Sunday 19 February 2012


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a great Sunday.

Our wedding fayre went really well .. .. much better than I expected.  It was held at a small local hotel where you can get married and have your reception (after having your photographs taken in their lovely gardens by the river).

In fact it is probably the busiest wedding fayre we have done yet.

Lots of "happy couples" of all ages.  Some looking far too young to be getting married (says she who was a whole 19 yrs and 3 days old when she married Mr Heart  LOL!!!).

It was really hot when we arrived at the venue today.  They had the heaters going full pelt out of the air conditioning units .. .. but once the fayre started they had all the doors propped open and the draughts were a bit much!!!  We came away frozen.

In fact I got so cold that I think it is going to take a while to get properly warm again.

So Mrs Heart needs to get some samples made for interested people .. .. and then we have another wedding fayre in two weeks!!!

No Sunday snippets from me today as I haven't had chance to play.  I will just have to arrive late into the playground with a note from my Mum LOL!!

I'll see you tomorrow with the last of my Handy Hippo posts for this series .. .. I can't believe that my time with them has flown by so quickly and that my first stint is now complete.  Though looking at my wedding work list I think it might be a good thing.

Enjoy your Sunday.  I am going to clear the hallway and put all my samples away and then have a nice relax .. .. .. if I can shut my brain off.  But if I manage it then I will probably fall asleep.  Tee hee!!



  1. Sounds like a great productive day Jules, glad it went well.

    Really don't like being cold and it's not good when you feel cold to your bones. You need a lovely hot bath with bubbles and candles!

    My day was good despite waking to snow (they never said that was coming, l was so unprepared lol) but still managed to get a load of washing dry outside-yippee!

    Hope you have a great Sunday evening, try to empty your head just for the night. Tomorrow is the start of a new week and you can think about your workload then :)

    Love Rach xx

  2. glad it went well and you warm up soon x

  3. So glad you had a good day . . . even if you did nearly freeze to death. Hope lots of work comes you way from it.


  4. Sounds like you really have your hands full Jules I'm so please that everything is going so well!!! Enjoy your evening and hope you are all snugly and warm! Love Chanelle xx

  5. sounds like a busy day! Hope you have thawed out and can relax without falling asleep too soon!

  6. Hi hun
    glad all went well, get yaself a brand to help thaw you out!! any excuse, sue,xx

  7. Congratulations Jules, sorry you got a bit frozen but it seems to have been an astounding success to help you grow your business.

    Kasey ~ in Oz

  8. So pleased to hear the fayre went well. Hope you've had your feet up ... or maybe it's big zzzzz now! Hugs x

  9. So pleased the Fayre went well Mrs Heart.
    Beryl x

  10. Hi Jules, I'm so pleased that your wedding fayre was a success, shame about the daft heating arrangements though.
    Sally x

  11. Glad you enjoyed the fayre hope you have warmed up now, Mary x

  12. Hi Jules
    Glad the fayre went well for you, hope you eventually warm up! :)

  13. So please your Wedding Fayre went so well Jules, hope it means lots of business coming your way. Take care, Lyn x

  14. Hi Jules - I wondered how it was going yesterday, so pleased for you! No need for a note from your Mum, just come and play if you have time - we'll let you hop to the front of the queue to play on your favourite playground swing or whatever :)

    Shame that your HH stint is over - but I think my plastic card might heave a sigh of relief :))

    Love, Di xx

  15. Glad to hear the wedding Fayre was a big success, hope lots of orders come rolling in!

  16. Glad the Fayre went well Jules !!! hope you have warmed up now - that is the only drawback with air conditioning! LOL
    Hugs Sue xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx