Sunday 10 March 2013


Hi Everyone

Happy Mothering Sunday to all you hard working Mums out there!!  

I hope that your little ones (however old) have shown you a little love and thanks today.

I got my Mother's Day card made for my Mum bright and early this morning and then played with my snippets so that I could run over to the playground and share with the lovely playmates in Pixie's Crafty Snippet Challenge.

I decided my pink snippet drawer looked the fullest (ignoring all the white and cream/ivory snippets that increase by the hour) and came up with this little creation:

As always on a Sunday I am lazy and do not list what I have used .. .. but let's face it .. .. I haven't used very much have I!!    LOL!!!

Enjoy what is left of the weekend and I will see you when I do.

Not sure when as there is a lot to be done on the wedding business front this week .. ..  but I will catch up with everyone eventually.



  1. Beautiful card Jules, love your pretty pennants...


  2. Love this card Jules
    Glad you're doing okay with the wedding stuff
    jacqui x

  3. Hi Jules,

    Simply gorgeous card. hope you have had a lovely day, I had lunch out, always tastes better when some else has cooked it! Sue x

  4. Really lovely sweet card, the pinks are gorgeous.

    Kath x

  5. This is beautiful Jules. You may not have used much but what you have is stunning. Love the papers.
    Hugs Sharon, x

  6. Oh! Jules this is fantastic,,
    The colours are beautiful and the whole layout is just wonderful.
    Must have a little wander ove to that Blog.
    Happy crafting

    Patricia. xxx

  7. Beautiful CAS card Jules, the bunting looks fab. hope you've had a good day. Carol x

  8. Hi Jules,

    Another fresh and pretty snippet make; you have such an eye for a good design!

  9. Love your card Jules, the bunting is adorable and love the colours, the heart paper is delish.
    Hugs Linda

  10. Hi Jules
    Love the bunting ... Fabby card ... I have been buying some more PP... Prints sooo nice ...,,,
    Hugs Sylvie xxxx

  11. Beautiful card, Jules! I love the little banners and all the pinkness, my favourite. Happy day to you! Kx

  12. Gorgeous card Jules. I love the CAS design and the pretty colors and papers.
    Hope you have had a lovely Mothers day
    Lorraine x

  13. Beautiful Jules. I love your style of cards just wish I could achieve it. Love the stitching I have never stitched on cards my sewing machine is so heavy to keep getting out and I haven't anywhere to keep it out. I nearly missed the hearts again lol

  14. Gorgeous Jules. Love the simple design of this one.

  15. This is gorgeous Jules. Such pretty shades of pink, I love the bunting and your stitching is always so neat.
    I hope you have had a good weekend
    Hugs Sue

  16. love the simplicity.. so pretty
    Lisa x

  17. It's clean and simple and just gorgeous.

  18. Happy Mothering Day, Jules! Love these sweet pinks and the banner! Hope you were treated like a queen this weekend!

  19. Gorgeous card Jules!

    love the fabulous papers & stitching x

  20. Great card...the banner is eye catching and love that you used snippets. I checkled when I read that that you picked the colours based on the fullness of the drawers...I need to try that...teehee
    I'll have to pick the drawer that dones't close!

    Back from my Mums...full of memories and a warm, happy feeling...grandkids tomorrow and dentiset Tuesday am...then hopefully I can get some cards made on Tuesday afternoon! I'm in cardmakiang withdrawal...7 days with no crafts...oh my!!!

  21. Thank you Jules,
    I have to phone them today I have been trying to order all weekend. Dealt with them for years but of course "sods law" when I NEED something their Website would not accept my details......Ahhhh!!!!
    Have a Great Day

    Patricia xx

  22. That's lovely Jules. Almost makes me think spring is on the way. Hope you enjoyed your Mother's day. My daughter took me on a coach trip to the Lake district - which included a boat ride along Windermere.
    Beryl xx

  23. Now, you ought to know I totally adore this Jules! Love the soft pinks and such a simple but very clever design. Pleased you found time to come and play and to bring such a gorgeous card - mind you, do you EVER make a bad one?

    Playing catch up today - hope you had a lovely weekend!

    Hugs, Di xx

  24. Fantastic use of small snippets Jules. And pretty CAS too . . .LOVE it xxx

  25. simply gorgeous jules.fab pretty colours and i love the bunting ;D

    xx coops xx

  26. Hi Jules, I love the banner on this very pretty card. Pauline xx

  27. Gorgeous card Jules, Love the fresh look & wonderful colours.. Pretty bunting too! Hugs May x x x

  28. What a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l card Jules!
    Hope you had a lovely Mother's day xx

  29. Hi Jules, this is so pretty! I love cards with bunting as a feature, Carole Z X

  30. Oooo great CAS card hun, Luv Sam x

  31. Cute bunting! Lovely card


    Debs x

  32. I adore this card Jules,perfect papers too.
    I might have to CASE this if that`s ok with you.
    Lynne xxx

  33. Beautiful Jules,love the

  34. Lovely card, thanks for birthday wishes xx

  35. what a lovely card and i like the flagg banner.
    hugs to you

  36. Just perfect Jules and so pretty.
    Louise xx

  37. Morning sweetie this is absolutely gorgeous, huggles Pops x x x

  38. oh I so love the banner pennant bunting, so pretty! Great use of your snippets!

  39. Gorgeous, loving the bunting & the fresh colours! Hugs Juls

  40. Oh so lovely! I love the pinks and I adore the pennants!

  41. Just about to sit down with a nice coffee and play hunt the heart and blow me down there they are all over the place!!!!! Love the colour. Am jostling with Miss Di to get in first but see she beat me to it. Hugs Mrs A.

  42. Jules this is so pretty! Love the patterns and the soft pinks. Cathy x

  43. oh beautiful Jules! i may have to pinch this idea! love it!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx