Tuesday 28 February 2012


Hi Everyone

Well I can only apologise .. .. on two counts!!!

Firstly because I do not have anything to share with you tonight card wise.  It has been a big day in the House of Hearts with lots of pearl sticking and ribbon tying .. .. but with so much to do I just haven't had chance to escape to the craft pod and make anything I can share :-(  

Secondly .. .. well it would seem that last night's heart was as difficult as Sunday's heart!!

It is something about male cards I think.  I tend to try and disguise them a little better.

Anyway, to put you out of your misery here is where last night's heart was hidden.

Just floating in the water .. .. next to the diamond stickles that clearly wasn't dry when I took the picture LOL!!

There was a lovely sight out of my front windows today which I would have loved to have got a photograph of .. .. but sadly couldn't without looking like I needed to "get a life"

It was a huge bunch of helium filled heart shaped foil balloons all in red and silver with the words "I Love You" on some of them.

There were loads and loads of them.  First they got stuck around the overhead telephone cables .. .. they they drifted off to wrap around a tree and now they are attached to the top of a telegraph pole.

Any other time things end up in my garden .. .. you know empty crisp packets that people haven't disposed of properly, shopping receipts, or empty envelopes  .. .. all of them end up in my garden for me to pick up.  But the one thing I was hoping would wrap itself around the tree in my front garden (just long enough for me to take a picture of) came nowhere near!!!  LOL!!!

I wonder where they will be in the morning and I wonder who has lost them?!?!?

Hopefully time will be kinder to me tomorrow ..  but in the meantime have a good evening and a night off from heart searching.



  1. Thanks Jules I was wondering where it was and you think you need to get a life!!!! lol Chanelle xxx

  2. So smug here Jules - I found the heart all by myself:) But not the heart balloons :( We'll still be here when you aren't so busy, never fear! Love, Di xx

  3. Loved both of the makes, especially the mousey one. It's a fab image and you really are making your hearts hard to find Mrs. Heart! Hugs, Lesley

  4. Well I never...it's so obvious now but I'm still convinced the blushing cheek is heart shaped too!!
    Jenny x

  5. Oh you sneaky heart hider!!! Glad you put me out of my misery as I just couldn't find the elusive heart last night. Hugs x

  6. Smug here too Jules 'cos I found the heart straight away. If it had be me seeing the balloons I would have been out with my camera! Don't ever miss a "Kodak" moment, they won't happen again.
    Sally x

  7. I'm well chuffed cos I spotted both of your hard to find ones!



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Love Jules xx