Sunday 18 December 2011


Hi Everyone

Back again after leaving the snippet playground gates open for a whole two weeks .. .. and what a busy two weeks they have been.

Lots of "happy couples" to meet up with and lots of wedding and Christmas work  .. ..  plus of course the family "label day" last Sunday LOL!!  What fun that was (as always).  Strange how it always falls on X-Factor Final Day .. .. .. even though we don't plan it that way!!

Then today is hubby's birthday .. . thank you for all his birthday wishes.  I have passed them all on and he says "thank you"!!!

So just a couple of snippet makes this week .. .. it seemed weird not going into the Christmas stamp box:

Time now to call the register of all the lovely playmates who kept me company over the last two weeks:

Irene got off to a good start and shared three lovely makes that you can find herehere and here.

Then along came Jackie who share a vast array of inspration that she had made to take to a school fayre.  I hope that she sold them all and didn't have to bring them home again!!

Beryl called by the playground next with a card that carries a really gorgeous image that would be suitable for so many different type of cards .. .. male and female.

The next playmate to arrive was Sylvia who shared the most gorgeous tree .. .. along with an extra special heart!!!  I don't think I have ever managed to share a heart this red and sparkly ever!!!  Love it!!!  Sylvia sounds mega organised for Christmas so perhaps this is an early Valentine make?!?!?  LOL!!

Sarah called by next with a fantastic idea for a gift or money holder for hanging on the Christmas tree.  Great use of snippets and a fantastic sentiment stamp too.  There might just be time to make a few of these ahead of next week!!

Sandra was the next playmate to visit the playground carrying a lovely array of Christmas tags/labels for her presents.  I am pleased to say that label day in the House of Hearts definitely reduced the snippet collection .. .. so much so that the little drawers actually close now!!  Woo hoo!!  Sandra put lovely ribbons on her labels .. .. we just put cord on ours .. .. I think ribbon will be making an appearance next year as Sandra's look lovely.

A very organised Elizabeth called by with lovely snippet makes next (though Elizabeth doesn't feel organised compared to me she certainly is because when these lovely creations made an appearance my tree was still in the roof space!!).  Elizabeth used some of her snippets for making tree decorations .. .. very clever!!  So as Elizabeth's decorations were ready she decorated her tree.  But then later in the week Elizabeth called by again with even more decorations (one of them being a special button laden one).  If there hasn't been serious snippet reduction in Elizabeth's craft space then there is no hope for any of us!!

So, from an organised Elizabeth to a very hyperactive Hazel .. .. who managed to make 40 Christmas cards (don't worry she hasn't share them all !!!  Though it would have been nice).  I am sure Hazel's snippet mountain must have reduced considerably after a mammoth crafting session like this!!

Di is the last one on my register this week with a lovely Christmas card that is just perfect for a young lady.  I think I can remember having legs that long once!!   I was definitely that skinny once!!  What on earth happened?!?!?!?    LOL!!!

I have added Mr Linky below .. .. but I am not really expecting anyone to have time to take part .. .. it is here "just in case" someone gets the snippet urge.  There are far too many Christmas preparations happening in everyone's house and home I am sure.

The gates will close on Friday 23rd ahead of the Christmas celebrations and I will call the register then (if anyone had time to turn up) LOL!!!

Of course my year of snippet use is nearly complete and it is nearly time to reveal exactly how many snippets I still have in my collection .. .. and then my playground gates will be closing.  My year will be complete. 

But this has caused a little bit of upset in the playground and one particular playmate was so distraught that I have said I will hand the playground keys over to her.  So snippets will continue!!!  But who is taking the keys off me?  You will have to wait and see LOL!!!

Have a great week everyone.

Hubby has requested his favourite meal of Spag Bol, Garlic Bread and Red Wine for this evening so I am off to get cracking with that now .. .. and then hopefully I will have time for a blog catch up tonight.  I am mega behind!!!




  1. More gorgeous snippet makes Jules! I've made my last Cristmas card using a few more snippets.

  2. Two wonderful cards. I love the 3 part image on the second one.
    Nikki x

  3. Gorgeous cards Jules! Love the colour scheme and design on both.
    Michaela xx

  4. Hi Jules, gorgeous snippet makes. I must admit that I'm looking forward to the after pics to see how much your snippet mountain has gone down during the past year....

    I'm sure Dave loved his birthday card that you shared yesterday. Those Teddy Bo images are so cute. Best wishes are sent his way.

    Hugs, Pauline x

  5. Two gorgeous cards

  6. Gorgeous snippet cards Jules, love them both, sounds like you've had a busy week hun. Happy Birthday Jules lovely hubby. :o)

    Donna x

  7. You'll be a very hard act to follow, Jules, whoever the new keeper of the playground keys turns out to be! Just so long as you keep hopping in and showing us your lovely creation each weeks!I adore both of these cards - brilliant as always :) Still honking like a goose here - I wish we had another week on top of the days until Christmas :( BTW, I spotted the hearst OK you'll be pleased to know - perhaps it was cleaning me specs wot helped! Love, Di xx

  8. Gorgeous cards as usual Jules.

  9. Gorgeous creations Jules, I love the stamps and the layouts are fantastic :)

  10. They're both gorgeous Jules! Love how you've used the image on the second one. Hope you have a lovely evening :o) Lisa x

  11. Two lovely cards, I really like the vase and flower image and super colour scheme and the way you framed your wheat image too.

  12. Love the paper piecing on the first, great snippets Jules!

  13. Fab snippet cards Jules!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  14. gorgeous cards, Jules. I think I can join in this week. I'll be back soon x

  15. Beautiful snippet cards this week, Jules! I love the flower image and the tiny dragonflies are just gorgeously sparkly! Thanks for hosting the snippet cards, I'm glad they will continue. It's been fun visiting everyone's make.

  16. Great cards Jules, I was going to say that my fave is the second one but after having another look I just can't decide. lol. I'll be sorry to see the playground gates finally closing at the House of Hearts & I would like to say thanx for a great year of fun. It won't be the same without you, you know that!
    Sally x

  17. Love your makes Jules. My snippet box hasn't had much use lately unfortunately, it's been a major struggle to get the house shipshape for Christmas after the alterations but thankfully we're nearly there now. Will try to pop in this week. Carol x

  18. Many happy returns to your hubby! I hope he enjoyed his tea, and especially the red wine! Well, you have to celebrate your birthday in style, don't you?

    Lovely, elegant cards - as usual. I can't believe this is week 50! I'm very glad someone else is taking up the baton - perhaps there could be a new host each year??? Just a thought!!

    In case I don't 'speak' to you again, I hope you have a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year, filled with happy bridal couples buying your gorgeous stationery!

    with much love Mags B xxx

  19. These are gorgeous Jules! I love your papers on both and the images are so beautiful ! Love the sweet little butterflies!
    Hope you enjoyed your Spag Bol meal and hope your hubby had a very Happy Birthday!!!
    Glad to hear that your Christmas Tree is behaving!! Mine started making a groaning noise! so even the little ones misbehave LOL. Had to take bottom off and adjust the mechanics so they weren't catching when the disc turned!!
    Take Care
    Hugs Sue xx

  20. Two stunning snippet makes Jules, love them!
    Helen x

  21. such fantabby cards!!! Hugs Juls

  22. Fabulous snippet makes Jules, I love your second card especially the image divided into three.

    Thank you so much your snippet challange over the past year.


  23. stunning cards jules.gorgeous images and designs and i love your colours ;D
    will be strange not seeing your snippet posts anymore.

    xx coops xx

  24. I LOVE your snippet makes xxx

  25. Well thank goodness for the snippet box this time! Hoping to find some more snippets later for my next DT where did I leave the hoover! Carol x

  26. Di again - screeches to halt. Phew, made it to the playground in time :)) Hope your Christmas preparations are going well - or even OK would do wouldn't it?! Love, Dixx

  27. Coo, flipping quiet in here innit!! I wonder where everyone is - is something happening this weekend? Tee, hee!! Di xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx