Thursday 29 December 2011


Hi Everyone

What a miserable day weather wise .. .. but what a fabulous day for being snuggled indoors with your crafting goodies!! 

Another day spent on wedding work today and then a quick play this evening .. .. it seems really weird not dipping into my Christmas stamp drawer .. .. though I have vowed to make Christmas makes all year this year.  (Just like lots of other folk no doubt LOL!!).

Anyway, here is tonight's make

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "2070K" Frequent Flyer
Sentiment:  Penny Black "Critter Party" clear stamp set
Backing Paper:  Raspberry Road (half price sale at the moment !!)
Martha Stewart Edge Punch:  Daisy
Leone Em Pty Punch:  Ash Branch
Woodware Punches:  Flowers
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Crystal Stickles
Ribbons from the Stash Box
White Gel Pen

I hope everyone is still managing a bit of "chill time" though I know quite a few folk that are already back to work :-(

Is everyone else like me and having to work out what day of the week it is?  LOL!!!

Catch you again tomorrow and don't forget the Handy Hippo Promarker giveaway here. 



  1. So gorgeous Jules...! love the image and the pretty colour combo too hun...and yes I'm back at work :o(

    big hugs Vicky xx

  2. Ooo i'm loving those gorgeous colours and layout, Luv Sam x

  3. This is just gorgeous

  4. Aw Jules, wonderful - I love it. Great images and as always, your colours and the papers are absolutely spot on :) As to what day it is - err, Somefinkday perhaps? Love, Di xx

  5. Aww, love those PB hedgehogs! A super card with a great colour combo, the touches of red go perfectly with that shade of blue. Me too, I thought it was Wednesday today & had to check with the TV mag to find out it wasn't! lol.
    Sally x

  6. Hi Jules, what a lovely fresh and pretty card. I love the papers you've used with one of my favourite PB images. xx

    I've been working on my QC makes and decided to organise/clean my craft room today. Ever had one of those jobs that you wish you'd never started, lol?!! xx

  7. The papers are lovely and such a sweet joyous image, love the hedgie and the two ribbons together. Beautiful card,

  8. ooh fab image and card, love the colour scheme x

  9. You're not the only one, Jules. I kept thinking it was Tuesday all day! ;-) Love the card--those colors are just delicious!! And the little Frequent Flyer made me smile!

  10. This is gorgeous, Jules! I love it. I took my dad to do some shopping today, and driving home afterwards was very wet. Had the wipers going on double speed for part of the way and the puddles were huge!

  11. Gorgeous card Jules! Loving the colour combination. May I ask what kind of make "white gel pen" you are using"? It seems to be really white and visible. The one I have got is very watery, hardly visible on lighter colours and also the flow is very bad.
    Michaela xx

  12. Very pretty card Jules, love the gorgeous color combo and sweet image. I'm hoping to make xmas cards through out the year too, famous last words eh!

    donna x

  13. Such a cute image and lovely fresh colours. Fab card.
    Vicki x

  14. Know what you mean about the day of the week Jules, I'm totally lost! Your card is gorgeous, love the colour combo. Carol x

  15. Gorgeous as usual Jules. Happy New Year.

    Kasey ~ in Oz

  16. Oh this is adorable Lynda and what fabulous colours

  17. Whoops you're not Lynda what was I thinking!
    no idea, maybe too much Christmas cheer.

  18. Wow this is just so cute. One PB stamp I haven't got! even though I have a few packages on there way in the post! Happy New year to you and your family. Sue x

  19. Brilliant card Jules, I love the image and your gorgeous flower.


  20. Morning Jules . . .LOVE this PB stamp. Bit of a dismal day down South to start with, but apparently this morning will be okay, it's the afternoon that bad weather sets in.

    Better walk off some extra Xmas pounds shortly then!

    All the best for 2012 xxx

  21. Fantastic card. Love the colour and the adorable image.

  22. Great card hun, really cute. Love the colour combo!
    Hugs Shell xx

  23. NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...... why oh why did you have to mention that Raspberry Road's papers are half price...........ROFL
    I will now have to go and just lokking you understand..... well maybe I'll buy just one or two... or three or four.......

    Lovely card Jules, love the papers!!! Happy New Year - Hugz. xx

  24. Gorgeous card hun, I also have promised myself to make more Christmas cards as I go along in the New Year...hopefully!! Have a great New Year hun..

  25. Gorgeous Jules, love the image and super colours!
    Helen x

  26. Hi Jules, well, what day of the week is it? If it wasn't for the newspaper I don't think we'd know either :) Gorgeous card - the hedgehog is smashing and I do like your flower embellishment. Elizabeth x

  27. Hi Jules
    Thank you very much for getting back to me about that "white gel pen". Greatly appreciated!!! I have checked out the Handy Hippo website for the pen and it appears to be different to the one I have got. Will try it out next time I decide to purchase something I need to go with it to justify the p&p. Thank you very much again.
    Michaela xx

  28. beautiful!! Love that turquise blue, with the tiny touch of red, such a cute and sweet card! Hugs Juls

  29. Hi Jules
    Sorry I haven't been by much, had such a lot to do in the lead up to Christmas, but will be putting that right now I will have more time to myself.
    Gorgeous creation and loving your cute stamp.
    Happy new year and all the best for 2012.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  30. aw this is gorgeous jules.i love the colour combo and the sweet hedgie is so cute :D

    xx coops xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx