Thursday 22 March 2012


Hi Everyone

Well here I am .. .. back from the NEC and just about dead on my feet.

My legs are killing me and my eyes are struggling to stay open.

We had a brilliant day but boy what restraint I showed!!  I am so proud of myself.

I went with a "little" list of things I was hoping I would find .. .. the little set I used to make today's share being one of the items on my list.

This used:

All stamping:   Sizzix/Hero Arts Stamp and Die Cut Set "657776"
Backing Paper:  My Minds Eye - free with a magazine ages ago
Nestabilities:  Classic Ovals Large and Deckled Edge Classic Ovals Large
Memento and Distress Inks
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Ribbon from the Stash Box

I am really pleased with the Stamp and Die Set (and also bought another as there was an offer if you had two).  These were my major purchases of the day.

I had a little spend on the Lili of the Valley stand.  But I was very restrained.  The samples on show were absolutely fabulous.  Very inspirational and beautiful.  What a fab Design Team they have!!!

What else fell into my basket?  Well a non-stick craft mat.  Some small punches and duster brushes and some funky buttons.  Plus lots of charms.  I raided those first as the heart charms tend to disappear very quickly.

What didn't fall into my basket that I would have liked?

Well there was a world shortage of Penny Black stamps there that's for sure.  I was expecting that really .. ..  and only found a very small selection across the whole of the exhibition.  There were 3 I would have liked .. .. but I left them there for someone else.

I also went with the intention of getting a Memory Box Die or two .. .. but didn't succumb in the end as there were just far too many and I couldn't decide which one to get.  LOL!!  (Unlike the lady who looked like she was having at least 10!!!!!). 

I did want a new guillotine as I have worn the lines off my small Fiskars one but didn't come away with one of those either!

No new nesties, no coloured metallic cord was there and no new papers were mine either.

But I am sure I will cope LOL!!!

So I was quite a good girl really.  

I also got to go and say hello to my lovely and super talented blog buddy Kath .. .. a short and sweet meet as she was very busy with a workshop for Fiskars .. .. but it was very nice all the same.  

OK then . .. so that is me for today.  Time to go and give my aching legs a soak in the bath.

Another exciting day tomorrow as another one of my happy couples will be getting married in the morning.  I do hope the weather is as beautiful for them as it has been today.



  1. Gorgeous card Jules and it sounds as if you had a fab time! Luv Trish x

  2. Absolutely stunning hun & the colours are divine...

    Well i think you was very restraint from buying lots of yummy goodies...well done because i wouldn't of been lol
    hugs and xxx

  3. Beautiful card Jules and it sounds like you were mega restrained, I'd be like the lady with the MB dies!! I love this set of stamps/dies and it's on my wish list too after I saw how kath used it!


  4. A lovely card Jules, and how good are you lol, glad you enjoyed yourself
    Beryl x

  5. Gorgeous card, sounds like you had fun today.....

  6. Hi Jules, sounds like you had a brill time at the NEC & came away with some smashing goodies. Enjoy your soak! Love this card, lovely colours & a very pretty flower.
    Sally x

  7. Such willpower!! You can polish your halo whilst you're having a soak!!!! LOL No good leaving the PB ones for me Jules...cos I ain't going!
    Glad you had a good day. - Oh and the card is fabby!!!! x

  8. Super card Jules, and what a great day you had too! At least you still have some pennies left for other things you might spy elsewhere :)

    Di xx

  9. Great card, love the pretty stamp set and fabby papers and colours. Glad to hear you had a fab day am off there on Sat and have a little (BIG!!!) list of items I just must have too.
    Lyndsey xx

  10. Gorgeous card Jules! Hope you have recovered from your trip, you certainly were a good girl on what went in your basket lol! Have a wonderful weekend, take careX:)

  11. Glad you had a good day - and yes you were very good, its so hard not to spend when there is so much temptation.
    This is a lovely card and a great set, look forward to seeing the other one you bought.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril x

  12. This is gorgeous Jules! The image and sentiment are really beautiful. Love the gorgeous Apricot tones! and the lush ribbon :-)
    Glad you managed to get some lovely heart charms at the NEC!
    It was lovely and sunny today - hope it is tomorrow again!!
    Love Sue xx

  13. Lovely card. I like the sentiment and the flower. Sounded as if you had a great day at the show. We have a show here in N. Ireland twice a year and it is dreadful - not worth the parking charge and entrance fee.

  14. Well I am so glad you had a good time and bought what you wanted,I don't plan to go this time round maybe November. Your card is gorgeous

  15. Ooooh ooooh lovely, that's on my list too, hope there's some left on Sunday :-)

  16. Beautiful card Jules. Glad you had a lovely day and hope you have recovered now! My turn today, I have a long list!!! Sue x

  17. you where good Jules,hope your day was exciting. I have this set so I'm glad of your fab inspiration.janex

  18. Sounds like you had a great day. Love the card. :)

  19. Pwetty card xxxx

    Glad you enjoyed yourself. VERY restrained! xxx

  20. Sounds like you had fun. I do like the stamp and die! I am a sucker for Memory Box dies lately, but haven't have the opportunity to really sit and play. Can't believe how restrained you were. And cannot wait to see what you do with LOTV. They are my fave at the moment xx

  21. Well done you for your restraint. I don't really do restraint when it's in front of me. I could have been the person buying 10 memory box dies but I wasn't there! That's the only way I can be restrained! You made a lovely card with your new toys, Jules. And two sweet PBs previously! Hugs, Lesley

  22. What a lovely card. Glad you had a good time at the NEC

    jacqui x

  23. Sounds like you had a lovely day Jules and I love what you bought to make this beautiful and elegant card.

    I always feel a bit overwhelmed at craft shows as there is so much stuff!! I'm hoping to get to the NEC in November though.

  24. gorgeous card jules.really stunning design and i love the autumnal colours ;D

    xx coops xx

  25. A lovely make with your new goodies, Jules. I'm glad you had a lovely day. You were very restrained. I had to smile. I went to Harrogate last weekend with Memory Box dies on my list too but came home without any for exactly the same reason. I did get the ink dusters though so great minds!!!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend, the forecast sounds a good one for us all.
    hugs Lisax

  26. Such a lovely card, Jules! Love the colour you have used and that pretty ribbon Kx

  27. Gorgeous card, Jules, - love the flower and the summery colours you've chosen to use. You showed admirable restraint at the show, though that seems to be more because what you wanted wasn't available than anything other reason :) Elizabeth x

  28. Loved hearing about your trip Jules. Your purchases sound good.....I've noticed a lack of penny black at these shows too! Lovely card, I've been tempted by those stamps and dies...... It's a beautiful card :)
    Jenny x

  29. A gorgeous card Jules, glad you had a good day, shame we didn't bump into each other!
    Helen x

  30. beautifully done!

  31. Wow Jules you were well behaved!! I would have been the same with all those lovely goodies there!
    Beautiful card, I love the stamp and die set, grey card as always!
    Laura xx

  32. Sounds like you had a fab time at NEC Jules. Shame about the things you didn't manage to get, there's always November or the Internet in the meantime though....

    Lovely card - didn't realise Hero Arts had collaberated with Sizzix - is it the bigz dies or the thinner ones. I don't have a bigshot but can just about get the Tim Holtz dies through my cuttlebug. That flower would be great on your Wedding Stationery.

    Big hugs

    Paula x x x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx