have an amazingly steady hand! Oh, and you must post a picture of you and your sister dressed up!!


  8. Beautiful cards jules ,love them all x

  9. Omg jules you have been super busy with gorgeous creations again! i bet they fly off the table hun at your christmas evening.
    huge hugs Lou xxx

  10. Your Sunday Snippets posts are so good! Here are 3 more gorgeous cards! My fave, by a teeny-tiny smidgen, is the first - love those trees!

    Oh, yes, please post a pic of you and your sis in Victorian dress!! (If both of you don't mind, of course!) Have a great week!

    love, Mags x

  11. Three beautiful cards Jules. x

  12. Beautiful cards especially the blue one.

  13. Such lovely snippet makes again Jules. It's just too hard to pick a favourite but I do love the heart one with all the stitching. The trees card is very elegant and the frosty colours on card number three strike just the right note! Loving the sentiments too. Good luck with the costume on Friday! x

  14. Lovely the Tis the Season to be Jolly....great way to inspire us crafters....
    Kerry X.

  15. Fantastic cards. The heart one is my favourite.
    Nikki x

  16. Absolutely gorgeous set of cards them all!!
    hugs and xxx

  17. Beautiful cards, Jules! I might have to invest in those sentiments - they are rather gorgeous!

  18. fabulous cards, loving the stitching on the heart x

  19. Ooh Jules, I love that second card! Simply stunning and the others are gorgeous too!
    Helen x

  20. Fabulous cards as always, Jules. I really love your style x

  21. Wow Jules these are all so stunning, love the different papers and stitching on the heart card and the last one is really elegant. Have fun with your sis .. I'm off for my nightie sleep now :) Hugs xxx

  22. Hi Jules, as always your wonderful snippet creations amaze me. I love the blue one, a gorgeous sentiment and very pretty sparkles.

    Donna x

  23. Lovely cards again Jules - all hearts spotted and accounted for. Love the tiny embossed heart on the blue card ... which may just be my fave this week, although the others are equally gorgeous. The patchwork heart is another great idea. I'm concentrating on making presents in the next week or five so may be creating yet more snippets ... I think this is one war I'm not going to win :) Elizabeth x

  24. Hi Jules, fabulous cards - I think the heart one is my favourite but it's so hard to choose. And yes, do post a piccie of you and your sis in Victorian dress please :) Love, Di xx

  25. Wow! these are awesome Jules. Really love the designs! All so different, so can't choose a favourite!! I love them all !!! I think I have those Pink Petticoat Sentiments - I'm a bit addicted to PP. LOL
    Hope you have a good Monday!
    Hugs Sue xx

  26. Gorgeous cards Jules!

    Backstreet victorian women??? So kinda Moulin Rougey? lol! I'd LOVE to see you do that girl!!!

  27. Love your snippet makes today, Jules. I was miffed I couldn't join in last week because of the decorating, but hope to be back to normal (whatever that is - lol!) this week x

  28. Oh Jules THANK YOU SO MUCH . . . you are a great inspiration . . . I have that stamp set for the first card you've shown, and have not been happy with anything I've made with it. PAPER PIECING is clearly the answer! You've made a beautiful card using it.

    Love all the other cards you've made too, and the sentiments are gorgeous.

    Big Hugs, Sandra xxx

  29. Gorgeous cards Jules - I love them all - you've sparked ideas for cards for my three nieces - thank you. Would love to see pics of you and your sis in 'drag!' good luck with your venture.

  30. Gorgeous, gorgeous cards as always Jules - and I'm keen to see the pic of you dressed up as the backstreet Victorian ladies too! Vx

  31. fantastic cards jules.your designs are really classy and elegant.
    we all want to see pics of you and your sis as victorian backstreet ladies ;D

    xx coops xx

  32. I'm in love with all three of these Jules...especially the patchwork heart heart!
    A long black dress, blouse and bonnet should do it...could be worse...could have been a snowman suit!!! Lol.
    Jenny x

  33. Brilliant cards Jules, my favourite is the heart one. Can we see a piccy of yourself pretty please ????


  34. Very Very stylish cards, love those sentiments they are gorgeous.

  35. Fabulous snippet cards Jules. I think the patchwork heart is my favourite by a whisker.

    Lesley Xx

  36. Fabulous snippet use this week - the big heart is adorable!
    Tara x

  37. Hi Jules, sorry to be late but I really thought I'd left a comment already. I love all of the cards, they are soooo classy with the swirly sentiments. Smashing.
    Sally x

  38. Late in getting to the snippet playground this week, but have just added a card. x

  39. Stunning cards Jules, really lovely x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx