Tuesday 22 May 2012


Hi Everyone

What a glorious day today has been .. .. I hope that everyone has had the same weather as we have had here .. .. truly beautiful! 

Well here I am as promised with the second of my red, white and blue creations.  This time more of a fun one!! 

A little late .. .. yet again .. .. as one of my "happy couples" have been this evening to collect the final part of their wedding stationery so another bare patch in the House of Hearts now the table plan, table numbers and a few last minute place names are gone.

Won't it be lovely if the weather is like this for them on their happy day!

Anyway, back to my creation for the day

This used

Image and bunting:  Digistamp Boutique
Sentiment:  Computer Generated using font "pass the chex"
Backing Papers:  Digichick Boutique "Joyful Heart Designs"

and that is it!!!

Not too much to it .. .. but I love it all the same!!

There are coloured and non-coloured images in the digistamp set.  I chose to colour the smiley grenadier guard but I used the pre-coloured bunting flags.  

So that is me for today.

I promise I will be catching up with everyone soon.  Just one more happy couple with a tight deadline and I will then "perhaps" be back to a more normal routine .. .. if I can force myself to slow down.  I will probably be feeling lazy then!!!  LOL!!!



  1. Another very patriotic card Jules love it! Chanelle xx

  2. A really fun card Jules. The little guard is so sweet and love the sentiment.

  3. Jules this is soooo fun. I have a soft spot for bunting! xxx

  4. Aawwww this is fabulous Jules, I love the super cute image, may have to do some more digi stamp shopping! ;D

  5. What a cute card! Love the guard's face!!

  6. Brilliant card Jules. Gorgeous day here too, long may it last. Hugs x

  7. Hi Jules, another super card - love the computer generated sentiment and the fab grenadier guard. We took off today and drove down to Portpatrick for the day ... topped up my vitamin D reserves and feel all the better for it :) Hope you do get to ease of for a while soon. Elizabeth x

  8. Fantastic card Jules, very fitting with the current celebrations but l guess that's why you are making these patriotic cards lol.

    The weather has been stunning today, another load of washing sorted and ironed! Let's hope it stays for a while :)

    It would be nice if you got some 'slower' time, you'd be able to catch your breath then!

    Have a great evening, take care of yourself xx

  9. Brilliant fun card. That font looks interesting. Will have to look that one up.
    Beryl xx

  10. Another fab card Jules. I love tehred, white and blue! Love the guard and the bunting looks great too.
    Lorraine x

  11. Another brilliant card Jules.

  12. brilliant card jules.fantastic image and design and i love the bunting.my boyo would love this :D

    xx coops xx

  13. Well, I love it too! The guard made me smile as well as your bunting flags! Darling!

  14. Oh isn't the Grenadier Guard so cute! This is such a striking card, the bunting is fab!

    Thanks so much for telling me about the long gap on my sticky post, I've corrected it. How kind bloggers are!

    Enjoy the sunshine!

    love Mags B xx

  15. Another fab card, love the iamge. No sunhine here today but it's not cold. :)

  16. A lovely fun card - the guard is fab!
    Kath x

  17. I love this one Jules 'cos it's sweet & simple. The bunting looks great & the guard is so cute. Smashing sunshine here too but I'm missing it 'cos of migraine.
    Sally x

  18. I really love the little soldier and am looking forward to your patriotic makes :0)
    Great font by the way, ill have to save that one for another day :0)
    Jenny x

  19. Oh this is wonderful Jules - really makes me smile !! :-) Fab image and sentiment and love the bunting!
    Love Sue xx

  20. Love that little soldier and the bunting looks great.
    Denise xx

  21. Aaw! lovely cute one Jules!!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx