Friday 25 January 2013


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday!!!  The start of the weekend .. ... woo hoo!!!!

A bit of a different share from me tonight.

I have been busy on card orders all day and trying hard to finalise my new table plan ready for Sunday. 

As at the last wedding fayre the new rustic invitations I took stole the show, I decided to extend this range and have been working on more new rustic samples.  I only took a few samples and displayed them to the back of my display but they got lots of attention and appealed to the happy couples that didn't want what they call "a princess" style range of stationery. 

I wanted to do a new table plan on this theme too but couldn't finish it completely until I could decide on the final embellishments .. .. and I have tried so many options and not been happy.  But this evening it has all come together so tomorrow I can stick it all down as I am now happy .. .. yay!!!

Here is the finishing touch it needed .. .

made with the Tattered Florals Die, Hessian, Twine, Glimmer Mist and a button.

I am looking forward to putting it all together.  It is going to look so different displayed next to the blingy table plans LOL!!!

Have a good weekend everyone .. .. I hope you find time for some crafty fun (if you want some that is !!).



  1. Wow I love it love the brown looks really rich
    jacqui x

  2. Hi Jules, I love your rustic flower - and if I was planning a wedding that would definitely be the look I'd go for - it's too cool for school :)) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  3. I love this flower, wonderful.
    Nikki x

  4. Your flower looks wonderful jules. The colours and textures are perfect for your rustic range and I think will be very popular.
    Hugs Sue

  5. Oh! yes I think this will be perfect, mary x

  6. Wow, that flower is stunning. I think I would have chosen the rustic one too, simply stunning. Hugs, Amanda x

  7. These look very interesting and really classy.
    I am certain they will go down a bomb as Brides love to try to get something different.

    Kath x

  8. Great flower sure it'll look fab! Have a good weekend!

  9. Now this is my cup of tea Jules, no fussy princess thingies for me. Absolutely love love the flower.

  10. love love love those flowers!!!

    hope you have a great weekend...

    Jen xxx

  11. Wow how gorgeous is that flower....
    Looks like a bit detailing going on here....This surely must look pretty in real....

  12. I can see why they were so popular - simply stunning. They have such a realistic handmade quality that will appeal to people looking for genuine handmade. There is a wedding coordinator in Sheffield who specializes in weddings with that feel you should send her a sample. Check out bohoweddings. Tara x

  13. Love your rustic flower Jules and the stationery in the background looks fab too. Carol x

  14. I should think this rustic look will appeal more to men than the 'princess' look. The flower is a lovely finishing touch. Hope it all goes down well on Sunday.
    Beryl xx

  15. Hi jules
    Fabulous flower.... Love the rustic look...... Have a nice weekend.....
    Hugs Sylvie xxx

  16. I think this flower looks FANTASTIC. Want some! Have a great weekend. X

  17. This flower is absolutely fabulous, Jules and its absolutely perfect with the 'brown paper' and black mounts. I do wish I had known you when I got married!!! Hugs, Lesley

  18. Juey I love them - they are perfect. Xxxxxxx

  19. Oh Jules loving the rustic look - I think you will go down a storm with these again so different. Good luck at the show can't wait to hear how you get on.....

  20. That rustic flower looks gorgeous Jules, can't wait to see the finished plan if you are going to post a pic later :)
    Hope all goes well tomorrow xx

  21. dear Jules.
    this flower is stunning and i saw you have maded with a die.
    great idea to try it with this kind of fabric.
    it looks realy shabby and i like it very much.
    and your card from the previous post has a lovely and cute image.
    your cards have always a wonderful and elegant design.
    have a nice weekend and hugs to you.

  22. Love Love Love your flower.....did I say I love your

  23. I love your rustic flower Jules. It's gorgeous. They are going to look fabulous next to all the blingy styles.
    Have a good weekend
    Lorraine x

  24. I Jules, I love your work, I am addicted I have to look every day to see what you have created. The rustic look is amazing| Can I be very cheeky and ask you which printer you have? I'm very limited to the thickness of card I can use in my printer! xxx

  25. These look fabulous. They are similar to the flowers I made for my jute shopping bags! I love the addition of the jute loopy bit and just may have to copy you when I make my next one.
    DD is home from Monaco for 2 months and needs some giveaway gifts for friends there...
    Mom to the drawing board to make up 3 or 4 more bags!

    I hope you get lots of wedding orders with your new earthy collection!

  26. WOW it's amazing and so different, i'm sure it will go down a storm, Luv Sam x

  27. This looks fabulous, Jules! I wouldn't have thought of using hessian like this, but it really works. No wonder your rustic collection stole the show! xx

  28. I just LOVE that hessian flower Jules ... so very much to my taste.
    Thanks for your oh so kind comments about The Cake ... your support is really appreciated. Will just be glad when it is tomorrow and it is in everyone's tummies! Love Debbie xXx

  29. Wow Jules...stunning! I love your rustic flower so much! Carole Z X

  30. Wow this is just gorgeos and I bet looks fabulous on the finished goodies!!! You will have to show us some pictures of the completed display table I bet its just superb! Enjoy the rest of your weekend Jules and I hope you are tucked up warm at home cause if its anything like Sheffield we have had more snow!! Love Chanelle xxx

  31. Gorgeous! Can't wait to see this full range.

  32. so gorgeous jules.i really love the texture from the hessian :D

    xx coops xx

  33. STUNNING Jules! I'd go for this if I was planning a wedding too - love it! Hugs, Di xx

  34. STUNNING Jules! I'd go for this if I was planning a wedding too - love it! Hugs, Di xx

  35. Love the flower, hope all went well for you today. X

  36. Well I can totally see why the rustic range stole the show! It's FABULOUS.

    Sarn xxx

  37. Hi Jules, I adore this shabby chic/rustic flower! Did it take you ages to make? It's wonderful, very inspiring. Kx

  38. Oh wow, this is wonderful! So texturey and scrunchy and gorgeous!!

    love Mags B x

  39. Wow! what a gorgeous flower Jules... I really love it... and the rustic theme in post above looks really fab.. it makes a nice change from pastels and is wonderful design! :-))
    Hope you have a good week
    Love Sue xx


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Love Jules xx