Saturday 26 May 2012


Hi Everyone

No card to share today .. .. just a quick post to say that my blog and I are going on holiday for two weeks.

I spent this morning organising my ever increasing "do-list" and because it is so very, very long I have come to the conclusion that I need to be sensible and just work on getting on top of everything. Breaking away completely from blogland for a little while is going to be the only way I can do that.

So I am disappearing and am going to be super strong and stay away from blogland for a whole 2 weeks .. .. boy that is going to be so very hard .. .. but needs must.  No visiting, no commenting, no posting :-(   .. ..  oh dear I am getting withdrawal symptoms already.

Have a lovely two weeks whilst I am away and I'll be back on Saturday, 9th June .. .. the day my car is due for its MOT!!!  Eeeekkk!!!  It had better pass!!!



  1. If you read this Jules I hope that you manage to get on top of all your work it must be sooo busy for you this time of year as everyone seems to want to get married in the warm weather!! My daughter's cousin gets married today and Rochelle said she was so glad she did it in December!!!

    See you in two weeks!

    Love Chanelle xxx

  2. Hope everything goes well during your enforced break. Look forward to welcoming you back in a couple of weeks. Big hugs x

  3. Have a great holiday Jules and come back refreshed with lots of new ideas :)

    jacqui x

  4. Noooooooooooooooo. Geez Jules, while I understand....I will miss your visits and your beautiful creations. :-( Come back soon!!

  5. wow that's difficult, good luck x

  6. ..wishing you a loVely restful time dreaming up your new creations...enjoy...Mel :)

  7. I shall miss you and your gorgeous creations.......but then it is only for two weeks!!!
    Denise xx

  8. Don't blame you in the slightest Jules . . . blogging can be VERY time consuming.

    Wanted to wish you happy hols regardless.

    See you when you get back xxx

  9. I know exactly where your coming from Jules.... I really don't know how you manage to keep all those juggling balls in the air as you do!!!!
    Hope you get on top of everything and see you again on the 9th :0)
    Jenny x

  10. You'll be missed. I hope you get everything on your to do list done and try not to add to it. Find some time for relaxing too.

  11. Have a nice break Jules,take it easy...will miss

  12. I will miss your cards and your lovely comments , sometimes I don't have time to post and comment but just snatch a few minutes to look at everyone's cards, see you in 2 weeks love Karen x ps my table plan worked out really well with just a mount and I got one of the table stands , thanks again xx

  13. have a lovely holiday sweetie...and I hope you catch up with all your work...aggghhhh..! I know how you feel hun..:o(

    big hugs Vicky xx

  14. Just a note to say take cae and look forward to seeing you again on the 9th June! Will miss you and your inspiration. Anne xx

  15. Hi Jules, hope you enjoy your break hun and omg! I remember you having the MOT done last time. Where has that year gone?

    Donna x

  16. I'm glad to hear it Jules. I will miss you but you are doing the right thing. See you soon!

  17. You will be missed Jules, be strong though & I do not expect you peeking!!!!! lol xx

  18. Oh no, Jules what am I going to do with no 'Always With A heart' to read and inspire me ... seriously though, hope you get up to date on your two week break and look forward to 9th June. Take care. Love Bev xxx

  19. Hi Jules, I quite understand the need for a break when you are so busy - sometimes I take a day or so out to catch up on stuff and I'm not running a business. Enjoy the rest from the pressure and we'll see you again when you return. Hugs. Elizabeth xx

  20. I forgot to say ... you will be missed xx

  21. Good for you Jules! Hope you catch up with everything you have planned, we'll still be here when you return. Yikes, no snippets cards from you even - sheesh, we'll miss you! Love, Di xx

  22. I'd say enjoy your break but it's not as if you're going to be putting your feet up is it. I'll miss seeing your posts every evening and will probably miss your first one back as I've got visitors that weekend.Try to get a little 'me time', relaxing and having a glass of whatever you fancy.
    Beryl xx

  23. Oh nooooo - boo hoo you're not the only one having withdrawal symptons already.... I need my House of Hearts fix. Happy crafting to you and I hope you manage to complete your list.... Looking forward to seeing you back 'refreshed'(!!) from your exile.

  24. Oh hun, gonna miss you, but needs must & all that!
    Hope you manage to get sorted.....see ya soon
    huge hugs shell xx

  25. Hi Jules
    Have a fantastic holiday! xx

  26. Hi jules
    I am going to miss you ..... Enjoy .....,,
    Hugs sylvie xxx

  27. Wow will miss you Jules but you work so hard, you deserve a break. Have a fantastic time, rest up and we'll be waiting for you on your return.

    Saw a lovely boat on the Menai, her name guessed it 'Jules'. Took a piccie on my phone so will try to show you when you get back.

    Take care of yourself and Mr Heart xxx

  28. I will miss you heaps Jules, but sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do! I hope you achieve everything on your to do lists. See you when you return x joy

  29. awww, will be lost without you hun! But totally understand!

    Take Care!!!

  30. hope you have a fab holiday Jules. chill out and relax x

  31. Hi Jules i came to see what iv'e missed!, you will be missed for two weeks but hey you gotta get sorted.
    It must be difficult for you as you have the weddings to do and make cards and commenting!!! all takes time!
    Why not try some "me" time to Jules! bye for now then xxx

  32. Good for you, Jules. I regularly disappear from my blog unexpectedly - a planned break is more sensible. Looking forward to seeing you back soon! Hugs, Lesley

  33. Hi Jules,
    Well , I’m back and I have the rest of today free so as to catch up on everyone’s creations since I have been away refurbishing my old house.
    I adore reading the blog’s and looking at all the lovely cards and projects, almost as much as making the cards myself.
    Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog , its so nice to keep in touch.
    You have made fabulous creations whilst I have been away stunning work. Have a fabulous Holiday take care safe journey
    Hugs Elaine

  34. Hi Jules, just came to catch up!
    Hope your're being very productive and catching up on that list. Sometimes you just have to step back from blogland - it can be very time consuming and leave little time for the important stuff - like crafting!!
    Hope your OK. Enjoy the weekend.
    Avril xx

  35. I hope you have a fabulous holiday Jules, dont worry about your blog just go and enjoy yourself. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  36. Just been to visit hun, hope all is getting done that needs doing:) I have been away myself and am gradually getting back, will pop in next week to see what you have been up to..


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx