Sunday 8 January 2012



Hi Everyone

How do you fancy increasing your stocks of Promarkers?

"Oh, yes please" I hear you cry.

Well .. ..  even better than increasing your stocks .. .. .. how about choosing which colours you would like to add to your Promarker collection?

To celebrate single Promarkers now being available to buy from Handy Hippo you now have the chance to win a fantastic prize .. .. .. ..


Yes that's right .. .. you choose your own 20 colours !!! 
Woo hoo!!!

but please note this prize draw is only open to UK residents (sorry!)

To win this fabulous prize there are just three simple steps

1.  Post about this fabulous prize on your blog, along with a picture of the prize,
and link to my post here so that others get the chance to enter too.

2.  Put the Handy Hippo Banner below on your sidebar and link it to

3.  Leave me a comment on this post to let me know you have done the above and then keep those fingers crossed!!

If you already have the banner on your sidebar from the previous prize draw then you have even less work to do LOL!!!

Entries close at midnight on Sunday 8th January 2012.

My lovely playmate Kerry from Handy Hippo will randomly choose a winner on Monday 9th and I will announce that lucky person here on Tuesday 10th January.  But you need to have done steps 1, 2 and 3 above to be eligible to win the prize.


and all the lovely friendly people at Handy Hippo


  1. What a lovely candy. You can never have enough Promarkers. Have posted both pictures on my sidebar with links. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  2. Wow what a great start to new year if won this lovely prize..

    I have posted on my bog, and added banner to side bar..

    Caz x

  3. Hi Jules wow what a prize just off to follow the rules!! enjoy the rest of the holiday!

  4. Wow! What a fab give away!! Sadly I don't have a blog so can't complete steps 1&2, but good luck everyone!!

  5. Oooh lovely candy Jules,I have done everything you have

  6. Hi Jules, I hope you & yours had a good day yesterday. This is a really super prize on offer from Handy Hippo but please don't think me ungrateful if I don't enter the draw. I just know I wouldn't use them, so let someone who will appreciate them have a chance to win.
    Sally x

  7. wow what a great give away thanks for the chance off to put it on my blog now
    Jacki xx

  8. Hi, thanks for the chance of winning a FAB prize!!
    Have posted, linked and am leaving comment.
    Happy Boxing Day!!
    Jo x

  9. Hiya,
    happy boxing day! Done all the above steps! Keeping my fingers crossed now.
    Thank you for the chance to win!

  10. Hi Jules
    Thank you very much for a chance to win another amazing prize.

    I have created a separate post which you can find here:

    plus I also put a picture of the prize on the right sidebar. I had "Handy Hippo Banner " there from last time.

    Thank you
    Michaela xx

  11. Would love to win this Jules. I've popped a link to the candy and Handy Hippo on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win. Carol x

  12. Oh this is just brilliant, a great way to start the new year, will go post on my blog, thanks so

  13. Hi there, great prize, I have put the banner on my sidebar and put up a post about it. I am also a follower, went all the way, lol. Have a wonderful New year, blessings Hilde

  14. Sorry , just realised that this candy is for UK residents only. Im in Australia, Oh well.Wasn't ment to be. Cheers

  15. Hey Jules, great prize for the lucky UK residents. Here in Canada we have our own prize....more white snow:)

  16. Wow! great prize Jules!! thanks for chance of winning.I have linked in my sidebar.

    Ooh yes I saw the Boxing Day sale at Handy Hippo. I have spent some of the money that I got for Christmas !!!! I'm a very happy bunny!! :-))

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!
    Hugs Sue xx

  17. Wow what an amazing prize. Thank you to you and Handy Hippo for the chance to win. I think I have managed to add everything onto my blog that is required!

  18. thank you Jules for doing this, i love your blog, only just found it after reading Quick Cards Mag and i'll be back x

  19. Hola Jule , el regalo es fantástico, gracias por la oportunidad de ganar estos fantásticos rotuladores copic

  20. yep done all that..would be fab to choose the 20 colours..Mmmm which ones do i want! ok i know i haven't won yet but i can x carol

  21. Wow thank you for such an amazing prize. 20 Promarkers will be great to help me nearly complete my Promarker collection. Debs xx

  22. Ooooh what a fab prize! Have added details to my blog & my fingers & toes are tightly crossed!
    Kaz xx

  23. Such a fab prize Jules, have followed the steps and would love to win my first set of promarkers!! Good luck everyone xxx

  24. This was just too hard to resist... So I jumped in with both feet and have my fingers crossed.

  25. Hi Jules, would love the chance to win such a lovely prize. Think I have done everything I need to. Hope you are well - have missed being around blogland. Luv Trish xxxxx

  26. Hi Jules,
    Wow what a great candy - especially as I still need about 40 to complete the set!!!!
    Have posted about this on my blog and added the logo to my sidebar. Have everything crossed now
    Denise xx

  27. Info posted and banner displayed!! Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize! Trying to decide on 20 colours might be a tough decision though lol! xx

  28. Wow Jules this is a wonderful candy - thanks to you and to Handy Hippo. I have followed your instructions to link to Handy Hippo in my sidbar, and posted about this yummy candy here
    Thanks again and Happy New Year
    pauline x

  29. Hi Jules, I just want to wish you and your family a Very Happy New Year. hugs Shirleyxxx

  30. Oh just what I need Jules, thanks for the lovely candy chance. I have done a post about it and posted the Handy Hippo link in my sidebar. Hugs

  31. Hi Jules,
    Wow what a fabulous prize. Thanks for the chance to win and thanks also to the lovely peeps at Handy Hippo for giving you the prize to offer.
    hugs and Happy New Year
    Dawn xx

  32. Hi Jules. This is fab candy. I have done as requested and posted the info on my blog. I don't own any promarkers yet, so thought I would enter to see if I could start a collection!
    Nikki x

  33. Jules, wishing you and yours all the very best for the New Year. Well I had to enter this didn't I seeing as I love my Promarkers. Thanks for the chance. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  34. jules this is awesome i just love promarkers but have so many more colours to buy so this is fab i have done what you require to enter thanks sweetie xx

  35. Hi Jules,
    Happy new year. I've posy a link to the 'giveaway' on my blog and put a flag on my sied bar. xx

  36. Happy New Year!!

    Thank you for the chance to win your fabby candy.

    I have posted, linked & popped you in my side bar.

    Helen xx

  37. How fantastic! I've only recently discovered promarkers and they've fast become my favourite thing to use when colouring!

    I've posted the giveaway on my blog and put the banner in my side bar :)

  38. Done - both pics are in my sidebar!! And all linked up too!

  39. Done - posted and put in my sidebar.Thanks for the chance to win.

  40. Wow what a fab giveaway, I already had the handy hippo banner in my sidebar from a previous draw and have just posted on my blog. Thanks for giving us the chance to win
    Lindsay xx

  41. Hi Jules,
    I would love to win this!
    I have done all of the above.
    Love Pearl x

  42. What a great giveaway and I would so like to be the winner as I have just started using Promarkers and these would help me increase my range of colours.

    I have posted about it on my blog and added the link in my sidebar as asked.

  43. With my New Years Resolution being to make at least two cards a week instead of saying "when I get round to it", the timing of this is perfect! I've blogged about the giveaway and added the banner to my sidebar

  44. Hi Jules, I have done everything required. What a lovely thought to help top up the ever growing stash. thank you x

  45. Hi Jules, thanks for the chance of winning this fab candy xx

  46. Hi Jules

    I would love the chance of winning these especially getting to choose your own colours,i already have the handy hippo logo on my blog from a previous giveaway .

    thanks very much for the chance to win x

  47. Hi Jules,
    I'm new to blogger.
    I've put you on my blog post and on my sidebar.
    Thanks for letting me join the competition!
    Love Amelia (mimi)

  48. Hi Jules, thanks for the chance to win those fantastic promarkers. l have followed all of the 3 steps and am now keeping my fingers crossed. My blog is newborn, in fact, your competition is my 2nd post. Love your blog and work. Rach xx

  49. Hi Jules, what a wonderful opportunity to win such an amazing prize. I love my promarker's and use them for most of my colouring. I am slowly building up my colour palette but there is always room for more. Hopefully 20 more lol.
    Kietha x

  50. Hi Jules, I just love promarkers.Thank you for the chance to win these goodies.Love Debbie x

  51. Ooooh Jules, I followed the rules :-) I was going to expand my promarker collection so what good timing!! Thanks for bringing us this generous candy and I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    xx Happy crafting and glittery hugs xx


  52. Hi Jules

    What a fabulous offer. I have done a post here. And of course my fingers are crossed.

    Hugs Ali x

  53. Could really do with these - thanks for the chance to win such a fab prize! Have followed the rules.

  54. Fab candy, you can never have enough Promarkers! Thank you for the chance, take care, Jane x

  55. Thanks for the chance to win some Promarkers, I cold do with some more to get my stash going :) . Kat x

  56. I've put you on my Latest Candy Page if thats okay as well as on my blog, you arent on my sidebar though, tell me if this is a problem.
    Thanks Amelia (mimi)


By leaving a comment here you are accepting that other visitors will read your comments and be able to link through to you.

If you have chosen to follow my blog by email, or send me a message via email, then please know that I will never share your address with any third parties.

So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx