Tuesday 15 January 2013


Hi Everyone

Happy Tuesday!!

I hope you are all well.

Where have I been?  Well nowhere jolly that's for sure .. .. .. in fact I am lucky I have any hair left!!

The House of Hearts has been away on a journey into the world of installing Super Fast Fibre Broadband .. .. a journey which started last Tuesday and has only just finished .. .. .. three engineers and one week later!!!

Boy have I missed by internet connection!!  You just don't realise how much information you search for and how many times you use it .. .. until you can't! 

Thankfully my emails still came through onto my phone so I didn't miss any enquiries or orders but it wouldn't let me leave even the most basic of messages on my blog .. .. so I am sorry if you have been wondering where I was .. .. and thank you so much to all the people who enquired as to whether all was OK in the old House of Hearts.  There are so many lovely people out there in blogland and I was quite touched to have been missed.

So what have I been up to?  Apart from pulling at my hair out and testing my patience to the limit  .. .. 

Well the next two big events for me are a Wedding Fayre at the end of January at the new FA Training Ground .. .. St Georges Park .  I am expecting lots of interest from even the grooms at this event .. .. even if the couples aren't getting married there I can imaging the men folk wanting to attend to have a look around the place.  (Even Mr Heart has volunteered to help unload the car!!  Not something he would normally offer to do LOL!!).

So I have been getting my head around some new samples for taking to the wedding fayre and also Valentine's Day is only just round the corner .. .. and being super soppy I love making things for this "lovey dovey" occasion.

Here is one of the creations I have made (which doesn't want to photograph too well because of the glass in the frame.

This used:

Pink Petticoat Papers: Just An Old Fashioned Girl (my all time favourite of all Liz's collections)
Pink Petticoat Alphabet:  One of the fonts on the Big Fella Mix Alpha Set
Nestabilities:  Classic Square
Red Die Cut Heart run through "Roses" Cuttlebug Embossing Folder that had been rubbed with Tuxedo Black Memento Ink First.
Gold Embossing Powder
Tiny Self Adhesive Pearls

So at least you can see I have still been creating during my absence .. .. and I have met up with some lovely new "happy couples" too .. .. yay!!! 

Thankfully now my internet is back I can do some research for some "extras" I need for some wedding samples and can also catch up with all my lovely blog buddies to see what you have all been up to.  I feel I haven't visited for ages and ages!!!  The old internet is going to get a hammering tonight that's for sure LOL!!!

The final exciting news is that my lovely Sis has finally got her blog up and running.  Well done Joey!!! xxx  She has been working on some lovely ideas for posting later and I managed to have my first glimpse this morning.  Can't believe the day she went live I couldn't view.

If you fancy paying her a visit you will find her here.  (I just need to persuade her to take her comment moderation off!!  Is it just me or does everyone end up typing in the words and numbers at least three times before you find one you can read and enter correctly LOL!!!).   But I know she would love to receive a bit of bloggy love if you have any to spare!

Woo hoo!!!  Lovely to be back!!  I have missed you all.

Catch you soon.



  1. Ah, there you are! What a pain having no internet, that's a bit like having no blood flowing round your veins isn't it!! Lovely make, off to say hi to your sister.


  2. Hi Jules,
    Very relieved to see you back, must admit to being a bit worried not to mention suffering withdrawal symtoms lol
    Lovely make as always, looking forward to seeing more.

    Karen x

  3. Welcome back - I've missed your posts!
    Kath x

  4. Missed you Jules!!! LOL Great project and glad you're back in circulation... will visit Sis's blog but cannot be doing with comment mod!! So I shall just lurk... LOL

  5. Hi Joules, good to see you back..we don't realise how much we rely on the internet now...until we don't have it! Glad you're sorted. I love love love your framed hearts, absolutely beautiful! Carole Z X

  6. HI Jules....well you have certainly had a frustrating time to say the least...isn't awful being cut off from the outside world not having the interet....
    Love your creation and it looks great framed...will pop over and look at your sisters blog


  7. what a lovely card Jules, love the design, beautifully done!

  8. nice to have you back Jules, love your creation, who can like with out the internet, hope your up to speed now. janex

  9. Hi Jules . . . good to see you back and I'm glad it was just a *cough*, "LITTLE" glitch!

    What a fab framed love token you've made there.

    Sarn xxx

  10. Lovely to see you again Jules, hope your fibres behave now that they're installed! Love your frame the design is very effective. Carol x

  11. It's horrible when you don't have an internet connection, glad you are back online. Lovely creation. Take care.

  12. So the superfast highway isn't so fast after all :) Glad to see you back - I thought you were quiet but told myself you were probably having a well-earned rest :) Love your framed Valentine - I can see that being quite a hit at the fair. Good luck with the preparations. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  13. This is stunning Jules, such a classy and elegant design.
    I am glad you have your internet back. My connection was down nearly all day on Sunday and I was have serious withdrawal symptoms!!
    Hugs Sue

  14. This is great Jules love those letters good to see you back again cant believe we rely so much on technology :-)

    jacqui x

  15. Wey Hey, are you super fast now, Jules. It's lovely to see you back.
    Your beautiful picture is so elegant. It'd would make a lovely gift for an anniversary or any occassion. You are so clever.
    Hugs Lisax

  16. I did wonder where you'd gone Jules & I'm glad you're back. Your story puts me right off of looking into the superfast broadband deals our provider is offering.
    Sally x
    Sorry, forgot to comment on your lovely make. It's a smashing idea & perfect for Valentines Day.

  17. Nice to see you back Jules. I know just how you feel as I lost my internet for a week last year.
    Anyway, your project is just gorgeous. Very elegant and looks super in that fab frame.

  18. Gorgeous Jules....I love my fibre optics sooooo fast you will too.xxx

  19. Hi Jules

    Gorgeous and so lovely creation,love all the details:)

    Happy New Year:)


  20. This is gorgeous. Love the alphabet and the fantastic backing paper.

  21. WOW! How beautiful is that picture. Love it. hugs Linda x

  22. You have returned with a gorgeous creation Jules. It is stunning. I am going to view your sisters blog now. I am sure that if she has any of your talent it will be well worth the visit.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  23. A fantastic creation. I love the elegant simplicity (if you know what I mean!)
    Nikki x

  24. Ooh, this is so gorgeous Jules! Fabulous design and so professional looking.

  25. It's so nice to have you back, Jules, and know that you haven't been hit by the dreaded viruses going around! And how nice to see framed art! So much of your work, and that of others, should be framed, IMHO.

    I expect to see lots of creations from you coming up as, after all, we are all pretty much hearting up every card we're making - in your honor, of course!!

    I shall go check out sissie's blog.

  26. i hate having no internet!! lovely make x

  27. Hello! Glad to see you back!
    Gorgeous picture, I love the design and fab papers. The wood frame sets it off perfectly.
    Lorraine x

  28. Hi Jules,
    This is absolutely gorgeous. Glad you have your internet sorted, I know what it's like in our house if it goes down.

    Sue x

  29. Welcome back Jules, love your gorgeous project!
    Helen x

  30. hope your superfast broadband has been worth all the agro!! Love this picture, very stylish!! work of art!! Hugs Juls

  31. Hello Stranger! Love that picture you have created.
    I was thinking of you earlier, I won an EK Success punch which has hearts on. My favourite shape too. I suspect you have it already but I could not resist a bargain!

  32. dear Jules.
    it is always a pleasure to visit your blog and to read your posts.
    this is lovely work with an elegant and romantic touch.
    i have eye problems at the moment, so that is the reason that i am not much at blogger.
    but i won,t forget you.
    have a nice week and hugs from ann

  33. So sorry to hear you had such a nightmare with your broadband installation. I had Virgin cable installed today (because the normal broadband was c**p). It was all done in less than an hour and then all I had to do was fire up my laptop and select the service. The psc,I didn't have to do anything. My internet is routed through the house via ethernet plugs so all I had to do was turn it on.Oh the joy of being able to watch a You Tube video and be able to watch catch up tv.I love it - and your picture frame. How lovely. Hope it's going to be displayed somewhere nice.
    Beryl xx

  34. Aww glad you are back with us Jules! fingers crossed that your internet is now sorted and mega fast!!! :-)
    Wow! your sample is gorgeous! what a beautiful heart…I love how you've embossed it... Love the paper and design.. it looks really good in the frame!
    Hope you have a good week!
    Take care
    Love Sue xx

  35. Poor you! I absolutely hate it when my computer isn't working! Hopefully you are all fixed with your new Broadband and we will see more of you again. This picture is lovely, Jules! A little work of art! Hugs, Lesley

  36. Welcome back Jules,
    I've not been doing much on my blog either but only because I've been sucked into the world of swapping....making a nice change to cardmaking.

    It's horrendous isn't it when the internet goes berserk or goes away altogether and you're right, you don't realise how much you use it until you can't...but anyway you're back now, great.

  37. Sooooooo missed you, thanks for sending me message. I thought you'd given up on us! Lovely make, I am so missing my craft space while we are decorating, it's my sisters 60th Monday and I wanted to make her a card but can't because I have packed all my crafting stuff away, I am going to have to visit the shops and try and find her a nice card to get sent down to Devon. Xxxxxx

  38. Hi Jules I bet your finding it a difference with the new broadband, and wow that picture is just gorgeous I love the design of it.
    Good luck with the fairs but Im sure it will be a outstanding success. hugs Shirleyxxx

  39. Just lovely Jules and the frame is nice - did you frame it yourself as well? Nice to see you back, I'm glad you had computer problems rather than you caught one of the horrible bugs which are around at the moment. Thanks for your lovely comment. Pauline xx

  40. so good to see you back jules and i really love your creation too very stylish and striking.
    is the super fast broadband as good as they claim?

    x coops xx

  41. Hi Jules and welcome back! I adore your make here - so romantic - and I found the heart right away too :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  42. Yay welcome back hunnie, I did wonder where you had vanished to lol!

    Gorgeous make, love the papers off to buy them me thinks lol!
    hugs shell xx

  43. Welcome back Jules, I was beginning to wonder where you were.
    This is gorgeous, fabulous way to use those Pink Petticoat papers and alphabet.
    Enjoy your new super fast surfing.

  44. I posted a comment and the whole blooming thing went kerput!!!!!
    Glad to see you back I missed your lovely creations.
    Love this picture, it is really great.

    Patricia xx

  45. I'm glad you're ok and that your internet is working!

    What a lovely, romantic creation, just beautiful!

    Stay warm!

    love Mags B x

  46. It's great to see you back sweetie.Missed you and your antics.Your frame is so beautiful.Such a stunning piece.Love the papers etc.Sounds like you are going to be super busy.Big hugs Debbie x

  47. Sounds like you have had a bit of nightmare with the internet, good to have you back!

  48. Hi Jules

    this is so lovely !

    sorry i have not been on blogland lately have had glandular fever since christmas time .

    hope to check out for more of your gorgeous creations in the coming days .x

  49. Love it, so perfect in a frame too...
    I'm sure it must look really pretty on a desk or favorite spot on the wall...

  50. A very vintage-y feel to this one. Love the letters & this will look awesome on display. Glad you have your internet back, and cute ref to Mr. Heart. Will check out Sis's blog, and on the moderation: someone gave me a tip to look not just at the letters, but there is a number too, either front or behind - that must be typed. That has helped me some...still have to fiddle with it sometimes, but if I'm trying to get around to many blogs at the time, I have to leave it. Maybe you can explain how she can 'moderate' comments, thus turn it off. Playground Di is the kind expert who helped me with that. I didn't know either! Hugs

  51. Oh my but this is so elegant and fabulous and stunning!!! I love it!! The frame is just beautiful as well! Jules you never ceased to amaze me with your talents!

  52. oh yes just beautiful Jules i made a framed pic for my mum but never took a pic, not as good as yours though lol!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx