Friday 21 December 2012


Hi Everyone

I hope your day has been good.

Have lots of you finished work today?

My hubby "broke up" today and they had their Christmas celebration at a restaurant early afternoon.

My friend was calling round with a card for us and telephoned this morning to make sure that it was still OK to call round.  (I had promised her a cup of tea and a mincepie).

I am quite lucky in that my friends do realise that although I am at home I am working and trying hard to earn an honest crust.

I could tell she felt guilty for interrupting my day so I told her that she "had" to come because it was the nearest I was going to get to an office party.

Well that was it.  She was duly persuaded and arrived on my doorstep shortly after armed with Christmas crackers (so we could wear party hats), a present for a Secret Santa, Pringles, cheese and tomatoes so we could have a little Christmas buffet alongside our mincepie and tea (I needed to drive later so no alcohol allowed!!!).

It was such a laugh and in the end I wrapped all of our presents whilst we had Michael Buble singing in the background (sadly only a CD .. .. he wasn't actually here in person) and we nattered for England.  A great productive session and a great laugh at the same time.  I feel a new tradition starting.

So what happens?  I wrap all the presents and find that a day label making with everyone the other week didn't produce enough labels .. .. so tonight I have made some more .. .. ..

These were all made from a Nestabilitie Label Die set, all the leftovers from my Pink Petticoat Christmas makes, Cuttlebug embossing folders and snowflakes from my still overflowing snowflake box.  Bit of a rubbish photograph but it gives you an idea of what I have been up to.

I think more will be needed tomorrow!!  That will teach me to suggest buying £1 presents for everyone at the Christmas table.  That will use 12 out of my box!!!  Eeeekkk!!! 

Just one more present to deliver to our Auntie and Uncle tomorrow and we should just about be ready.  Yippee .. .. just for once I think I am going to be ready ahead of time and not be wrapping on Christmas Eve!!!

Catch you tomorrow.



  1. sounds like a fun day to me , I don't drive so never have an alcohol ban...the only plus side, well that and resting my feet on the dashboard in the Summer.
    Your tags look fab, bought mine this time (January sales), still got Sam's presents to wrap.

  2. Lovely labels - they are all beautiful. I have a feeling that when I get round to wrapping up the last of the presents tomorrow morning I will have to make a few more labels too.

    Loved the card you made for your hubby's birthday ... brilliant cutting out.

    Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  3. It sounds like you have had a wonderful day Jules. We have that end of term feeling here today which is lovely.
    Your tags are fabulous, the designs and colours are gorgeous.
    I hope you have a great weekend
    Hugs Sue

  4. Love your labels...I've been doing the same today..wrapping and tag making! Carole Z X

  5. What a lovely "office" party!! It's awesome when you have such great friends like that!! Love the tags too!

  6. The tags are lovely Jules. Gosh you're so good buying for Aunts & Uncles, we gave up doing that years ago....well mine are probably all gone now lol.

  7. Fab tags, Jules! I don't know how you find time to make tags, especially such lovely ones conjured up from leftovers, as well as cards! Think Santa could bring me some spare time for Christmas?? Received my card from you today, it's gorgeous, thank you. Hope you both have a great Christmas & New Year.

    Hugs, Lynne x

  8. They look great...I loved your idea of a family tag making day!!!
    You will just have to create longer next time!!!
    for the few days I have been thinking I was done...till I opened the guest room door the other day and noticed that I had picked up "just a few more things'! And there they sit unwrapped. teehee

  9. Sounds like a fabulous way to have an office party!!

    Your tags look gorgeous, I have been very lazy and not put any on the ones for hubby and kids....just hope I can remember who's is who's!! lol
    Lorraine x

  10. Sounds like the best office party, I am having one like that tonight, mulled apple juice, as we are driving as well later.
    I love the guitar card you made for Mr Heart, I dare say he was pleased.
    I've not been around much due to overload of work but will try and catch up a bit today unless I get more last minute orders coming in.Can't say no to a panicked customer.
    Have a very happy Christmas and a happy new year. xxxx

  11. I love the sound of your "office" party!

    And, my goodness me, I have tag envy . . . what a good idea to layer them! Now, although I have a tag die . . . shall I buy another???????

    Happy Christmas to you and yours Jules xxxx

  12. these tags are just fab!! Hugs Juls

  13. It sounds like you had such a lovely time with your considerate and thoughtful friend. Your tags are really elegant and very you. Have a wonderful Christmas. X

  14. glad to hear you've has a great day, have a nice winter Jules, and love those tags!

  15. Love the tags Jules, what a lovey idea to have gifts at the table.

    Donna x

  16. your tags are gorgeous jules :D

    xx coops xx

  17. Gorgeous tags.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas
    BIG HUGZ Fleur xXx

  18. These are gorgeous labels Jules, and I don't think the photo is rubbish at all.
    Sounds like you had a great time with your friend, shame Michael Buble couldn't make it in person!

  19. Nothing like an office party to strart the Christmas celebrations Jules.....your tags are

  20. Beautiful tags Jules, wonderful use of those snippets. It sounds like you had a lovely party. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Pauline xx

  21. Hi Jules I love these tags the layers look terrific so do the designs, I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas and New Year
    lorraine x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx