Monday 2 January 2012


Hi Everyone

I am starting to sulk a little!!  As I always do at this time of year.

We have started to put the Christmas things away .. .. and I don't want too :-(

It is mainly the Christmas tree I don't want to put away. So that will stay up a little longer.

Anway, enough of my sulkiness .. .. here is a little share of a card I made today which sums up my day quite well. 

The weather has been so lovely today I have been doing washing, washing and more washing (although I haven't noticed any cats swinging about alongside the shirts and towels LOL!!!).

 This used:

Image:  Penny Black "1469" Clothesline Cat
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat
Backing Papers:  Raspberry Road
Martha Stewart Punch:  Doily Lace
X-Cut Punch:  Small Flower
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Crystal Stickles
Ribbon from the Stash Box
and a bit of silver peel off .. .. .. how many bits of this do I have?  I need them all used up and out of the way!!!!

So that is me for today. 

Back to packing away a bit more of Christmas and  then wedding stationery duties for me.

I hope you are all having a great Bank Holiday Monday.  I will catch you again tomorrow and if you are here to win the 20 promarkers Handy Hippo are offering you will find that post here.



  1. This is just gorgeous Jules,I hate putting everything away to the place looks so

  2. Hi Jules
    Thank God your sulkiness does not effect your card making! This card is another stunner! I adore it.
    Michaela xx

  3. this is so so utterly gorgeous!!!! I love the soft colours! Hugs Juls

  4. Hi Jules, I was glad to take everything down yesterday and put the house in order! I love Christmas but once the day is over, it's over, lol!!

    Such a pretty card today. Gorgeous stamp that I've not seen before. xx

  5. That's what I'm doing today too, Jules--taking down the remnants of Christmas. It always seems too soon. I'm just taking a break to see what everyone else is doing today. I love your card--such fun colors and cute image!

  6. Cute card Jules.
    I haven't even given a thought to de-christmasising yet but know I will not like it when it's done - everything just looks so bare for a while doesn't it?
    Hope you've had a great Christmas and Happy New Year - here's to a fabulous 2012 for you and yours.
    Lots of love
    Debs xx

  7. Happy New Year Jules I hope 2012 brings you lots of happy times.

    Love the card the image looks wonderful with your pretty papers and detail.

    Love Chanelle xxxx

  8. A fabulous card Jules, oh I can just picture you hanging on the washing line LoL.

    Gorgeous soft gentle colours - perfect.


  9. Fab card, I also have loads of peel offs which I cant quite bring myself to get rid of and yet never use...

  10. Hi Jules, what a sweet card! I'm having a sulk tonight too but about going back to work tomorrow. Hopefully we will both be happier tomorrow!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  11. This is really cute. As usual you have chosen lovely backing papers.

  12. lovely Jules , I know what you mean about peel offs I have loads and need to use them up, every now and again I give them to my daughter to decorate her jotters for school, K xx

  13. Love your card,that image is just too adorable. Hope you feel more positive soon. My decorations were all put away on Saturday. :)

  14. A really pretty card. Such lovely papers. We were going to pack our decorations away today, but lost track of time, so they are still here for another day.
    Nikki x

  15. A stunning card Jules, love the image and pretty pinks. I have a picture in my head now of a cat pegged on the line with the shirts, towels AND frilly knickers lol!

    donna x

  16. Gorgeous card Jules, that cat looks like he's having a ball! Happy New Year to you from one of your quiet but always inspired followers xx

  17. Hi Jules, I normally wait until 6th January to take them all down but my super-efficient doesn't like them hanging around gathering dust that long so they're down, including my beautiful tree, packed away and in the attack already ... and, for some unknown reason, I'm not that bothered this year! Great card, brilliant stamp - love those 'paws' PBs. Peel-offs are one of those items of stash we thought we had to have when we started card-making only to find out we didn't need them at all :) See you tomorrow, Elizabeth x

  18. Oh Jules gorgeous card! i do love that image lol!, i put my decs away yesterday and now my living room looks so bare!!

  19. Gorgeous card Jules. The image made me smile, I once had a cat that used to do this!! Lovely colouring and design.
    Happy New Year.
    Vicki x

  20. Beautiful card Jules, love the sweet image.
    Wendy xx

  21. I love getting the Christmas decorations down and have been known to do it on the day after Boxing Day! My son was with me when I clicked on this post and we both had a giggle at the underpants on the line! What a lovely fun card! Happy new year to you and your family! Vicky x

  22. Oh this is so gorgeous Jules, this is a PB I haven't got would you believe! Yet! :D The colours and papers are sooooo pretty too :)
    And don't worry about Christmas, it will soon come around again! :)

  23. Hi Jules, don't be sad, before you know it you will be putting it all up again for next christmas! Gorgeous card, that image is fabulous!
    Helen x

  24. Awww lovely spring fresh card, can almost smell the fresh washing. Beautiful lol :).

  25. Hi Jules, Happy New Year!
    Aww this is SO cute. I do love that image! I might have to buy that one :-)) very cute indeed. Gorgeous papers and embellies!
    Take care and hope you have a good week!
    Love Sue xx

  26. Hi Jules,
    Happy New Year to you and your family :)
    Sorry I haven't visited for a while, things should be back to normal now!!
    Love this cute image and yes, not what you want to see on your own washing line!!
    I have to admit I'm happy to pack the Christmas stuff away and get some normality back now but that wasn't the case when I was a child :)
    Jenny x

  27. Another terrific card Jules - just love the cat's face :) Beautiful papers as always and I love the idea of using up peel off strips at the join - another tip, thank you very much.

    So funny, I'm in a sulk here too and the tree is still up but I suspect that tomorrow will be the big day :( Boo, hoo!

    Love, Di xx

  28. My tree and decs down AND sulking cos its work tomorrow!! Peel Offs.... I could stock a shop with them, no matter how many I give away, I swear they reproduce when my back is turned!!

  29. PS - love the card, my fave colour combo pink & blue! x

  30. Hi Jules
    Fabby card the image ....soooo cute .....
    Hugs sylvie

  31. All of my Christmas things have already been packed away and it is sad. But now we have a whole new year to look forward to. I hope yours is splendid!!!! I wanted to enter your candy but I have to solve my capacity problem before I can add anything else to my side bar so I suspect I shall have to miss out for now. Thank you anyway for the opportunity, Jules. Big hugs, Lesley

  32. gorgeous card Jules, love the PB Animals especially the cats!!!

    Too Fun!

  33. Gorgeous, adorable card Jules.

  34. Jules - look at this way, when the tree is away you can lok forward to next Christmas!!
    This is a great card and lovely papers.
    Hugs Avril xx

  35. stunning card jules.your colours are so pretty and i love the fun image ;D

    xx coops xx

  36. Ha ha ha . . . my decorations came down on the 27th! Just wanted to get back to normal. You'd have been having the screaming ab dabs at my place!!!!

    Love the card too. xxx

  37. Fab card Jules :o) Love that cute cat and I love how you've coloured him too!

    Our tree's coming down tonight - the boys wanted it up for as long as possible and hubby's been delaying hauling it back into the loft lol! Lisa x

  38. gorgeous card, it always looks so bare when the decs come down doesn't it? have to concentrate on crafting instead!!

  39. Happy New Year! Super card as usual!!
    Just wondering which set the Pink Petticoat sentiment is from???
    Have recently aquired a new family cat and can picture her getting up to things like this in the spring!! - she's already been found in the washing basket!!

  40. Happy New Year! Super card as usual!
    Just wondered which set the Pink Sentiment is from??
    Have recently aquired a new family cat and can see her getting up to things like this in the Spring - she's already been found in the washing basket and various boxes around the house!!!

  41. Ahh hope you are feeling better Jules after the decoration have come down :( Lovely card. Kim

  42. Hi Jules
    A really fabulous creation, I love this and your image is gorgeous too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  43. Gorgeous card and a brilliant image, don't worry Christmas will be back around again before you know it
    Lindsay xx

  44. Gorgeous card Jules but oh heck you've just reminded me I've been washing today and I haven't made the bed yet!! Oops. Carol x

  45. Gorgeous card Jules. Love the soft pastel colours and that image is adorable.

    Denise xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx