Sunday 18 March 2012


Hi Everyone

I hope that every Mum has had a lovely day today .. .. and a little treat of some kind.  Even if it was only a couple of tea you didn't have to beg to have made for you LOL!!!

I have had a lovely day .. .. but more about that in a bit.

I just wanted to say that I have thought of lots of different people today as I know it has been a difficult day for lots of different reasons for lots of different folk.

No crafty share from me today.  All my crafty makes have been wedding related and cannot be shared .. .. and then the day took over with exciting things.

I went to see one of my brides get married today at our local Castle .. .. thankfully the weather was eventually kind.. .. ..  but as I got up I ran to the window to see heavy rain and snow and my heart sank!!!!  The snow part didn't last for long but the rain just didn't want to stop.  But around and hour before the ceremony the sun came out.  Yippee!!!

All day the happy couple seem to have been fortunate with the weather and have missed the little rain storms that have happened every so often.

We haven't been to the whole wedding .. .. but to experience a "handfast" in the castle grounds.  Something I have never been to before (but I won't be able to say that again will I). 

From there we came home to prepare a huge salad to take to a lovely family get together.  My youngest Son, my lovely Sis and her family, and my Mum.

Sadly we have lost Mr Heart's Mum .. .. but we took some flowers up to the cemetery whilst the sun was shining yesterday.

A lovely day of love and family .. .. what more could you want from Mothering Sunday?!?!?

Now I am home again .. ..apologising for not having a share and about to have a lovely talk to my oldest son and his wife who live in London.  

I'll catch you again tomorrow .. .. with an actual crafty make I can share (once I have made it!!).

Have a lovely rest of the day.



  1. Hi Jules, Glad you've had a great day. Love the TeddyBo cards in the previous post.
    Avril xx

  2. Happy Mothering Sunday, Jules!!

  3. Nice to hear you have had a nice day today. I had pretty flowers from my Dog today. That was lovely!

  4. Glad you enjoyed your day Jules. Hugs Elaine

  5. Sounds like you had a really lovely day Jules. It's always nice to see family on special days like today. Glad the sun shone on "your" happy couple.
    Sally x

  6. Hi Jules, lovely to hear you've had a happy day today. My grandchildren are still quite ill, so ill a call out is going to the doctor tomorrow. My daughter has been treating it as a virus but now she thinks they might need an antibiotic. I've been up to the crematorium to put a pot of plants on my mum's garden and found the place buzzing with visitors to all the other gardens there, and oddly I felt that it was a happy place today. We had wall-to-wall sunshine here today - now that would have been nice for your bridal couple. I've never heard of this 'handfast' ceremony - sounds lovely and who wouldn't want to get married in a castle :)) Look forward to seeing whatever you've made tomorrow.

  7. Hope you had a wonderful day with your family Jules! The sun was shining here today! :-)
    Big Hugs!
    Sue xx

  8. Hi Jules, I'm glad you had a lovely day. Sounds like your happy couple were blessed on their big day.


    PS. Mother's day isn't until May for us here in Australia.

  9. Hi Jules,
    Glad you had a lovely Mothers Day, I did too. I also went to a wedding on Sat and after an unpromising start weather-wise the sun shone on them too. I don't get to see the start of the service though, because I am the 'Authorised person' for our church so I am tucked away carefully writing the certificates!
    Hugs, Alison x

  10. What a perfect day you had and so glad the grey clouds parted for the happy couple too :0)
    Jenny x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx