Sunday 23 December 2012


Hi Everyone

What awful pictures on the news . .. all these floods causing chaos and mayhem .. .. and more rain forecast.  Oh dear.  How awful for everyone caught in the midst of it all!!   

Then there are the people who won't be able to travel to be with their loved ones.

Christmas plans and homes ruined for so many people.  A day for counting blessings if we aren't affected.

Well .. .. did I get as far as making anything today?


I finished off putting tags on parcels .. .. did some more work on the Christmas Quiz and drafted a post with all the cropped images embedded in it.  Can't believe I haven't accidentally posted it!!  LOL!!

I have also been putting the prizes together and whilst spreading them out on the spare bed I came across a parcel that we should have delivered to my Auntie and Uncle when we visited yesterday.  It was a present for them from my Mum.  

So I needed to re-visit today .. .. I don't think Santa will be recruiting me as one of his little helpers somehow!!!  But at least I found it today and not next week LOL!!

Woo hoo!!!  Nearly my favourite day of Christmas .. .. Christmas Eve!!

I hope everyone is getting on top of all the preparations.

Catch you tomorrow.



  1. Merry Christmas Jules to you and Mr Heart! Can't wait to see your creations in 2013.

    Kasey ~ in Oz

  2. Oh dear Jules, your present episode sounds like something I would do. But as you say, better found today than next week. Looking forward to your little quiz.
    If I don't get another chance I hope you and your family have a wonderful christmas and a happy and healthy 2013.

  3. You know if you need to you can 'unpost' things and revert to draft Jules - although you probably know that already.
    Have a great Christmas and enjoy this special time with your family.
    Beryl xx

  4. Happy Christmas Jules. Thanks for another lovely year of sharing your gorgeous creations and sorry I am so bad at commenting (i do love looking )Hope your Christmas is fun and festive and that 2013 brings love, laughter and many crafty times for you xx ps Christmas Eve is my fav day too!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx