Saturday 15 December 2012


Hi Everyone

I hope you have had a good Saturday.

Mine has gone well.

All gifts now bought .. .. with the exception of one .. .. .. I need another present for my Mum who says she doesn't want anything!  

Mr Heart has a birthday on Tuesday (how inconsiderate to be born a week before Christmas .. .. he is so expensive to keep LOL!!!).  So I will need to escape and get him a birthday pressie on Monday so hopefully I can find something for Mum too.  

The shops today were absolutely deserted.  No Christmas music playing at all!! :-(  

No crowds and folk pushing their way around as I remember in years previous.  Perhaps everyone is waiting until next weekend .. .. but I won't be there then!!!!

The only place that was heaving today was the Pound Shop!!  That clearly tells you something about the state of our economy at the moment!!

We are at my Sister's on Christmas Day and as a bit of fun at the table everyone is buying a £1 present for the other guests at the table .. ..  it will be interesting to see what folk have come up with.  

Anyway, each time we have returned home I have had a tiny play in my craft room but between shopping, present delivering and answering emails I haven't got very far with my Sketch Saturday creation.  This is how it looks so far:

If all is good with the world tomorrow I should have chance to finish it alongside my snippet make.

So after visiting folks to drop off presents and eating far too many cakes we are now off out for a Chinese with friends at their house .. .. and I just know it will be decorated beautifully everywhere!!!

Catch you tomorrow everyone and have a good evening.



  1. I really like it so far. Can't wait to see the finished card. It is my hubby's birthday on Tuesday too. A nightmare having to think up a christmas pressie and a birthday pressie.

  2. look forward to seeing the finished result!! Hugs juls

  3. Your card is looking good so far and have a lovely evening. Caroline xxx

  4. It sounds like you have had a successful day Jules
    I hope you manage to find something for your hubby's birthday. My hubby's birthday is Wednesday and I still have to find something for him and make his card!

    I hope you have a wonderful evening.

    hugs Sue

  5. Love that sweet heart ribbon! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  6. Sounds like a great day and the card is probably finished by now!!! It is just Dec 16th here. Well, 30 minutes into Dec 16th!

    It is sure pretty so fr...can't wait to se the finished results.

  7. Morning Jules, a lovely card in progress, l adore the colour and can't wait to see the finished creation.

    It's sad about the shops l think, our high streets are dying and once they're gone, there gone! We seem to of been taken over by pound shops, l guess its a sign of the times :(

    Mr Heart shares the same birthday as my eldest, l only just escaped hospital before Christmas Day 16 years ago! Please wish him HB for me.

    Have a fantastic Sunday, big hugs xx

  8. Fabulous! Can't wait to see the finished card, we found deserted shops yesterday too! Carole Z X

  9. Hi Jules,

    What a wonderful collection of cards since my last visit! They are all so beautiful.

    I can't believe it's a year since you last posted about going for a meal with your aunt and uncle and your tag making day - where has the time gone?!

    Looking forward to seeing this card when it's finished!

  10. I love your simple design and the images are gorgeous, a stunning card Jules. hugs Shirleyxxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx