Tuesday 28 August 2012


Gosh everyone

What a very busy few weeks I have had.  But I think my feet are now back on the ground again. Certainly my "do list" looks a bit healthier that's for sure!!

Lots of weddings have been needed for collection these last few weeks .. .. as well as "new happy couples" to meet and make samples for.

One happy couple I have been working for is the Son and now Daughter in Law of a lovely lady I used to work for many years ago.

Who would have thought the lady that interviewed me so long ago would end up being such a special friend. We were both sad at our time together coming to an end this morning :-(

It was the wedding this past weekend and it was lovely to be invited to be part of the special day and Friday saw us whizzing along the motorway (well whizzing as fast as Bank Holiday traffic will let you) with a table plan wrapped in bubble wrap nestled on the back seat.   It is the first time I have ever had a wedding photograph taken on a beach!!

We had a great time with our friends and stayed for a few days and caught up on some much needed "chat time", "chill time", "laughter" and sleep!!  

Here is a quick snap of the place names I made .. .. this one of course wasn't mine LOL!!

So today we are home again and it is time to get all those bags unpacked .. .. .. and I am already on wash load number two!!

Hopefully now things have settled down a little I won't be such a stranger here.

I hope everyone is well and that you all had a good Bank Holiday break.

Catch you tomorrow when my itchy fingers will have had chance to play in the craft pod!!!



  1. Its lovely to see you back Jules. Sounds like you've been super-busy lately. Beautiful wedding place card. Enjoy the rest of your day.

    Sarah x

  2. This is lovely Jules.
    Glad to see you back :)

    jacqui x

  3. How do we get so much washing when we go away. We'd never use that much stuff if we were at home...

    Beautiful card. The mahoosive bow is a gorgeous touch. And it sounds like you'll have happy memories of the day too. X

  4. Glad you are back Jules. A beautiful piece of work on the name card. :-) Lynn x

  5. Beautiful name card Jules I love the style its just perfect.
    Hugs Linda

  6. Wow, Jules, that place name card is gorgeous!! And I'm so glad you're back--I've missed your creations and your humor! ;-)

  7. It certainly sounds like you have been very busy Jules.
    I'm glad you had a good time at the wedding, the place name looks stunning.
    Hugs Sue

  8. Good to have you back Jules. Glad you enjoyed your weekend away and wow what a stunning place card.
    Denise xx

  9. YAY - she's BACK!

    Sounds busy but fun.

    Sarn xxx

  10. Welcome back, we missed you x joy

  11. How fantastic that you had such a wonderful time! The 'Bride' place-name you made is just beautiful, so elegant!

    I'm so glad you're back - missed you! - but obviously your work with your "Happy Couples" must come first!

    much love,
    Mags B xx

  12. Beautiful, Jules! Yes, September will be here far too quickly!

  13. So glad you enjoyed your time away and the wedding.Good that you had some time to relax too. Looking forward to seeing you post your 'shares' with us when you get back into the swing of things.
    Beryl xx

  14. Very elegant card...just stunning!

  15. Hey Jules! Sounds like you've had a wonderful yet busy time! Glad to hear you are keeping well!

    Love the name placecards you made, totally gorgeous!

  16. Welcome back Jules, we missed you! Absolutely adore the place name you made.

    Love, Di xx

  17. Morning Jules... Great to see you back missed your cards.

    Vic x

  18. Hi Jules - so pleased you're back.
    You have been missed...... nice to hear you've had some 'time out' your place card is gorgeous - enjoy your catch up time!!

  19. What a most beautiful card. Love the font you have used (or maybe it is a stamp). Glad to see you back.

  20. Welcome back Jules - I've missed your posts and the heart search!
    Kath x

  21. Lovely to see you back - and that you've had a few days chill time, etc., - much needed, I'm sure.

    The place name is gorgeous - love the gold.

    Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  22. Good to see you back Jules, your place card is just beautiful, I love it!
    Helen x

  23. I wish you would show more of your wedding makes, Jules! This is SOOOOOO ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! May I borrow the idea at some point for a card? I just love it! Hugs, Lesley

  24. Nice to see you back Jules and wow those place names are fabulous your work is gorgeous Hugs Elaine


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx