Friday 29 June 2012



Managed to make something to share today .. .. but only just!!!  LOL!!!

Life is a blur and a rush but oh so very exciting.

I am in the middle of quite a busy spell at the moment and am hoping to work through it without having another blog break . .. .. but if I have to then I have to.  We shall just have to see how it goes.

Card number 4 in my series of 5 just has to use my favourite Penny Black baby stamp .. .. I love this one so much.

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "2073J" Baby Hammock
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat
Backing Papers:  Pink Petticoat
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Pinking Shears
Ribbon, thread, button and charm from the Stash Box

I have had quite a few emails and comments about "My Trusty Sewing Machine" and how come I can sew in straight lines .. .. LOL!!!  That doesn't always happen if you look closely LOL!!

So I thought you might like to be introduced to my little playmate who I would never, ever part with.  He never gets put away!!

This little beauty has been with me for over 30 years and was a very special Christmas present from my lovely hubby.   It wasn't cheap at the time but as with all things you get what you pay for.

But having said that it has earned it keep many times over as it has been used to make so many clothes for hubby, me, the kids and even customers in the days when I was at home with the boys.

Can you believe I made a fully lined and tailored three piece suit for my hubby once upon a time with the help of my Auntie who is a tailoress?

Do I sew clothes now?  Nah .. .. just cards LOL!!!  (But the roof space does have fabric in it just in case I get the urge LOL!!)

So now you have met my machine, heard of all the years I have had it, and how much I have done with it you will realise that the secret is just lots of use .. .. ..  along with a very useful foot that is attached to it

Can you see the little lines on the foot?   I use these as guides and line them up to the edge of my card.

Hope you liked meeting my special playmate.

I'll catch you all again soon .. .. and hopefully at some stage over the next week I will catch up with all your lovely blogs.  So sorry I am a rubbish blog buddy at the moment :-(



  1. Absolutly stunning card and love the stitching xxx

  2. Adore this stamp Jules - it's such a cutie.. love him hanging on to his Ted! Have a great weekend. x

  3. Hi Jules, good to hear you are so busy ... it's the wedding season, shame we are not getting the weather for it ... oh dear, there I've mentioned the weather!!! Lovely card and I like the stitch detail top and bottom - nice to meet your trusty sewing machine. It's only a couple of years since I gave my much treasured one to my daughter, after 38 years of doing great service and, yes, it wasn't cheap either but worth every hard-earned penny - never made a three piece suit but, apart from making clothes for my daughter, son and myself, did make shirts, jeans and jeans jackets for the man in my life. I have a newer, lighter machine now and just can't get to grips with it! Elizabeth x

  4. I really love this card Jules. The stitching is wonderful!! I also love your machine. There is a lot to be said for older machines. I donated my old Kenmore (birthday gift when I was 16 ) and bought myself a fancy Singer about 15 years ago. I reget to this day that I gave up my old one; that Singer is long gone and I've probably had two more since. None of them stitched as nicely as that Kenmore. So well done and holding on to your old trustworthy machine.

    Hugs to you ....

  5. Great card Jules, I really like the Penny Black stamps. I have an old Singer featherweight sewing machine that I could get out it sews much better than my new all singing all dancing machine.

    jacqui x

  6. Simply beautiful Jules and so is your gorgeous sewing hun...:o)

    big hugs Vicky xx

  7. this is so sweet..not seen that pb stamp before x

  8. Oh my word Jules that's a space ship with a needle! Me and sewing machines just don't get on - I have three of them stashed away!
    Absolutely love the embroidery on your cute card, the image is gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend. Carol x

  9. Love this Jules, it is gorgeous,great image and colouring.

    Love the sewing machine they made things to last 30yrs

  10. This is adorable Jules. Love the image and the great stitching - did you stitch the borders on the gingham paper too?
    Denise xx

  11. Aw Jules, this is one of my favourite PB stamps, and a fabulous card as always. Great to meet your little playmate - think the secret is keeping it out and close by - now, where can I find room to squeeze mine in? Ahem, something's gotta be moved here :) Di xx

  12. Oh now you're just showing off Jules, that decorative stitching on the top and bottom of your card is totally showing off! It IS gorgeous.

    I think the secret too is sewing at the right speed, too slow or too fast and you're bound to mess it up.

    I can see why this is your favourite baby stamp, it's adorable.

    Kasey ~ in Oz

  13. Jules, what a stunning card! I so now want that stamp (there is always someone having a baby in my firm!) Your sewing machine is something to treasure and same make as mine (Janome)! Love them!

  14. Another gorgeous baby card, that image is so sweet and thanks for introducing your trusty sewing machine, it certainly stitches beautifully but I bet it wouldn't in my hands, LOL!
    Helen x

  15. Sweet card--I love the image as well as the stitching! Just adorable!

  16. Work comes before blogging and don't get stressed out. Your card is just delightful and I so love your stitching. Take care. Hugs x

  17. Your card is beautiful Jules,such a pretty card, that is one of my favourite stamps as well, have done quite a few baby cards with it.
    Your stitching always does look perfect, but like you said it is practice.
    Hope you have a good weekend.
    Janette xx

  18. Another gorgeous baby card Jules. I agree with you - it is a beautiful image.
    Love Sharon. x

  19. Now you've made e feel guilty about leaving my stitchy friend in a cupboard. I alsi used to make all the kids clithes and have made (just once) a suit for my husband.How times change.
    Love this Penny Black image - I haven't seen it before but I think I'll start looking for it. Fabulous card.
    Beryl xx

  20. A gorgeous card Jules. Nice to meet your trusty sewing machine! Have a great weekend.

    Sarah x

  21. Such beautifully coloured image. Looks lovely against the gingham with your sweet ribbon treatment. Super looking sewing machine. I can't thread mine up so it's gathering dust! Hugs, Lesley

  22. Cayoot! I do love gingham on a baby card. xx

  23. Wow Jules, this card is so super cute. Sue x

  24. Aww each one of your baby cards has been delightful , Fabulous work on this one Jules well done
    Hugs Elaine .
    Love your machine , I have never had one but always wanted one.

  25. Lovely card Jules :o) Such a cute image, love the gingham and your FABULOUS stitching! Hugs, Lisa x

  26. Beautiful Baby card Jules, lovely colours, have a good weekend big hugs Jo xxx

  27. Gorgeous baby card and so pretty. I've just bought this stamp but haven't done anything with it yet!
    Lorraine x

  28. I love this baby card Jules, it's soooo pretty & the gingham & image are perfect. Beautiful stitching as well. Thanx for sharing your special playmate & the story behind it. Have a great weekend.
    Sally x

  29. so gorgeous jules.i love your colours and fab image :D

    xx coops xx

  30. Aww this is really sweet Jules! I love this cute image! The papers and embellies are So gorgeous.. love the ribbon and heart charm!!
    Wow! that is some achievement making a fully lined three piece suit for hubby!! it sure looks a fab Sewing Machine!! :-))
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx

  31. Fabulous card! The stitched border is lovely.

    I used my ancient sewing machine (very basic, very heavy!) so much when the kids were little that I broke it! The engine burnt out just after I'd made curtains - I was never clever enough to make a suit! The replacement is very smart, but I don't love it as much as the original!

    love Mags B x

  32. Hi Jules
    Love this baby the stitching.....Fabulous cards....any Aunty pictures yet...??????

  33. Aaw! another gorgeous card Jules! wish i had a sewing machine like that!

  34. Awww I love this.. and that stitching too .. I think I'll be trying the stitching on my machine now as well ... I've had my sewing machine for over 30 years too. My dad had bought it for me when I was young xxx

  35. Lovely card - and good to meet your playmate!
    Kath x

  36. Oh my word Jules this is a little beauty, I really love that image so much, the soft colours, design and papers look truly wonderful.
    Lorraine x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx