Saturday 16 February 2013


Hi Everyone

I hope your weekend has got off to a good start.

Our weather here has been really lovely .. .. and it seemed to stay light until quite late!  Spring must be on it's way .. .. woo hoo!!!!

Just a quick share from me tonight as we are expecting visitors very soon .. .. and I still have a few things to do ahead of them arriving.

So here we go:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black 1444K "Hedgehog Bouquet"
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat
Backing Papers:  First Edition Papers "Boho Chic"
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Woodware Punches:  Flowers
ProMarkers and Chalk
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is it.

Time to run and make myself look a little more presentable and to find somewhere to hide my Big Shot Pro .. .. not something you can tuck away in a corner very easily .. .. and not something most folk would expect to find in your kitchen.  Though I could perhaps pass it off as a machine for making pasta sheets for lasagne  LOL!!

Have a good evening everyone and I'll catch you tomorrow with my snippet make.



  1. So cute Jules, love the papers and your layout. Lovely weather here too. Carol x

  2. Aaah gorgeous hun and great stitching too, enjoy your evening, Luv Sam x

  3. yes its been a lovely day here too.. feels really spring like .. and your card is perfect for such a day
    Lisa x

  4. Love this card Jules, great colours, image and papers
    jacqui x

  5. Hi Jules,

    Yes, spring is definitely on it's way - I didn't have to desert my craft room until much later today :)

    A beautiful and fresh card!

    Have a lovely evening with your visitors. Pasta maker, lol!!

  6. Hi Jules! This is such a cute card and image! Great colouring and papers and love your stitches! Carole Z X

  7. Beautiful card Jules.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Sue x

  8. Such a lovely cutie card Jules love your papers and super layout


  9. Hi Jules. Your card is gorgeous. I love that cute hedgie and the papers are beautiful.
    I hope you have a good evening.
    Hugs Sue

  10. awwww Jules, great card I love the Penny Black hedgehogs! Really well designed well done!

  11. Lovely card, fab papers and a super image.

    Kath x

  12. Hi Jules,
    your card is so cute and gorgeous!
    Penny black is the best especially when you can see the whole image lol!!
    I hope you have a fab weekend with your visitors and have a well deserved break.
    Take care
    Love Eve xx

  13. beautiful! Love the soft colours! Hugs Juls

  14. This is absolutely gorgeous,love the fab

  15. love that image - yummy papers x

  16. Love the colours on this cute card Jules, that top backing paper is lush :)
    Have a great weekend
    Kaz x

  17. Lovely! But where's the h - oh hang on - *squints* - aha! Got it!

    I hope you're having a great time with your visitors!

    love Mags B x

  18. Hi Jules
    Fabby hedgie.... Spring coming for you thats good.....
    Lovin pink petticoat messages....
    Hugs Sylvie
    Enjoy your

  19. Gorgeous card Jules. I love the cute little hedgie and the pretty papers.
    Have a good evening
    Lorraine x

  20. Hi Jules

    Long time no posting! Fabulous card as always. I'm sure Spring is on its way too. Roll on the longer days. Hope to return to posting soon after a really long break.

    Best Wishes

    Sarah x

  21. This is gorgeous Jules, love the sweet image and fabby papers.
    Wendy xx

  22. Hi Jules! What a little beauty. Hope you enjoy your night with friends. I never thought of using my Cuttlebug for making pasta sheets ... could run it through with an embossing folder and make it all pretty. By the way, don't be fooled it's nearly spring, snow forecast for middle of next week again, grrr. Hugs x

  23. Hi Jules, I thought I recognised the lovely colours of this card - it's a pad I bought recently because of the colour. That Hedgie is a cute one. Thank you for your lovely comment even though you are very busy at the moment. Ching I hear you cry! Yep! I am jealous every time I see that ribbon! Have a lovely Sunday, Pauline xx

  24. I really dont know where you find the time, but glad you do another fab card x

  25. Hi Jules,
    what a lovely Spring-y looking card, we're heading into Autumn here which is my fave season, then comes winter again then we do it all again lol.

  26. Lol! Jules i was laughing at your pro being past off as a pasta sheet making machine.

    your card is gorgeous ,beautiful colour of papers & adorable image ,i was struggling to find the heart but spotted it in the end .x

  27. Aawwww just so pretty Jules! Adore the sweet hedgie and I love the gorgeous soft colours!
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

  28. Adorable!! LOVE the flowers--both the ones in the image and the ones you punched too.

  29. Morning Jules,
    Love this cute card, great colours and love the layout.
    You latest makes are fab especially the Mum one with the button and button hole such a great idea :)
    Have a lovely day.....sun is shining here so fingers crossed Spring is on its way!!
    Hugs Sally xxx

  30. Beautiful card Jules, love the super cute image and the very pretty papers. Ooh! you could make some fabulous pasta shapes hun, all hearts of course lol!

    Donna x

  31. A lovely card Jules, sweet image and those papers are fab.

  32. Oh Jules very cute that image! you made a gorgeous card with it!!!

  33. Adorable image...PB images always make me say that!

    This is such a pretty the little shot of colour in the flowers!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx