Friday 9 November 2012


Hi Everyone

Well I am late, late, late tonight after being so good these last few nights.  :-(

But I can't finish my card because I can't find what I need for the final touches .. .. .. mainly because it has been such a hectic week on the production front and my crafty stash is in need of a good old tidy up!!!

So rather than not post at all I thought we could have a little fun.

Here is a tiny portion of my card.

Can anyone guess the Penny Black image from what I have posted?

I have always thought this would make for a fabby craft quiz .. .. and it could even be my specialist subject on Mastermind .. .. name that Penny Black Stamp LOL!!!  

I feel I would do quite well on that round ... ... ..  but would let myself down badly on the general knowledge that followed!!  I have only ever been interested in making things!!

So any takers?

I will send a selection of ribbons and embellishment bits to the first person who guesses correctly (but I will need the "actual" name of the stamp .. .. not just a description of what it might be).

Feel free to guess until my next post goes up tomorrow and I won't release any comments until then.

The stamp is still on sale ... I have just checked.

The only clue .. .. it is a wood mounted stamp.

Have fun!!



  1. Hi Jules
    Love this game :o)
    I think it's PB Royal Mail 3766J
    Fingers crossed lol!!!
    Debs xx

  2. Hi Jules,

    I think the stamp is Royal Mail No. 3766J.
    I knew what the image looked like and could picture it in my head, but have had to have a nosey round the internet to find to correct name.
    Lyndsey xx

  3. Hi Jules - It Is Royal Mail xx Oh the benefits of stamping up and cataloging all my stamps x Have a good weekend x Susan x

  4. Hi Jules,
    It's called Royal Mail and it's adorable
    Denise xx

  5. And the number is 3766J The Margaret Sherry Collection copyright 2007 it is stored in my Penny Black Box No 3 and cost me £8.95 and l ususally team my hedgie up with hand delivered. Am l sad or what x Susan x

  6. oooooooooooooooo i think i know this one :D
    is it `royal mail`?

    xx coops xx

  7. Hi Jules,
    Hehe how could I not have a go, what a fun thing to do and with Penny Black stamps being my all time favourite - is it (drum roll please) Royal Mail x joy

  8. Hi Jules, what a fun post. I think the stamp you have used has one of the super hedgehogs and is called Royal Mail.
    Have a good weekend.

  9. hi Jules, I expect I am too late now but I think it is Penny Black Royal Mail. The reason I think this is because I was looking at buying it a couple of weeks ago.
    Looking forward to seeing the finished card

    hugs Sue

  10. Yes yes Jules I know I know,
    it's 'Royal Mail'.

    Here's hoping lol.
    Cheers, Elaine

  11. Hi Jules

    I think this is a brilliant idea, i can't place the stamp though, i love Penny Black stamps, one of my favourite companys. I have been to Birmingham today, had a lovely time, i didnt spend tooo much. Have a lovely weekend.

    Lv Janette x

  12. I'm guessing there's a hedgehog on
    Other than that I haven't a clue. Perhaps we should be guessing what you couldn't find too - I'm sure we've all been there.
    Beryl xx

  13. ooo errr Jules that is a toughy. Ok I think it is the 'royal mail' penny black stamp, the one where the little hedgie is on his tippy toes next to the post box?
    huge hugs Lou xxx

  14. Hi Jules, I don't suppose I will be the first but my guess is "Royal Mail". Pauline xx

  15. Hi Jules, what a really fun idea ~ is the stamp Penny Black 'Royal Mail' by any chance? Love Bev xx

  16. I'm probably too late Jules - but it's:
    Penny Black "3766J" Royal Mail for sure :))

    If I win, which is doubtful, then I'll tell you how I know.

    Have a lovely weekend - we finally have some sun here, yay!!!

    Love, Di xx

  17. I think this might just be one of my favourite PB stamps called..Royal Mail?
    Have a good weekend.

  18. Hi Jules, is it Royal Mail - that's my best guess anyway.

  19. Hi.
    Although the card is not yet finished I do believe it will be very beautiful. Just like all your other cards.
    I always enjoy finding hearts, so I decidet to take that challenge. I belive the Penny Black stamp that you used is Royal Mail.
    Have a nice day.

  20. Ooh love doing quizzes.... and this is a great concept!

    I think it could be Royal Mail Hedgy Christmas List?

    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Love Sue xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx