Friday 18 January 2013


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all safe, warm and snug in your home!!  What a day!!

We have just watched the news and it looks like it has been a nightmare for so many people .. .. scary road conditions that's for sure.  But of course you just can't help but go "ahhh" when you see the tiny children all togged up and being pulled on their little plastic sledges with their bright red rosy cheeks glowing!!!  

Mmmmm.... we might still have a yellow plastic sledge hanging up in the garage!  I wonder if Mr Heart will give me a little ride up the road on it!!  I somehow doubt it!  He is a bit more grown up and sensible than I am  LOL!!

We didn't get the 6" of snow we were promised last night but it has snowed nearly all day today .. .. and there is the possibility of more tonight/tomorrow.

I live on a main road and it takes a lot for our road not to be clear of snow because of all the traffic it gets .. .. but today is the first time I have known it not to be clear!!  

My little craft pod overlooks this main road and I get to see lots of things out of it.  Some good, some bad, some happy and some sad .. .. but today I saw something that I just couldn't believe.  A woman driving along in her car, with snow on the road and snow falling down very fast .. .. arms up in the air texting on her phone .. .. no hands on the wheel because she needed them to text .. .. but still moving along.  Stupid, stupid woman!!!!  

... .. .. and after all that .. .. .. my share for today LOL!!!

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "3470H" Gift Hedgy
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat "Happy Birthday Sentiments"
Backing Papers:  DCWV "Citrus Stack"
Bunting Stamp:  free with a magazine ages ago
Nestabilities:  Eyelet Circle
My Trust Sewing Machine
Button Twine

and that is it!!

Not much more to report for today .. .. other than it is snowing again!!!!  Anybody want a bit?!?!?

I'll catch you over the weekend.  Have a good one.



  1. Lovely card Jules. We have been lucky so far and escaped most of the snow. Just a light dusting here

  2. You can keep your snow Jules I think we've probably had as much as you from what you say our main roads weren't clear either. I've had to walk Beni twice today :-(

    Love your card Jules great stamp and love those papers

    jacqui x

  3. Gorgeous card Jules. Love the PB hedgy, and fab colours and layout too. Your bunting looks great.
    Not much snow here today, the kids are very disappointed! Think we might get some over the weekend, but you never know!!
    Stay warm!
    Lorraine x

  4. Totally fab, brilliant colouring! I love that bunting!

    Kerry Louise

  5. great card Jules, love Penny Black stamps and hopefully, I will try sewing around the borders of my images one day, it looks like a great design!

  6. What beautiful, bright colours, just what's needed on a cold snowy day!

    I cannot believe the stupidity of some drivers! I hope that woman got caught by the police and fined!

    Stay warm and snug!

    love Mags B x

  7. i read somewhere that common sense should be a super power as so many people DO NOT HAVE IT!! silly mare - fabby card, love that hedgy - have a safe and warm weekend x

  8. Ahhh, what a cheery card! I love the sweet colors--and the sweet image too! Be safe! :-)

  9. A wonderful card. I love the bright papers.
    We have had quite a bit of snow here, with a lot more forecasted.
    Nikki x

  10. Hi Jules this is so lovely I do love those wonderful colours and papers the image is totally adorable, I love it.
    lorraine x

  11. Beautiful card Jules....fabulous image and great

  12. So gorgeous Jules, love the cute hedgy & fabulous bunting.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Wendy xx

  13. Gorgeous card and such a cute image and lovely colours ..we've had about 4" of snow where we are in Somerset.
    You just can't believe how stupid some people can be you?


  14. Well, it looks like they did get the forecast right anyway! I like snow to look at and that's about all.
    Your card is gorgeous, I love that image and the colours are fabulous.
    I hope you have a good weekend
    Hugs Sue

  15. Hiya Jules, hope you are doing well! So amazing that you guys are in the midst of so much snow, while we are experience extreme heat!

    LOVE this hedgue the orange and blue and green colours really pop, so beautiful! its awesome!!

  16. Lovely dash of summer colours here Jules!
    We got lots of the white stuff too!! YAY!!!!
    Drivers even worse down our lane - watched 'white van man' slide sideways about 200yards cos he took the bend too fast - luckily nothing else coming but if he'd gone into the farmers field I'd have just left him there - the plonker....LOL

  17. Snow here please Jules! There's not yet enough for a snowman tomorrow lol! Love the gorgeous colours on your card & the neat stitching.

    Personally I think grown up & sensible is a bit overrated...better to be a bit childish & have fun ;-)


  18. Lovely card Jules. The image is so cute and love all the bright and cheery colours.
    It's been snowing here since lunchtime so got quite a good covering now. So glad I have not got to go out in it tomorrow.

  19. Beautiful card Jules, love the colours and the PB image, your hedgy is so so cute!

    We've had about 3" here and l think its just stopped for the first time since it started early this morning! But as you said, more is forecast :(

    It's really unbelievable what you witness when your driving or watching people driving, how some of them passes their tests is beyond me! It's such a shame there's never a policeman around when you need one.

    Have a good night, keep safe and warm xx

  20. So cute Jules, the bright colours are gorgeous. We've got a covering here but it's taken all day to get that far! Carol x

  21. Me! I want some snow - we haven't seen so much as on errant flake, boohoo :(

    That woman isn't just stupid, she's breaking the law!!! And yet, I can bet she thinks that she is a law-abiding citizen ... what is it about the law on mobiles that people think they can simply ignore?!?!

    Your card is terrific - love the bright and cheery colours and, of course, that cute wee hedgehog :)

    Take care and stay cosy over the weekend - unless, of course, you persuade Mr Heart to go sledging :)) Elizabeth xx

  22. Lovely zingy colours Jules & a what super cute hedgy! The bunting across the corner is perfect. We finally got about 4" of snow overnight & during the day (pics on my blog), very pretty but trecherous to drive in. People like that silly woman, who still use their mobiles while driving, should be not only fined but banned as well. They are a danger to other road uses like my hubby who tells me so many horror stories from his motorway journeys every day.
    Sally x

  23. Hi Jules,
    Can I have some snow - we have been having a heat wave here and we reached 50C twice in the last 2 weeks, it is just horrid!! How about i send you half my heat and you send me half your snow and then we both should be just right. But don't forget to take your camera along and get a piccy of Mr Heart pulling you along in your sledge before you send the snow packing - i'm sure we would all love to see that hehe talk soon x joy

  24. Well we got a least 6 inches here so we must have got some of yours as it went across. Apart from that woman being totally stupid - she's breaking the law. Unbelievable.
    Great image on your card and nice warm colours too.
    Beryl xx

  25. Ooh Jules… that woman driver sounds SO stupid… and bet if she has an accident it won't be her who is injured!! what an idiot!!
    Aww your card is lovely and bright and cheery! nice to see some Summery colours… love the cute hedgy and the gorgeous bunting!!
    We have a bit of snow here.. it's a bit slushy though and has frozen over - Uck… I think my sledging days are well and truly over!!! ROFL - now a proper Sleigh Ride would be nice! :-))))
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  26. OMGosh Jules, this card is too cute, so cherry and just happy! Love the papers you chose and love your coloring! I also love that birthday sentiment and banner! I can't believe that woman was texting while driving-shame on her!!! People are just crazy. Our snow has melted, now we have artic temps, with our highs in the 20's starting Monday. So I will be snuggling down and hibernating!! lol

  27. so gorgeous jules.fabulous zesty colours and i love your hedgie and fab bunting.

    xx coops xx

  28. Hi Jules, Gorgeous card I adore Penny Black images and the colours are so uplifting in this horrible January weather ~ we had eight inches of snow yesterday!! Hugs Bev xx

  29. Hi sweetie this is just gorgeous love the colours, huggles Pops x x x

    ps thank you for your help yesterday you are a star x x x

  30. awwwwww Jules that is so cute! those papers have warmed me up a treat and I love the pennants!!!
    huge hugs Lou xxxxxx

  31. Beautiful Jules... loving the papers and that image is so beautiful. Love these hedgehogs. Need to find mine out - you've inspired me!

  32. This is a gorgeous card, I love the bright colours and a lovely layout too. :)

  33. gorgeous x love the image and such fab fresh spring like colours x

  34. Hello Jules

    It's snowing here or at least it was, but thawing nicely. Slushy and horrible.
    Brilliant card Jules, with a super duper image, and gorgeous tangy design paper.

  35. You can keep your snow thank you very much, here in Clacton on Sea Essex there has only been a few flakes. I work at a school and the kids are biting at the bit to get in on a slice of snow days awwww.

    Anyhooo on to the card. Adorable as ever. I really havent worked with peny black. I have the 12 Days of Christmas which I will be using. Thank you for sharing x

  36. Hi Jules! aah this is such a cute image and card, the bright colours are so cheery on such a drab day! Hugs, Carole Z X

  37. Such a cute image and I love the colours you have chosen.

    No snow here - thankfully!

    Kath x

  38. Lovely zingy card Jules and another cute PB hedgie. Pauline xx

  39. Snow is so beautiful when you can sit inside, all warm and cozy, and look out the window. I can't believe how people text while they're driving. So dangerous! On a happier note, your darling hedgehog made me smile and think again about sending in an order for some cute stamps. Stay warm and safe!

  40. This card is like a breath of fresh air Jules, so lovely and spring like - when does spring arrive - soon I hope.
    Wwe had a snow plough go down our road, that's a first and we've lived here for over 20 years!

  41. made me smile that image! you made a great card with it Jules as you always do!

  42. I spotted the citrus stack immediately, love the bright zingy colours, may have to steal this was an upcoming nephews birthday!



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Love Jules xx