Thursday 31 January 2013


Hi Everyone

Today is going to be one of those rare days .. .. the sort you wish for, but that seldom appear.

I was up at 6.15am and by 7.00am all the ironing I started last night was finished, the kitchen and bathroom sorted and I was showered and dressed!!

.. .. .. and I am even here with an early share .. .. woo hoo!!!  My card was a bit of a cheat though because I had coloured the image previously and had it sitting in a box waiting to be used.

I am posting early because this card is for entering into Sandra's Rudolph Day Challenge .. .. and the challenge closes at 7.00pm this evening.

I am going to try really hard to enter every month and put the cards I make to one side for my own personal use at Christmas.  At least I will be guaranteed that there will be eleven ready and waiting.  Most of what I make I sell which means when it comes to my friends and family I end up in a last minute rush or like this year had to resort to a few purchased ones!!!  Shock horror!!!  I really don't want to see the look of disappointment on my friends faces again by giving them another shop bought card, so am trying hard to get ahead of the game (amongst everything else I am trying to be ahead of the game with LOL!!).

So here is my first Rudolph Day card for 2013

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "Holiday Hugs"
Sentiment:  Computer Generated using font "Fontdinerdotcom Sparkly"
Backing Papers:  Kaisercraft "Mint Twist"
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Nestabilities:  Classic Circle and Scalloped Circle
Glamour Dust
ProMarkers and Chalks
My Trust Sewing Machine
Ribbon from my Stash Box

so there we go.  Card number one in the box .. .. thanks Sandra xx

I have just spoken with my Mum.  We catch up with each other each morning and she always asks what I have planned for the day and how things are going.  I bragged about all the jobs I had already done .. .. but just couldn't bring myself to tell her I had made a Christmas card.  She just wouldn't understand LOL!!

Have a great day everyone.

Because I am feeling "hyper" I am hopeful for lots disappearing off my "do list" today.



  1. Brilliant card. Fantastic colouring. Wish I had some of your excess energy.

  2. Wow Jules, you'll be meeting yourself coming back. Glad to see you've one beautiful Christmas card in the box! Hugs x

  3. Good morning Oh Hyper One! Congrats on getting so much done so early!

    Adorable image, beautifully coloured and I love the sentiment.

    One down, goodness knows how many to go! Thanks for joining in with my challenge. xxx

  4. Well done Jules for getting those 'H..k' jobs out of the do sometimes get days when you seem to be on a roll....fabulous Christmas card and one of my favourite stamps..lovely papers.. enjoy the rest of your day


  5. Oh Jules, don't even mention Christmas, lol. I'm afraid my card making has now taken a back seat as I have lots more sewing projects in mind. Thanx for your kind comment on my throw, more pics uploaded today. Card number for your box of personal cards is a smasher & I love the image & sentiment. Up so early? I was still in dreamland then. Have a good day,
    Sally x

  6. Wow Jules this is early for you :)
    love that image they both look like they are having fun
    I hope the rest of your day goes as well as it started
    jacqui x

  7. It sounds like you are having a good day Jules!
    Your card is gorgeous. I love the jolly image and a beautiful sentiment
    Hugs Sue

  8. Gosh Jules, I'm shattered just reading about it lol. Love the card, that image is so cute. Hope the rest of your day goes as well. Carol x

  9. a great image co cheerful and bright . janex

  10. Hi Jules
    WOW! I can only dream of being up and dressed by 7am never mind having done the ironing too! :D
    This is a gorgeous crimbo card hun, adore the image and fab papers too!

    p.s. Your wedding stall looked stunning! :)

  11. A great card. I love days when I can cross off so many things from my 'to do' list!
    Kath x

  12. Hi Jules,
    What a lovely jolly Santa, your colouring is fabulous as always.
    I never tire of seeing Christmas cards, I should take a leaf out of your book though and start making the odd one and saving them up then next christmas I wont have to do what I did this time and stay up until 3 am trying to get them finished lol
    I have a ton of ironing to do I hate it so if you are still feeling hyper.....

    Love Kaz x

  13. Well, you are virtually ploughing through your day already so I bet you will get lots crossed off your list.

    If your list is like mine though, it always seems to grow again!!! teehee

    Your card is great...I love the idea of the sentiment specifically about friends! Great DP colours and great image!.

  14. Gorgeous card Jules. The image is fab and I love the layout and pretty papers.
    I hope your 'to do' list disappeared!
    Lorraine x

  15. ooh this is wonderful... love that Jolly Santa and the fab papers
    Lisa x

  16. Beautiful card Jules. Hope your day continued as it started. Sue x

  17. Love this one, Jules! The papers are so festive and jolly--just like Santa himself!!

  18. A lovely card Jules. The image is super and lovely bright colours.
    Well done on getting a start on your christmas cards too. I always end up in a mad rush.

  19. This is gorgeous Jules,perfectly coloured image and fab

  20. Gosh, I was tired even before I got to see your beautiful card! You gotta lotsa work done before I even got out of bed! Awesome energy. This is the cheeriest cards, and love the little button. I always check out the 'where's the heart' first. Your papers are so pretty together, and your coloring is wonderful. TFS & golly, I have to go rest now, cause I'm thinking about what else you probably have accomplished today, while I sat at the pc, trying to play blog catchup. I'm not going to let DH see your post...he might think I'm lazy. (Well, I AM, but I don't want him thinking that!)

  21. Hi Jules - hope you enjoyed your extra long day and got lots of things ticked off your list. The snowman and Santa look to be sharing a joke of some sort. Great image and a super card.
    Beryl xx

  22. Well look at you Jules, I am impressed ironing done by 7am... WOW!

    I get up at 6am to get sorted for work and at 7am I am still in my Jim Jams wondering what day it is.. (lol)

    Your card is Gorgeous.. Lovely happy image..your colouring is beautiful... Hugs May x x x

  23. Hi Jules, great card! I'm impressed at what you had achieved by 7am! I said I was going to carry on making Christmas cards thru the year to save on pre-Christmas panic..haven't made one yet! Carole Z X

  24. I did comment on this yesterday, I KNOW I did........when I pressed the button I had a funny feeling it went off into Cyber Space!!!!!!
    Anyway I love this card it made me smile wonder what little joke they were sharing!!!

    I hope you got through the rest of your day the way it started off.

    Patricia xx

  25. Thank you for that information Jules. . Will have a look, I am not good on the computer. The few challenges I have entered I have done something wrong with " links" and they had been rejected. The only one I manage to get to is In the Pink.
    Thanks for encouragement

    Patricia. XX

  26. Well look at you!! Up with the larks - that's my intention every day but sadly rarely happens....
    Another promise is join in with Rudolph day (ha)!! Love your card - it made me smile it's so jolly. Have a great day.

  27. Hi Jules, A lovely, jolly Christmas card - I did the same as you last year so vowed I would make one Christmas card a week so I now have 5 to make!!! Pauline xx

  28. Stunning Christmas card! You're just too good and organized Mrs Heart! Love that!

  29. what a lovely card you made with cute image.
    the coloring is beautiful.
    have a nice weekend friend and hugs to you.

  30. Oh this is fab Jules! what a wonderful image and your colouring is beautiful !! Love those scrummy papers and borders! :-))
    LOL - Oh you made me chuckle about telling your mum about the xmas card… I mentioned that I was going to make a start on my Xmas cards to my mum yesterday!! Oh the look of horror on her face!!!!!! ROFL… SO wish I hadn't said…. hee hee…
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!
    Love Sue xx

  31. Wow Jules!! Isn't it just great when your raring to go lol!!... Fabulous card you have made too, what a lovely image to start your Christmas collection on... well done hunnie!!

  32. Awww this is so so so cute Jules, love the bright colours and the fun image.... and I looove your blog address too haha when I have some time for blogging I just write 'jules' and your blog address comes along so it's so easy to find you :)

  33. I think I am going "Nuts" here.
    I am sure I have comment on your card, I am positive I did.
    This is great and it made me smile.... do you think they are sharing a little joke???
    Thank you for that link you left on my Blog, off to have a look.

    Patricia xxx

  34. so stunning jules.i love the santa and really gorgeous colours :D

    xx coops xx

  35. This is fab Jules, I just love that image and your lovely sentiment.
    I hope that "do list" is considerably shorter now.

  36. So organised making Christmas cards already lol, I talk to my mum everyday too and she has just started looking at my blog and asks me everyday when I am going put a new card on my blog lol. Hugs, Amanda x

  37. wow Jules you are organised!!! i do love it just adorable!

  38. Awh! This sure makes me smile! I'll bet a lot of people are smiling when they look at this!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx