Saturday 8 December 2012


Hi Everyone

Happy Saturday.  I hope you are all having a great weekend.

We had a wonderful evening out last night .. .. midday and I still haven't eaten as I am still full!!!  (Plus hubby's wallet arrived home safely too .. .. woo hoo!!!).

Lots of jobs on the old "do list" today so I am hoping my day will last ages and ages.

This is my first make of the day using the sketch from over at Sketch Saturday this week.

This used:

Image:  Cuddly Buddly "Going Down"
Sentiment:  Digistamp Boutique "Simply Christmas Greetings"
Backing Papers:  Dovecraft Back to Basics "Vintage" .. .. again LOL!!!
Nestabilities:  Classic Circle and Scalloped Circle Large
Sizzix:  Winter Wonder for the snowflakes
Glamour Dust
Gems and Ribbon from the Stash Box

Ooooppssss!!  Just noticed I haven't coloured Santa's nose!!  Sorry about that!  Can't be bothered to take another picture and do all the re-sizing and watermarking .. .. so just imagine it a lovely shade of pink!!  LOL!!

Time now to start getting the dining/living room ready for the mammoth label day tomorrow and putting together a little inspiration board for everyone.

For those who are new to my blog this is the day that my lovely Sister and I get together with as many members of our families as we can gather together to make the labels for our Christmas presents.

This results in loads and loads of my crafty goodies making their way downstairs in readiness for being put to crafty use .. .. including all those snippets.

You would think that so many of us using them would reduce them considerably for me .. .. but of course tags/labels do not make much of a dent .. .. but every little helps.

I am also hoping to get the Christmas decorations up to make it extra Christmassy!!

If I remember I will try and do a picture of the "calm before the storm".

Right time to get moving all those crafty goodies.  But in the meantime if you fancy playing along with the challenge here is the sketch. 

Have a good day everyone.

See you tomorrow with my snippet make .. .. which I have a sneaky feeling will be a Christmas present label!!!



  1. Gorgeous card Jules and love your santa image and such a sweet sentiment


  2. Can't believe it has been a year since have been following your blog have enjoyed your lovely cards and friendly blog hope you and your family have a lovely tag day and beat wishs for Christmas hugs ginny

  3. I love what you did with that sketch! The Santa is adorable--as are the snowflakes. And the backing papers are gorgeous! Well done!!

  4. Hello Jules.
    I am glad you had a good evening.
    Your card is wonderful. I love the jolly image and all the sparkle.
    The label day sounds like a lot of fun.
    I hope you enjoy the rest of the day
    Hugs Sue

  5. Fabby Chrimbo card as always Jules.

    Wishing you much fun and laughter and snippet reducing with your family tomorrow!

    Sarn xxx

  6. Hi Jules!
    catching up, wow fabulous cards you have made!
    Happy Christmas time;-))m

  7. Ha! Super card - and Santa's nose ought to be glowing pink when you do it - after all those sherries dontcha know :)

    Hope you have a fab time with the label making - still fighting the Christmas lights here and am off out to party in an hour! Oh, what the heck - dumps lights and looks for party dress :)

    Love, Di xx

  8. Love this another gorgeous card! i never noticed the "nose" Jules lol!!!

  9. Jules this is stunning i love the layout the colours are gorgeous together and the image is adorable. Glad you had a good evening. Caroline xxx

  10. A gorgeous sparkly Christmas creation Jules. I adore the carolling duck below too.
    Enjoy your tag making tomorrow and thanks for the font, it's now safely downloaded! Carol x

  11. Another gorgeous Christmas card Jules, enjoy the rest of the weekend. Sue x

  12. This is a great card Jules love that image Santa has a wonderful star

    jacqui x

  13. Beautiful card Jules, love the gorgeous image and details. Thanks for joining us at Sketch Saturday.

    Donna x

  14. This is so sweet Jules. Love the Santa and the gorgeous papers. Yes me too sometimes when we go out to eat for lunch I am so full I end up not eating in the evening xxx

  15. Gorgeous card Jules. I love the santa even with his white nose! Pretty backing papers too.
    Glad you had a good evening, and hubby's wallet got home safely!
    Have a good weekend
    Lorraine x

  16. Cute Santa Jules - have a lovely day with your family tomorrow.

  17. Beautiful card, Love that cute Santa image with the fabulous added glitter..., Love your take on the sketch... would love to see pics of your tag crafty get-together... Have fun.. Hugs May x x x

  18. Fabby image, great layout and papers.

    Glad to hear hubby got his wallet back and sounds like a fun day, will be had by all tomorrow !!, enjoy, Luv Sam x

  19. Love this image and layout Jules. Pity we don't live near as I would love to join in the tag making. I could even bring some Snippets for you!

  20. Hi Jules
    This is so gorgeous, I love the image and those papers are some of my fave :D
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend hun :)

  21. I'm loving all of your lovely Christmas makes! You've been wonderfully busy making lots of gorgeous cards, I so can't wait to receive one! hehe! Hope you and the family are doing great in the lead up to Christmas and during the silly season!

  22. Brilliant card Jules. Enjoy your label day!!!

  23. Really great card Jules, I love that santa image and the sketch is fab.
    Laura xx

  24. Just brilliant as always Jules. Hope you are well and ready for the festive season. I've been busy knitting for Christmas but am hoping to return in the New Year .... maybe!!!! Hugs x

  25. Hi Jules, Really lovely card, I like the Santa and the papers you have used. I have just popped over to Digistamps and a few have found their way onto my computer! Your interpretation of the sketch is very good - I think I will try some of the Sketch Saturday ones. Pauline xx

  26. so stunning jules.fab santa image and i love your colours :D

    xx coops xx

  27. This is a fab Christmas card Jules, great papers and I love your glittery Santa. Have a great day tomorrow (well I suppose it's today now, probably all over by now) - it sounds like fun.

  28. In admiring Santa's lovely sparkly beard and hat, I hadn't even noticed that his nose wasn't colored! I'm sure it is now and it's a perfect card!

  29. Beautiful colouring and beautiful sparkle, Jules. It's a pleasure to have you play along with us at Sketch Saturday. Hugs, Lesley

  30. gorgeous jules

    jen xx

    ps thanks for joining us at sketch saturday this week


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx