Friday 27 July 2012


Hi Everyone

I hope your day has been good.

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on my creation of yesterday.  I wasn't too sure on the ribbon .. .. but everyone seemed to like it so I feel much better about it now :-)

Are you looking forward to the Olympics?

I am not a huge fan of "every sport going" .. .. but there will be some I will hope to catch.  

But having said that I "am" a huge, huge fan of the commitment and dedication that all of these hundreds and hundreds of people will have put into their chosen sports in the hope of winning a medal for their country.  Plus I will be gutted for those that have worked so hard for years and years who perhaps fall or stumble and then their hopes and dreams are dashed in a split second.  Especially if it is perhaps their last chance to participate .. .. oh dear .. .. I've got a lump in my throat already.  What am I like!!!

I just know I will slowly get drawn into it bit by bit and my patriotism will be stronger than ever.

But no red, white and blue today though .. .. I still seem to be in brown mode!!

This used:

Sentiment:  Elzybells   -   sadly no longer trading :-( 
Backing Papers:  Raspberry Road
Sizzix Die:  "656521" Flower with Leaves and Stem #2
X-Cut Punch:  Corner Rounder
Eyelets, Button, Bead and Ribbon from the Stash Box
White and Black Gel Pen

and that is it!!

Not much to this one but hopefully you like it.

Well, I had better get into that bath.  I came upstairs to get into it about half and hour ago .. .. but have ended up posting my little creation instead.

Hubby will be running up the stairs thinking I am having a little snooze amongst the bubbles!!!

Have a good evening everyone and a good weekend too!

Catch you tomorrow



  1. This is just gorgeous Jules,love the

  2. Another gorgeous card Jules. Love the flower. You have a lovely style.
    Lorraine x

  3. Hello Jules
    your card is gorgeous. I really love the design with the lace effect and the beautiful flower. That is a beautiful sentiment too.
    Hope you have a good evening

    hugs Sue

  4. ooh love the eyelets and the flower is fab x

  5. Oooh what a beauty. Wish I was able to come up with so many different idea. You are such an inspiration. Enjoy the bubbles. Hugs x

  6. Oooo, I love this one too! You make the coolest cards, Jules! I love LOVE the lacing and the pops of green and the get the picture! =D

  7. A lovely card, Jules, I especially like the lacing between the panels. I share your views on sport in general and on patriotism and dedication and I do hope we win lots of medals. Hugs, Lesley

  8. Love the eyelets and ribbon background. I did a layout using this a while back and it took forever so I'm in awe of seeing it on a card!

  9. Hi Jules
    Yes i love it .... Love the laced tie .... And the flower.....
    But do i need it??????
    Hugs sylvie xxxx

  10. Ooh this is gorgeous. I love the ribbon lacing - very clever and effective and you can stay in brown mode as long as you like - it's such a warm and variable colour to work with.
    Have a great weekend and make sure you get time to put your feet up.
    Beryl xx

  11. Another lovely card Jules. The flower really stands out against the lovely brown papers. Have a good weekend.

  12. You are so inspirational Jules.The corset and lacing technigue is so different - brilliant.Another super card.Have a lovely weekend dearie and hope the to-do list is getting shorter - fat chance I know.Hugs Debbie x

  13. Gorgeous card Jules, love the fabulous design.
    Enjoy the weekend.
    Wendy xx

  14. so gorgeous jules.i love the corset effect and stunning design :D

    xx coops xx

  15. Aww this is really sweet Jules! Love the gorgeous flower and sentiment!… and the design with the eyelets and ribbon is awesome!!
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx

  16. Love your card Jules,all the details are so fabulous.
    Hugs Linda

  17. A brilliant design, just fab!
    Helen x

  18. oh my this is just gorgeous fab design!!!

  19. gorgeous. love the ribbon laced up the side. fab idea. great colours x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx