Sunday 25 March 2012


Hi Everyone

Another beautiful day.

Have you all remembered to alter all of those clocks?  Otherwise you will be an hour late for work in the morning !!!!

We still have a few to change here.

I am always thrown into confusion on a day when we change the clocks as I am always wondering whether any given clock has already had its time changed or not LOL!!!

But even though we lost an hour I was up bright and early to make two snippet cards.  Both used up more of those lovely snippets for joining in with Pixie's Crafty Snippets Challenge and one of them is also in honour of Sandra's Rudolph Day (the 25th of every month is Rudolph Day and should be celebrated by making and sharing a Christmas make  .. .. or more if you feel the desire .. .. in the hope of feeling a little more organised when Christmas looms upon us!!).

As it is Sunday I will be my usual lazy self and not list any of the items I used to make them.  But as always if there are any questions then just shout.

In fact my Sunday has been a very lazy day for me all round as my lovely Auntie and Uncle took hubby and I out for Sunday dinner and we have only just returned.  Yummy scrummy finishing off with my favourite desert .. .. bread and butter pudding!!!

What a bonus .. .. ..  no kitchen full of roasting tins, messy saucepans and vegetable peelings to contend with.

So instead of tidying up a kitchen I am going to get ahead of the game for tomorrow and print off a load of wedding stationery inserts whilst hubby catches up with the football match he recorded whilst we were out.

I hope everyone has had a lovely happy day.

I'll catch you again tomorrow.



  1. Beautiful cards Jules. Love the vibrancy of the first one and a cute PB with a PP sentiment too! You've reminded me that I bought those sentiments also when I saw you using them here last year, must dig them out and actually use them!!


  2. Some seriously nice snippets on display here Jules, love both your cards. Sounds like a lovely day, bread and butter pud is one of my favourites too! Carol x

  3. 2 great makes,both gorgeous but loving that robin! x

  4. Sounds like a lovely Sunday to me! Sunday lunches out are truly the best I think.

    As for your cards...WOW. Oh I absolutely love the Christmas card! No particular bit, just the whole thing!

    I love the colours you've used, the pink fits so well with the black background. The sentiment looks a little like Pink Petticoats Tiny Bloom sentiments...I'm probably wrong though! haha! Gorgeous cards Jules.

    By the way I am running my first ever candy at the moment. It's a thank you to all my lovely followers, you are all so sweet checking in on my blog and leaving such lovely messages and I want to thank you all for that. If you'd like to take part, here's the post:

    Christine xx

  5. Hi jules
    Love Both cards
    Love The robín ...,,, and The sentiment ....,
    Hugs Sylvie xxxxx

  6. Hi Jules, two lovely makes today x Susan x

  7. They are both so gorgeous hun :o)

    big hugs Vicky xx

  8. Both gorgeous cards Jules, love the papers and your fab stitching... I've been watching some tutorials in the hope I can finally figure out my sewing m/c - the poor thing's sat there gathering dust for about 2yrs lol! Lisa x

  9. Two lovely cards, particularly like the Christmas one with the cute robin. Take care, Lyn x

  10. Both really beautiful Jules! I'm guessing there are snippets on both card, once again a couple of gorgeous cards! The dishes here are cleared and the fairies will be working through the night washing them. Only thing is, loading and unloading the flipping dishwasher! I wonder if there are fairies who would do that too? Or is that when we win the lottery maybe?

    Thank you for your lovely comments over at the snippets playground :)

    Love, Di xx

  11. Fabulous cards Jules, love them both but I think the robin just inches in front as my favourite
    Beryl x

  12. Two gorgeous makes Jules, love the little robin!
    Helen x

  13. Oh I have some of those papers! *is excited!* What simply lovely cards, so straightforward and so pretty.

    It sounds as if you've had a lovely day - how I agree with you on the joys of not having to do greasy washing up!

    Have a great week!

    love Mags B x

  14. What a stunning cards they are beautiful
    Well done Hugs Elaine

  15. Glad you have had a nice day Jules, its good when we don't have to cook on a sunday..we went out too :))
    Love the cards, they are both superb xxx Hugs Mau

  16. Two beautiful cards. Especially love the Christmas one.

  17. Hi Jules. Now I'm settled in my new home I'm trying to get back into crafting and blogging. No dishes for me to wash today either as now I'm living close to my daughter I get invited round for Sunday roast quite often.
    I bought all my 'snippets. with me - just couldn't bear to part with them so really must follow your lead and try to use them.
    Two brilliant cards today - great inspiration to get going again.
    Beryl xx

  18. As usual your cards are brilliant!! Love them both but that robin has stolen my heart. Can't wait to see the robins return to our yard.

  19. great cards Jules, I ADORE that Christmas one, too awesome!!!

  20. Great cards, Jules! I love how the stitching adds so much to the first card (gorgeous colors to boot!) and the sweet little bird adds such whimsey and sweetness to the second!

  21. Aww this is a beautiful friendship card Jules! The flowers and papers are so pretty! Love the borders and stitching!!
    and love the robin card - he's really sweet! Love the paper and the ribbon!
    Ooh that blooming hour - I missed Titanic because of it - I was looking at the only clock that I forgot to put forward!!!! LOL
    Love Sue xx

  22. Hi Jules...very nice cards...I especially like the Christmas card...but then Christmas is my very favorite time of year. Love the colors and all the layers of frames.

  23. Fab cards Jules and sounds like you had a lovely day,it always throws me out when the clocks change and there is always one clock I forget to change.
    Hugs louise xx

  24. Gorgeous cards Jules - love the matting and layering on the second - and the DP. Gorgeous Christmas card. I've got more snippets one could shake a stick at! Great challenge for all crafters must have shed loads of scraps.

    Hopeing you're well.

    Paula x x x

  25. these 2 cards are wonderful,as ever,you are a super card maker Jules.
    I'm glad about the clocks,love the light and this warm sunny weather is heaven.janex

  26. Oh WOW Jules. Two fab snippets cards there. I love that little Robin and have that stamp myself. Love both card layouts too.

    Thanks for joining in with my challenge. Good luck in the draw.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  27. Hi Jules, beautiful cards. Love the layout of the first and the sentiment is lovely. The Rudolph Day card is fab, love the choice of design paper. Yesterday was just too good to be true - so warm and sunny and, guess what, it's still the same this morning ... I took yesterday off and I'm tempted to do so again today :) Elizabeth x

  28. fabulous cards jules.i love the sweet robin and really pretty colours on your 1st card :D

    xx coops xx

  29. Fabulous cards as always Jules. Glad you had a good weekend with no washing up as a bonus on Sunday! We're very partial to bread and butter pudding in our house too - I make it with orange marmalade, yum! Vicky x

  30. Hi Jules these are two beautiful creations, loving the images and design of the first one and that second card looks fantastic, I always love the image of the Robin on a Christmas card.
    Lorraine x

  31. Beautiful cards hun, You sound like you had a great day at NEC, it is tiring walking around all day..but isn't it lovely to catch up with old friends that you haven't seen for a while..I love the shows when I can get to them! Lovely tulip cards too,

  32. Fantastic cards, Jules.
    I love the first one especically. The papers are fab.
    Nikki x

  33. A chirpy little robin. He's great. The other card is beautiful too. I am going to enjoy this Rudolf day! Kate x

  34. Lovely snippets! Your robin card is particularly lovely! Hugs, Lesley

  35. Hi Jules, I absolutely adore the little robin card (I am addicted to robins) where did you get the stamp from?


  36. 2 super cards. I found the heart almost straight away on the second card. Hugs mrs A.


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Love Jules xx