Tuesday 25 December 2012


Hi Everyone

I wish everyone a healthy, good and happy 2013

Sorry folks .. .. I am a little late in up-dating the
prize box today.  I have been too busy amusing myself
with turkey and stuffing !!!  LOL!!!

All organised now with two six foot tables laid end to end
with twelve place settings ready for
the celebrating to start.

So the time has come for the final prize box up-date
for the

"Name Those Stamps" Christmas Quiz

Day Twelve  .. .. finishes the box with
"things to tie" .. .. as in ribbons and string

So here is the final prize box

Day Eleven .. .. Washi and Fabric Tape
Day Ten .. .. Fizzy Moon stamp and a surprise package
Day Nine .. .. Buttons and Bows
Day Eight .. .. Crochet Flowers and  sequins
Day Seven .. .. Wooden Embellishments

Day Six .. .. Pearls and Butterflies
Day Five .. .. Ribbons with Hearts 
Day Four .. .. A £15.00  Pink Petticoat  gift voucher donated by the lovely Liz (thanks Liz xx)
Day Three .. .. Things that look metallic
Day Two .. .. Lace and Spider Web Netting
Day One .. .. Flowers and Leaves

-- ooOoo --

As my little banner below says the quiz will run across the whole 12 days of Christmas
 .  .  . . starting (Christmas Day) 
and ending on the 5th January at 12.00 midnight GMT
 (with the winners being announced on the 6th January).

There will be two winners who will both get identical prizes.  

One prize will go to the first person who correctly tells me the name and number of each of the 12 Penny Black images shown below, 
and the second prize will be done on a lucky draw basis from all the remaining correct entrants. 

Small sections of all the 12 images are below.

Anyone is welcome to play along .. .. 
whether you are a follower of my blog or not and wherever you live
 .. .. .. .. and if you enter and guess correctly and
also post my little banner and a link to this quiz post on your blog, 
then your name will be entered twice into the draw
 (which in itself will be unique and would only be done in the House of Hearts LOL!!!).

I should have also added that it is fine to enter by email 
.. .. you will find my address on my profile.
I have quite a few people who don't have their own blog but 
leave me lovely comments on my posts .. .. it would be nice to know they are
in with a chance of winning a prize too!!!













Hopefully there are enough images there to keep you amused for a little while
.. .. and all of the stamps they have been taken from have been used on my blog at some stage.

Just leave me a comment listing:

The Picture Number
The Image Reference Number
The Image Name

for each of the twelve cropped images above 

and also let me know if you have added the banner to your blog 

so I can enter your name into the draw twice .. .. woo hoo!!

Note to entrants 30/12/12 onwards

Because so many people are taking so much time and effort in playing along with my little quiz can I please ask everyone to take care when entering and make sure that you provide all three pieces of information.  

1.  The picture number, 
2.  the stamp image reference number and 
3.  the image name.

I am getting a number of entries where only two out of the three pieces of information have been given, and therefore I am unable to include these entries into the draw .... which is a shame when people are spending hours taking part (and tearing their hair out in the process). 

I have emailed those people requesting the complete information be provided if they wish their entry to be considered for the draw.

If you haven't heard from me then your entry was complete.

Good luck everyone.  I hope you have fun and in case you are struggling with any of the images there is a lovely Penny Black link here .. .. but don't blame me if you fall in love with lots of the gorgeous stamps whilst looking. 

So the quiz finishes tonight at midnight GMT .. ..  ready for the draw tomorrow.

Have a happy day everyone!!

Thanks to everyone who is playing along and for your lovely messages
.. .. I am pleased you are all having fun .. .. and I apologise to those who
are going through a bit of torture treatment with it.  Sorry :-(



  1. lol have no idea ... just wanted to wish you a Very Merry Christmas and good luck to those that enter lol
    Lisa x

  2. Happy Christmas Jules, looking forward to seeing all cards in 2013 xxxx

  3. Hi Jules, the goodies look good.
    I only have one more to find.

  4. Me again Jules, sorry I forgot to mention the pic is in my sidebar.

  5. Good Morning Jules

    Its been a very quiet Christmas for us here, just me my lovely hubby and our new rescue puppy Jay.

    No blog but have enjoyed finding the stamps and hope you can let me off and let me enter the quix.

    Have emailed the answers.

    Happy 2013

    Love and hugs

    Sheila x

    P.S. Can give you a UK address if lucky xx

  6. A great competition Jules & what amazing prizes! As nice as it is, I won't enter. I'll leave it to the experts. lol. Enjoy the rest of the holidays,
    Sally x

  7. How much fun is this so long as there aren't any hearts to find! Wishing you a ver Happy and Prosperous New Year. Hugs Mrs a.

  8. A great competition - I've just sent you an email.

    Kath x

  9. Oh dear, as much as I love PB, I'm stumped...except I did recognize the goofy duck which I've used in 2 different stamps over the holiday season. The prizes look wonderful, and thank you for having the challenge. Happy New Year to you, and I'm looking forward to seeing your marvelous projects in 2013. Hugs

  10. Hi Jules, I had fun finding the various info and successfully managed to resist buying yet more PB stamps in the process. Though it has to be said that some of the photo snippets were quite challenging. Have a lovely New Year, hugs, Pauline x

  11. Can't remember if I mentioned that I put the banner on my blog.
    This is a lot of good fun, Jules!

  12. Well, I had great fun trying to identify the images but wanted to let you know that I now have a lengthy list of PBs I never knew I needed added to my 'to buy' list ;-)

  13. What fun! Had a lovely time peeking back through your fabulous blog hunting for stamps.
    Have emailed my answers & added a link to my blog.
    Happy New Year!
    Kaz xx

  14. Hi there Jules, ah this is quite tantalising and just proves to me that I do have at least one of them and actually coloured it two days ago while up at my sister's it is picture nine:
    PB Cheesecake wish Mouse Dandelion stamp
    and sooo cute had inked up whole lot of unused stamps and coloured them while up there but now to make them up!
    no idea on the others sorry! thanks for your lovely blog and for lovely things shared here!
    I will put a link to this on my blog love Shaz in Oz.x

  15. What a cracker of a quiz, Jules - love it!! I love PB stamps so it was a joy to do detective work to identify the stamps - I've sent you an email with my answers (thought that was better than showing everyone what might be (hopefully!!) the right answers xx

  16. Forgot to say - have done a blogpost about it here x

  17. Wow! there are so many gorgeous things going into your box Jules... what a fab prize it will be!

    We always used to have Sherry Trifle... lots of happy memories of making it on New Years Eve... but not had it for years.... we have a Chocolate Yule Log for this year... and we still have some mini Christmas Puddings so I might share one with my mum! :-))) but have we got any custard? now there's a thought... LOL will have to raid the back of the cupboard and see if I can find any Birds Packets still in date!!

    Hope you're having a fab Weekend and All the best for New Year! hope 2013 is a good year for you!!
    Love Sue xxx

  18. The goodies in the box are looking fabulous Jules, what fun this has been so good luck to all.

  19. Great fun Jules! Really enjoyed finding the stamps - like I had nothing better to do, lol! Have put a link on my blog and emailed you.

  20. wishing you a really Happy New Year Jules and i must of done the quiz right as i`ve not had an email :D

    xx coops xx

  21. Happy New Year! Instead of joining in with the festivities I was ploughing through your blog and the PB site trying to find images! And then when I finally thought I had it sussed, I read the bit about providing the image number!!! I'll send you an e-mail with hopefully the right answers, Jules and I've posted your pic on my sidebar! Hugs to you! Lesley

  22. Hi, just wanted to wish you a most Happy New Year, and say that I'll be looking forward to seeing the lovely projects you share in 2013. Will hope that it will be a banner year for you & yours. Hugs.

  23. Hi Jules, just wanted to wish you a Very Happy New Year, not sure about all those stamps but a lot look like the House Mouse ones. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  24. Hey Jules, just swinging by to wish you a joyous New Year! I trust you ahd an awesome Christmas, also!

  25. Hi Jules, glad you are having a lovely festive holiday and it will be lovely with your son and his wife to visit too! - don't blame you for carrying on the celebrations… I've had another chicken roast dinner today!! so I think I am piling on the pounds also!! I am on my 2nd Tin of Roses now! :-(
    Ah well.. when the food is gone - it's gone and so then it will be back to normal.. but I am gonna enjoy it while it lasts!! LOL
    Happy New Year 2013! hope it's a Happy and Healthy one for you and your family!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  26. This challenge is a lot of fun and the prizes are so fabulous. Happy new year.
    xx Annie

  27. Hi Jules, can't join in with your wee challenge - haven't got a clue about these stamps - but have been admiring the goodies in the hamper already. Good luck to everyone who is playing along. Anyway, glad to hear you are still celebrating and I'm sure those pounds will go quick enough when things are back to normal ... well, that's what I tell myself :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  28. Oooooowh!!

    That goodie box is looking fabulous Jules. Not only have you got me wanting P.B stamps but also lots of other bits and pieces that I thought I had enough of.

    Take care

    Love Sheila x

  29. That was so much fun, Jules!! Thank you for your over-the-top prize box generosity!!!!

  30. Soooo excited the box of goodies looks amazing. Good luck to everyone who has entered. Have a lovely weekend Jules. x

  31. I'm wishing you and your family a happy and healthy new year Jules!!!



By leaving a comment here you are accepting that other visitors will read your comments and be able to link through to you.

If you have chosen to follow my blog by email, or send me a message via email, then please know that I will never share your address with any third parties.

So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx