Tuesday 6 March 2012


Hi Everyone

Well after a cold and frosty start today has been gorgeous.

I have spent practically all day on wedding work and samples for "interested people".  No playing with general craft goodies .. .. .. although I did get to use my glue gun on a "non-wedding related" project .. .. but decided you wouldn't be interested enough to want to see it.


Well I went to put my lovely comfy boots on ready for the football tonight only to find that the sole was coming away .. .. so just in case it rains tonight I repaired it with my hot glue gun LOL!!!

I wonder how long it will stay stuck!!!!

No time for a play in my craft pod at all tonight .. .. I am off to the football with my lovely hubby and have been reliably informed that it needs to start with "a drink with the lads"!!!

I don't need telling twice .. .. I'm off !!!

Catch you again soon ... .. bye!!!!!!



  1. Hooting here - I bet it will last for ages. Ever tried unpeeling an unwanted embellie stuck down with a glue gun? Di xx

  2. Lol ..have a super night Jules and hope it doesn't rain and you get soggy feet xxxxx

  3. Have a good night Jules.
    Hugs Linda

  4. Have a lovely time tonight Jules...and I hope the boots hold out too...lol...

    big hugs Vicky xx

  5. Hope the hot glue keeps the water out , have a nice evening.
    Hugs Elaine

  6. Hope you had a great night with the lads Jules just hope you didn't have to keep up with them in the pub!!! Chanelle xx

  7. Lol, now don't you get rowdy after one too many - don't want to see you on the telly!

  8. Have fun Jules, just don't glue your foot to your shoe ;-)

  9. Hope you had a good time and didn't miss the footy due to the drink with 'the lads' lol!!

    Kietha x

  10. Hope the glue gun done the trick !

    I for one would love to see your wedding creations .

    Hope you enjoyed the footie & the drink lol! x

  11. Shoe repairs with a glue gone, made me chuckle. Hope your night was a good un! Take care, Lyn x

  12. Hi Jules, hope the boot held up OK?

    Just read your comment on Brenda's WOYWW - I could well be wrong (often am!) but for some reason I have a niggling feeling that it was Enfys who had the stickles hanging like little icicles from a baking sheet. Such a clever idea too :)

    Love, Di xx

  13. Have a great evening.
    Nikki x

  14. Hi hun
    lol hope the boots hold, hope you had good nite,sue,x

  15. I bet they will stay firmly stuck now that you've done them properly Jules!! I hope so anyway!!
    My daughter has had two different pairs of boots where the soles have come clean off during a downpour. Both times she had to walk home with one boot and one sock foot !!! Yukkk in the pouring rain!!
    They sure don't make shoes like they used to!!
    I think we should have a go at making some!! LOL
    Love Sue xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx