Wednesday 12 December 2012


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a good day.

Lots of nasty germs going around at the moment .. .. so if you have managed to catch any then make sure you get rid of them nice and quick so that you can enjoy the Christmas break.

Thank you for all your lovely comments on my card of yesterday. 

My day has been spent getting all my paperwork ready for the accountant to inspect tomorrow .. .. so my head is about ready to burst.  I certainly couldn't work with numbers all day every day that's for sure!!  Give me a rubber stamp, an ink pad and a piece of card any day!

Well panic is just about ready to set in here.  I have been busy making cards for all my lovely customers to give but still don't have any to send myself .. .. .. and there are some people where a shop bought one just won't suffice .. .. but I can't spend ages and ages making some as there is just too much to do.  

So I am trying to come up with something nice and quick but hopefully worth receiving .. .. and at the moment this is my favourite.

This used:

Double printed Pink Petticoat Papers:  "Twas the Night" Script Papers printed in Sweet Bohemia overprinted with "Small Nordic Snowflakes" printed in Winter Pansy
Sentiment printed directly onto card base using font "Zipty Do"
Hobbycraft Punches:  Sowflakes
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Ribbon from the Stash Box
Glamour Dust
.. .. and a couple of lines of embossing from my ScorPal

Yep .. .. quite pleased with this .. .. .. but I can see it happening in a few different colourways!!  LOL!!!  It definitely needs to be done with those gorgeous Kraft papers I downloaded.

OK bath time for me.  Time to relax and get all those numbers out of my head before bedtime!

Enjoy the rest of your evening.



  1. Jules this is gorgeous the design is fabulous and would look beautiful in a number of colour ways and yes you will have to use the kraft papers. I love them and it's seeing your card's that made me buy them. Have a good evening. Caroline xxx

  2. Such a pretty card Jules - really like the colour combo. x

  3. Hi Jules..Know just want you mean about time running out,Wish I could come up with a quick design like your's, it's absolutely beautiful and will look good in many colours and yes those kraft papers would be fab.
    Wendy xx

  4. Hi Jules, There is that delicious Cadbury ribbon again! As you say, this would work brilliantly with many colour combinations, it's lovely - you could notch up 50 cards in no time! I hope your accountant is pleased with your accounts tomorrow and your day goes well. Pauline xx

  5. ooh I love numbers!! I worked as a company accountant for the last 20 years until I finished in October :-(
    I hope it goes well tomorrow.

    Gorgeous card, I love all the snowflakes and fabulous colours.
    Lorraine x

  6. Really loved yesterday's card...but love this one too, gorgeous colours! Carole Z X

  7. This is gorgeous Jules. I love the double printed backing paper and the layout is fabulous. I can see many possibilities with various colours too.
    I hope you manage to clear your head of those horrible numbers!
    Hugs Sue

  8. This is so pretty Jules. I always love the CAS but never seem able to achieve it myself.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  9. And so you should be pleased with this one. Very elegant and stylish. Hope you get time to make all he Christmas cards you need - I'm struggling and I don't have a business to run.
    Beryl xx

  10. Hi Jules, just caught up with your last three cards and the labels - all very lovely. If I have to choose a favourite, it would have to be the one with the pine cones - great image and my favourite colour. Your bow is fantabulous too. Elizabeth xx

  11. Hi jules
    Gorgeous csrd love the backing paper... Fabulous design.....
    Hugs Sylvie xxxx
    Yes i have done some simple ones and just over 4 inches square .... Really pleased with them .....

  12. Hi Jules love the card it's gorgeous!

  13. This is very elegant Jules, love the design. Carol x

  14. How pretty! Anyone would be delighted to receive this card!

  15. Good luck with the accountant tomorrow, I hope it all goes well!

    Your card is yet another chic and sophisticated one, and the double printing looks so good!!

    love Mags B x

  16. Marvellous card Jules. I love the font and the over printed paper.

  17. I love this card and the one in the post before this one. They are so elegant and rich. Now, I am not ready for snow . . . it has been raining a lot here and it chills me to the bone. I know that when the snow comes it is going to bring in icy roads (that is what I really don't like). The good thing is that I am retired so most of the time I do not have to go out and drive in it:)
    Come on over and visit and when you are there, enter my very first Give-Away. I am celebrating my first year as a blogger. I love blogging and have met so many wonderful and creative people.
    Hope to see you.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  18. Looooove the snowflakes! What a beautiful card!!!

  19. Another beautiful card, very pretty. Less really can be more you know.


  20. Luv your fabulous card jules.

  21. This is lovely Jules so clean and simple but classy

    jacqui x

  22. Yup, this would be a fabby card for anyone to receive. Ha, mind you - there's still quite a bit of work in it in my eyes Jules. LOVE the colours too. Hugs, Di xx

  23. This is lovely Jules, so many possible colour combinations - anyone would be delighted to receive this card.

  24. simply gorgeous jules.fab pretty design and i love the snowflake :D

    xx coops xx

  25. Love the colours, everytime i look down my list of followings your cards just jump out at me so beautiful and classy x

  26. Hi Jules, sorry for not stopping by lately, life has been manic! Love your gorgeous card, the design is fab!
    Helen x

  27. Brilliant Jules, 4doz of these in different colours and you could be well
    Thanks for your good wishes xxxxxx
    Hugs mau xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx