Tuesday 7 February 2012


Hi Everyone

Sorry I am late .. .. I have had a lovely evening designing a table with one of my lovely "happy couples" .. .. plus a yummy tasting session of their favour box fillings.  Boy their guests are going to be in for a lovely treat!!

So because I am so late it has to be just a very quick make, post and share tonight.

In fact in about an hour this image below could be me .. .. minus the glass of beer!!  

This used:

Image:  Digistamp Boutique
Backing papers:  Kanban and a strip from the snippet drawer
Diamond Stickles
Glossy Accents on the glass of beer (but you probably can't tell)

Sorry this is a flying visit to blogland by me .. .. just time for a quick bath and a very late dinner!!!  A girl cannot live on yummy chocolate favours you know!!!  LOL!!!

But because it was such a quick make I decided to make the heart a little more difficult .. .. to keep you all out of mischief.

Have a lovely rest of the evening.



  1. I love it!! LOL, my hubby doesn't need a newspaper to sleep like that!

  2. This girl could easily live on yummy chocolate favours but I fear I wouldn't fit in my craft room for long!!! Sounds like wedding favours have moved on from sugared almonds then!
    How true is that card....based on my husband I think ;0)
    Jenny x

  3. A gorgeous card as always Jules,love the fabulous image.xxx

  4. Not as late as me ... my post is still in draft form! Great card ... love the image. Did eventually spot the heart but took longer than usual :) Elizabeth x

  5. Jules, you're keeping me up late again, lol! I'm an expert in finding the hearts now; found this one straight away but I'm not telling anyone else, lol! Perfect 'man' card!


  6. You certainly kept me out of mischief for a wee while, took me ages to find the heart! You sound as though you've had a good time tonight. Enjoy your soak and dinner. Hugs x

    Ooops - lovely card!

  7. Super card Jules, love this image. I used it for OH's birthday card a couple of years back
    Beryl x

  8. Great card, perfect for a chap - you could always make it a G and T for yourself instead. Subtle heart but I found it! Wipe the nose print that I left on your screen from the inside of your laptop/PC :) Di xx

  9. Great card Jules and one which most of us can relate to.

  10. Yeah! I spotted the heart! And within seconds too. Have to say, very sneaky though. Hugs, Pauline x

  11. A fun card Jules & it just goes to show what can be made with a couple of DP's & an image. It sounds like you had a good time 'favour tasting'. lol. All is well in my world, although I am now on my second cold for this winter, thanx for asking.
    Sally x
    ps. found the heart straight away, I must be getting good at it! x

  12. Very nice card Jules, found the heart eventually, my eyesight ain't what it used to be. Take care, Lyn x

  13. OhMyGosh, I love that image!! Wish that could be me...well...most days!! ;-)

  14. LOL I love that image!!! So suits people in our family!!!

    Too Fun!

  15. I love this it reminds me of my late husband :)

    jacqui x

  16. great male card,super fun image. Spotted the faint heart on the checked paper....you tease.janex

  17. clever hiding place and lovely card Jules K x

  18. Great card Jules... found the heart... how is it that you fill the favour bags??? things have certainly changed - but I'm sure you enjoy adding the final touch to all your hard work.. tfs

  19. Fun card . . . had me going with hiding the heart . . . but I found it in the end! xxx

  20. brilliant male card jules.the fun image is fab and great backing papers :D

    xx coops xx

  21. Ha ha!! Now who does this remind me of????? LOL

    Great fun card Jules. x

  22. Brilliant male card Jules, with smashing papers, and I've found your heart - well not your's but you know what I mean.

  23. This is fab Jules! I love the image! it really makes you smile. Gorgeous papers. I did have to look for quite a while to find the heart!! LOL
    You lucky girl getting to taste the chocolate favours!!
    Hope you have a good day!
    Big Hugs!
    Sue xx

  24. really nice Jules haha
    xxxxxxxxxxxxx Amelia (mimi)

  25. I found it but for a bit I was sure you'd put that heart on the inside. LOL Fun card.

  26. wow what a fab card for a man!!!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx