Saturday 10 December 2011


Hi Everyone

Well I had a major decision to make early evening .. .. do I start to get all the crafting goodies downstairs ready for tomorrow's label day .. .. or do I make a quick card for posting on my blog?  Oh decisions, decisions.  Of course making a card won!!

I had seen a card I loved on the Hero Arts blog that looked like it would be nice and quick to make (and it looked gorgeous) so I decided I would do my version of that.

How wrong could I have been???!!!

I have faffed about with this card so much!!  I know it was simply because I had something to compare it too .. .. .. and because of that it turned out that is wasn't quick at all!!  Grrrr!!!

If I had just designed my own creation it would have taken half the time!!!  LOL!!!

So here is my version:

This used:

Backing Papers:  Funky Hand "Twelve Crafters Crafting" CD
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Ribbon, cord, buttons and pearls from the stash box

Plus, now my buttons are on everything doesn't even look centralised!!! 

I am beginning to wish I had just brought the craft stuff down now because I still have that to do!!

At least I managed to make a huge saucepan of homemade soup earlier ready for tomorrow .. .. .. so I am ahead of the game there at least.

If you would like to see the card I was taking my inspiration from you can find it here.  You just need to scroll down a bit past all the other lovely creations.  I love the Hero Arts blog.  So much inspiration.

Catch you again tomorrow with our label day antics .. .. but no snippet post .. .. the gates are still open for another week before the register gets called.

Enjoy the rest of the evening everyone .. .. and don't copy anyone else's work .. .. it isn't worth it because it takes too long!!!  Just be yourself .. .. ..  LOL!!!



  1. Oh this is gorgeous,love all the buttons, what a great

  2. Oh I like this! I like the card that inspired you, too! I hope you have a productive and happy day tomorrow with the family - please ask them if you can post piccies of their labels, last year's batch was so inspiring! Have fun!

    love MagsB x

    PS Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog - no baby news yet, I'm on tenterhooks! Being a grandma-to-be is nervewracking lol!!! x

  3. And what is wrong with yours (NOUGHT) just had a look at the one you wanted to interpretate and yours is just as good so don't be so hard on yourself we are all very self critical and hard on our selves but really you shouldn't be it's beautiful
    Jacki xx

  4. Your card is looking good Jules and love those buttons, better to make a card than moving crafty stuff as this is just perfect.
    Hugs Linda

  5. Jules, I love it! Will you just stop being so hard on yourself, you're such a prefectionist!!!

    This is beautiful. I do know what you mean, because it's your work, you know it intimately and you know where you have made what you see as a mistake. But no one else was in your head so how do they know what you meant it to look like?

    LOL I tell myself this sort of thing when I'm being over critical of my work!

    I'm off to case your case! Although I've yet to discover nail heads in the shops here.

    Kasey ~ in Oz

  6. Ha! You did make me smile - I tried to copy a card seen on a blog cos it was drop dead gorgeous - mine ended up just shabby rather than shabby chic!!!! But yours is anything but shabby Jules - it's lovely (and the one on the H. A. blog isn't bad either!) LOL

  7. Hi Jules

    Totally gorgeous card so pretty I just love it. No wonder you wanted to copy the original as that its gorgeous too - in fact there are a few cards on the HA blog that I could copy!!!

    Hope you are well.

    Big Hugs


  8. Well I think it's fab! Love the paper and all the buttons and pearls :o) Lisa x

  9. Think I found the card you were casing but yours is so much more! worth all the faffing. XOXO Zoe

  10. It's gorgeous Jules, love all the buttons, especially the itty bitty ones. Hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow, mmm! yummy veg soup. Warming my cockles just reading about it.

    Donna x

  11. It may have taken you a long time Jules, but it was certainly worth it. Fabulous card
    Beryl x

  12. this is such a cute idea! I think it looks perfect - looks dead centre to me, but i know that the creator's eyes are always critical ;) M x

  13. Hi Jules, your post did make me smile but your card is lovely even if it was hard work!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  14. Well I like it Jules! xxx Have fun on label day xxx

  15. I have to admit time well spent Jules, it looks spectacular! I can imagine how long it took to make! Considering that you had to put all the buttons and other elements to form something pleasing to the eye. I could see myself positioning everything in a shape I would be happy with and then if I took one button out and put glue on it the other stuff would move and it would be a disaster. Sometimes what looks simple is a nightmare.
    Michaela xx

  16. I think your card is prettier, Jules. But don't tell anyone I said that. ;-)

  17. It was well worth the effort though Jules, I think it looks great :) I see cards to CASE and then forget where I saw them!!!
    Love all the buttons in different shapes and sizes...I bet spacing them out took all the time didn't it :)
    Jenny x

  18. Well I think the card is lovely, Jules! The buttons look absolutely fine to me... is there just a very slight chance that you might be a perfectionist?!! Hugs, Tracey xx

  19. Aww it's gorgeous Jules! I love the button wreath - it's a beautiful design. The paper and gorgeous ribbon are perfection!!
    Hope you have a good day tomorrow - your soup sounds yummy!!
    Hugs Sue xx

  20. Oh Jules, you are far too picky! It looks lovely!! Wreaths don't have to be perfectly round you know:) Glad to hear you were pleased with your soup...winter and soup...yum!!

  21. ah Jules I was about to copy this card of yours too lol. It is a lovely card by the way and the buttons give it an extra dimension. I agree about copying/casing I am never happy with the result as I am always comparing to the original.
    Have a great tag making day and hopefully lots of snippets get used.
    Hugs, Amanda x

  22. This is gorgeous Jules, love the soft shades of blue and those fun buttons. Wishing you a lovely Sunday xxx

  23. Super card Jules, despite your struggles. You must have a shed load of buttons - these all go together wonderfully. And I spotted the heart straight away today! Hope the label making day goes brilliantly - look forward to seeing tomorrow's post :) Love, Di xx

  24. oooooooh Its gorgeous Jules, I love love love all those little buttons.
    huge hugs Lou xxx

  25. I love your honesty Jules! Most of us would have never have shown the card if we weren't pleased with it. However I still think ur card is super cute. Away to head over and see the original! X

  26. wow Jules, i think it's gorgeous!!

  27. Hi Jules, great card but I did chuckle. I can't tell you the number of times I've been inspired to make my own version of card and then wished I'd never bothered lol! I love Hero Arts blog too and have to admit to having a few (don't ask lol!) of their stamps. Have fun with your label day. Hugs, Pauline x

  28. Jules, your card is brilliant. Gorgeous with soft gentle colours and fab buttons.


  29. Well I think it's stunning, Jules! I LOVE the colours you've used! So twinkly and Christmasy! x

  30. Sorry to disagree with you, Jules, but I think your card is fab! It looks perfect to me and I just love your buttons. A gorgeous creation!

  31. Oooh Jules, it's gorgeous and so worth the faff!! I love this very much!

  32. this is so stunning jules.the button wreath is gorgeous and i love the icy colours :D

    xx coops xx

  33. A wonderful card. I love the button wreath.
    Nikki x

  34. Well Jules, it was worth all the faffing, it's gorgeous!
    Helen x

  35. your card is lovely and sometimes its nice to try what someone else has done with your own touch on it.......K x

  36. I think it's lovely! And your previous cards too! Hugs, Lesley

  37. this is just too fabulous!! Love all the buttons pearls and stars together!! so creative! Hugs Juls

  38. Hi Jules...
    Thought i had commented on this beauty...but when i looked i hadn't..sorry!!

    Anyhoo Jules...loving all the buttons & the bling, just perfect!
    hugs and xxx

  39. I really like how this came out!!!

    I love Buttons!

  40. I really love this lol, I would love to try it BUT I take heed in what you are saying lol xx

  41. I'm back at this pretty Christmas bauble trying to make sure that there aren't any of your creations I have missed. I actually started at today (ie 2 Jan) and worked backwards, reading your posts and admiring your prettiness along the way. My intention is to catch up with all of my blog buddies in the next week, to leave just a hand full of comments along the way. Unexpected guests have just arrived so I shall have to come back in a while. Until then - sending hugs!! Lesley


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx