Thursday 5 January 2012


Hi Everyone

I would like to start today's post by saying a very big


for all of the lovely comments that were left on my blog post of yesterday and also "thank you" to all of those who took the trouble to send me personal emails too.  I was really touched by them .. what a lovely friendly place blogland is!!  I am so pleased I am a part of it and have met so many fabby people. 

I was so excited when I went to bed that it took me ages to get to sleep. 

As promised yesterday, my share today uses the free paper stack that came with the Quick Cards Made Easy Magazine.

I love the colours and patterns .. .. and it dawned on me whilst I was taking pages from the stack that I will have another one to play with too!!  My Mum will want to keep her magazine but I will get to play with the papers .. .. oh .. .. and another thought .. .. I might get another set off my lovely Sis too .. .. tee hee!!!

So here we go with my share of the day

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "3689K" Party Animals
Sentiment:  Studio G "Party Time"
Backing Papers:  "Let's fly away!" free with Quick Cards made easy this month
Sizzix Die:  Stars #2
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Diamond Stickles
Glossy Accents

and that is it!! 

This is my lovely Sister's favourite Penny Black image of all time. 

The image was certainly a bit easy to colour this time round thanks to Di (xx) and her lovely present of some of the fine nibs to put on my Promarkers!!  Though I have to confess to not being able to remove one now I have pushed it on!!  The others I don't have any trouble with but the one I put on my red pen seems to be there for the duration LOL!!! 

So bath time next whilst hubby is at his football meeting and then favour boxes for me .. .. .. just the boxes for now .. .. the yummy fillings and ribbons/decorations will be sorted later once the treats for the inside have been delivered.

Take care everyone .. .. especially if driving in this horrible wind and rain.

I'll catch you again tomorrow.

Ooops .. .. nearly forgot to say that if you are here to find the ProMarker give away then you need to click here. Still plenty of time to enter. Good luck everyone.



  1. This card xracked me up; love it!
    Love and hugs,

  2. This is gorgeous Jules,oops I must have missed something, I am just going back a post or

  3. Love the new avatar we finally get to see

  4. Hi Jules, have you come down from cloud 9 yet, lol?! How appropriate is this card; it's certainly party time and time to celebrate! A gorgeous, colourful card.

  5. Hi Jules
    Such a gorgeous card! Loving the colours, so bright and cheerful. It put a smile on my face. The image is wonderful and so are the free papers! Promarker nibs are great, aren't they?
    Michaela xx

  6. Hi Jules another great card and these papers are just super! Chanellexxx

  7. Fab card, that was my very first ever Penny Black stamp!!! Must dig it out again....

  8. gorgeous card, LOVE that image and the papers look fab x

  9. What a fab stamp and you have coloured it perfectly to suit the great papers.

  10. Awww how super super adorable.. love those paper and gorgeous images.. now I really must check out your other post ..

  11. Gorgeous card, Jules! I bought a copy of the magazine this morning, so I could read all about you, which means I got the papers too! I had to smile at your comment about the fine promarker nibs. I bought myself 6, and I'm finding them brilliant, but I'm having to use a pair of scissors to lever most of them off again! I flicked one right across the living room and got it in a cup of tea (not even my own!!!)

  12. Jules this is really cute. Aren't fine nibs brilliant - they make colouring intricate details so much more fun.
    Congrats on being published, truly well deserved - sorry I did not comment yesterday but Mr Blogger seems to post my reading list as and when he feels like it and it did not show up yesterday - grrrrr :0(
    Denise xx

  13. A fabulous, fun card Jules, love that image and those papers look fab!
    Helen x

  14. Bought the mag at lunchtime . . . great papers . . . love your article AND the card you've shown here.


  15. Where do I start mrs!! Congratulations on getting published, what an honour and a well deserved one I might add. I love your profile pic, not what I had pictured lol. You look really funky and young!! I a loving your card today Jules, so bright and happy, love the wee stamp. Hope you sleep better tonight lol

  16. Hi Jules, while I was careering round town today I remembered to pick up a copy of the magazine at WH Smith - great article and cards too - oh, and now I have a new pack of paper too :) Hope you sleep better tonight. Elizabeth x

  17. Super card Jules, I love that bright and cheerful paper - think I may have to find this mag lol. The image is great too
    Beryl x

  18. A lovely colourful and cheerful card.

  19. Hi jules,
    It wouldn't happen to be Poppy red would it, as my nib got stuck on that and it took ages to get it off. They are good them nibs though aren't they, makes all the difference.

    A really great card and that image is fabulous. I'm on the look out for something to use on Bobby's Birthday card, no idea what i'll use LOL!
    He usually picks his own image.

    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  20. Love the image--so FUN!! And the colors are wonderful too!!

  21. Hello Jules!!

    OMGosh what fabulous news! I am sooooo thrilled for you! Mind you, Im not too sure about that Nom de Plume as you are Jules to us and not Julie!! Sorry to Jules Mum and all but you'll always be Jules to us!!

    I did giggle at your Mum waiting 'patiently' in the supermarket to get her hands on the magazine - I bet she told everyone around her too!! And why not indeed! Im going to go and grab my copy tomorrow!

    Love your colourful card, it rocks!

    Fab photo of you too but Im sure Ive seen you on Funky Hand in your DT role there? Or in that another twist of my mind?! At least you havent been driving down to M6 for a short crafty session lately!!

    Have a super week!
    Keryn x

  22. Jules those papers look yummy, beautiful colours. Great card. Carol x

  23. OH what a fun card and image, so love it! I love anything with a ladybug on it too! :-D

    Off to catch up your other posts, been a busy week!

  24. Love the colours on this Jules - fab card.
    Ann xxx

  25. This is a really beautiful card, love the image and your colouring is soo fabulous.
    Love the papers too.
    Thank you for your lovely comment in my blog.:)
    Wish you a wonderful day.:):)

  26. Brilliant card Jules - and I agree about it being a super image! My little car is currently having a sooper dooper valet (neighbour's enterprising son) but, as soon as it's finished, I'll be off out for the magazine. Len just spotted him using a soft toothbrush to get into some nooks and crannies so I might get out this weekend, with luck!! :) Di xx

  27. Brilliant cards Jules, and Wow what a photo.
    Love the zingy colours and gorgeous cloud backing paper.


  28. Hi
    Read your blog yesterday then went out to buy the magazzine.....WEL DONE. You must be so pleased to see your work in 'print'.
    Thanks for your blog as well

  29. Hi
    Read your blog yesterday then went out to buy the magazzine.....WEL DONE. You must be so pleased to see your work in 'print'.
    Thanks for your blog as well

  30. I went out and bought the magazine Jules..(haven't done that for ages since joining blogland) great interview and the paper stack is pretty good!
    Love how you've used it on your card, looks so good with this stamp :)
    Jenny x

  31. Well done Jules, no one deserves it more than you.Your work is always top notch and you are a faithful blogger.
    I am going to hoof it to the shop tomorrow and see if they have it in stock. Being in Ireland it its very much hit and miss which magazine is in.
    Great to see your picture up, it is always nice to put a face to a great blog, and it is a perfect fit.
    Haven't blogged myself for ages, no time and nothing new, but you never know I might find a spurt of energy somewhere lol.
    Again well done,
    Claire xxxxxx

  32. Aaaww love this card Jules, the image is fab and I love the gorgeous papers too!
    Have a lovely weekend :)

  33. so gorgeous jules.the papers and colours are yummy and i love the fun image ;D

    xx coops xx

  34. gorgeous!!! Love the bright colours, fun and funky!! Hugs Juls

  35. Those papers are yummy! I look forward to seeing what else you do with them!! They look so good with the fun stamp!

    love Mags B x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx