Thursday 12 April 2012


Hi Everyone

Sorry I am late.

We have been having problems with a laptop I invested in on Good Friday!!

I have been saving up for ages so I could have a sparkly new one (even passing up goodies at the NEC in preference) but the one we got on Good Friday was giving us problems so we took it back last night and they exchanged it  .. .. and guess what?  Yep .. .. the new one has exactly the same problem.  
So that had to go back tonight .. .. how much time have we wasted between Good Friday and now!!!!  WAY TOO MUCH!!!  GRRR!!!

So we took the replacement one back and simply got my money back tonight.  I wasn't going to risk the "third time lucky" theory .. .. we have wasted enough time, diesel and patience to risk it again.

As we returned it tonight we were told another couple had returned one as well with the same problem.  Sounds like a faulty batch!!!

So now I have made my excuses here is my super late and simple share:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "3212K" Much Gifted!
Backing Papers and Sentiment:  "Pink Petticoat"
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads

and that is all (apart from the little hidden heart of course).

If I had an image of someone putting a sledgehammer through a laptop I would have used that but sadly I didn't so I went for calm and cute instead !!!!!  LOL!!!

OK time to try and recoup some of that time that I have lost.

Catch you again tomorrow



  1. Lovely card.. and I found the heart! Took some time to notice... but then I couldn't 'unsee' it! M x

  2. gorgeous card the fab image and bright colours :D
    it wasn`t a dell inspiron was it, i had to take mine back with a pink screen, had another and touch wood this is fine but i wasn`t the only person who had to have a replacement.i hope you manage to get yourself one soon.

    xx coops xx

  3. loving that stamp!! found the heart in supa quick time...what a pain with your lap top, hope you have better luck with the next one x

  4. Oh, grr, isn't it awful when technology doesn't work - especially when it's brand new. Hope you get another new one soon. What a fabby card Jules but another grrr ... can't find the heart, must be well hidden tonight!!! Hugs x

  5. This is just gorgeous Jules,love the image and fabulous

  6. Gorgeous card Jules, love the cute image...still looking for the heart lol...
    hope you soon get a new laptop and one that works.
    Wendy xx

  7. Oh, I'm so sorry about your computer troubles, Jules. That is so frustrating. But I do love your happy yellow card! The image is adorable!

  8. Sorry to hear about your troubles with the new lappy & wasted time. It's soooo disappointing when something new doesn't work, hope you get another one sorted asap. A fab little card with a great image & yup, I found the hidden heart :-)
    Sally x

  9. Hi jules,
    I think this is fabulous, loving the image and colour.
    Computers/laptops are real headaches!!!!!!!
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  10. A fantastic card, although it took me a couple of minutes to find the sneaky little heart!
    How annoying about the laptop.
    Nikki x

  11. Lovely card Jules. The image is gorgeous and love the colour combo and papers.

  12. Hi Jules, gorgeous card. Hope you get a new working lappy soon. I am on my new one only got it yesterday hope it is not from the same batch as your other two lol x Susan x

  13. Fab card, love the cute little quacky duck sitting on the presents. Fab colours and papers too.
    Lyndsey xx

  14. That's Gorgeous! Another very cute duck, and I love the yellow and navy combo

  15. What a shame the laptop didn't work out - I love the shiny feeling from new tech but it wears off quickly.

    Lovely card but the heart is VERY hidden tonight :(

  16. Hi Jules, IT...don't you just love it!!! At least you got your money back & you can reinvest at a later date.

    I thought it would take me a while to spot the heart...but no...about 20/30 seconds. Very sneaky though!

    Love the image and great colouring as always.

    Hugs, Pauline x

  17. This card is sooo cute! It took me a while to find the heart :-) Hope you get a laptop you like soon. Lynn x

  18. Fab card, living the star paper.....

  19. Marvellous card. Love the colours and the cute image.

  20. I spotted it Jules, well hidden though. Sorry you've had such bad service, it's so annoying but at least you got your money refunded. Good luck with a new purchase!

    Love your card, the colours are beautiful and I adore the stamp. It looks like a stamp that you can enjoy colouring, if you understand what I mean?

    Have a good evening, love Rach

  21. Hi Jules i love the card! gorgeous and very cute!.
    Gosh what a carry on with the laptop!!! im thinking of getting a new one but i shall do my homework first, i think the "which" mag may be helpful.

  22. I just bet you aren't feeling cool and calm after that experience, hate when you get something new and shiny home all excited and then it doesn't work as planned, very grrrr indeed. Love the card and I found the heart too, woohoo. Take care, Lyn x

  23. Fab card Jules :o) What a great stamp and I love the papers too. Hope you get a working sparkly new laptop soon! Lisa x

  24. That's a sneaky one - but I found it. It's a lovely cheerful card and I'm surprised you managed that with all the laptop problems. How annoying and frustrating. Hope you manage to get fixed up with a decent one soon.
    Beryl xx

  25. Hi Jules
    I kept looking at your blog and nothing ... Then this gorgeous card appeared.... Very nice ....
    Computers .... Urg!!!
    Hugs Sylvie xxxx

  26. What a pain about the laptop fiasco Jules! Deffo sounds like a duff batch to me :(

    Love your card, and I found the subtle heart too, yay! Aren't PB ducks the best?!

    Love, Di

  27. Aww this is really sweet Jules! what an adorable image! Love the delish papers and the stitching detail and layout! it's a gorgeous card!
    Ooh your laptop fiasco sounds like a right nightmare. I think you did the right thing getting your money back - sounds like a very faulty batch!!
    Hope you have a nice relaxing Friday!
    Love Sue xx

  28. OH i love that duck stamp, he is the cutest thing ever!!!

    great card!

    sucks about the laptop, hope you get a good one!!!

  29. Oh dear frustrating.....I am not friends with my laptop either at the moment butit is so annoying.
    Love the image on your card and the papers I have just realised I have got these.....I need to get printing some out.
    Hugs Sally xxx

  30. Calm and cute works for me! I found the heart, but I DID have my face scrunched up at the screen! If I have to start wearing glasses soon, I'm blaming YOU! LOL! xxx

  31. You use such gorgeous papers! Wow! Gorgeous bright card and I love the image, so cute! xx

  32. Lovely card Jules. Took me a while to find the subtle heart - but I wasn't going to be beaten!
    Kath x

  33. Morning sweetie this is stunning, I love the layout you have used, fabulous creation huggles Pops x x x

  34. Hi Jules, I just love this card, great colours and I've found the heart! Bev.

  35. wow Jules. this is fab. love the colours. fab image x

  36. Great card, sunny colours and that duck is way too cute. Shame about the laptop, probably a Monday morning grudge batch, hope you have better luck next time. Here's wishing you a lovely weekend. Elizabeth x

  37. Hi hun
    glad you got your comp changed hope the new one will be ok, gorgeous card, great image & colouring, fab papers & design,have lovely weekend, sue,x

  38. Gorgeous card there Jules. Love the duckie!

  39. Sorry to hear about your laptop but your card is fabulous, I love the papers!
    Helen x


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Love Jules xx