Sunday 26 May 2013


Hi Everyone

Well .. .. what a fabulous Sunday.

Beautiful weather .. .. and lots of gardening done in the old House of Hearts!!  

Really pleased with all the planting and digging we have done but none of it helps with my ever increasing "do list" eeekkkk!!

What I would like to know is how come hubby and I spent exactly the same amount of time outdoors and he now looks like he has spent a few day in the Mediterranean and I am still super pale and un-interesting!!!  It's not fair!!!!  LOL!!!

But once indoors I knew exactly which stamp I wanted to play with because I had been thinking about it all day.. .. we have dug up so many dandelions this one just had to make an appearance!!  Though none of ours were ready for blowing their seeds everywhere .. .. we have been pulling the buds and flowers off as they have appeared prior to having time to dig them up.  There is a weird and strange feeling when you dig a dandelion up and get the whole of the root!!  (or is that just me?).

Was anyone else told as a child that if you pick a dandelion flower you would wet the bed?!?!  LOL!!

Anyway .. enough waffle .. .. here is my share for taking along to Di's Crafty Snippet Challenge:

As always I am lazy with my posts on a Sunday and don't list my ingredients .. .. but ask away if you want to know anything I have used.

Have a good evening everyone and a great Bank Holiday Monday tomorrow.



  1. Super cute card Jules and a gorgeous stamp...your choice of papers are lovely


  2. Beautiful Jules gorgeous image and

  3. Great papers and cute image

    Kath x

  4. A fabulous card. I love the swirly paper.
    Nikki x

  5. Ah he is lovely, gardening for me too tomorrow at Mums x

  6. Hi Jules
    It sounds like you have made the most of the good weather, let's hope it lasts a while longer
    Your card is gorgeous, I love that image, beautiful colouring and fabulous layout
    hugs Sue xx

  7. Lovely Jules great papers love the colour
    jacqui xx

  8. Aw such a lovely card Jules! Adore this hedgie and I love the gorgeous colours too!
    I was told if you picked a poppy you would wet the bed :D

  9. I love the cute little hedgy Jules...I need this cut little hedgy!! lol
    Fab colours and design as always!
    Lorraine x

  10. love this is adorable , I love that pb stamp and your great design.
    I had a friend , a real scouser , and she always called dandelions " pee the beds ".
    we've been gardening too and making the most of the sun.

  11. Love this one Jules, such a fab image and lovely papers.
    We're battling with dandelions too, bought a oroduct your meant to dab on and itis supposed to kill downn to the root, cost nearly £10, guess what, yes, it doesn't work.
    Enjoy the holiday tomorrow, kate x

  12. Dandelions are called Pissenlits in French which translates as "piss in bed" so I've always assumed that this is where the expression came from & yes, I was told it as a child :-)

    Love your dandy clock.


  13. Fabulous card Jules, adorable image and I love your design and sentiment.

  14. Glad you had a good day in the garden - me too. Could it be that you had your head down wedding while someone else was heads up - soaking up the rays? Surely not.
    I remember the dandelion theory too.
    Great image and a super card.
    Beryl xx

  15. So cute! Love the sweet sparklies on the dandelion!! We would hold the flower under another person's chin saying, "If your chin becomes yellow, you like butter!" Well, DUH! Of course we like butter!!! =D

  16. ah Jules these PB hedgies just grab your heart dont they??

    .. super card as it as is the one below..TFS Shaz in oz.x

  17. Really lovely card. Have a great day.

  18. Gorgeous and adorable card.

  19. So funny Jules, I told Len the wet the bed tale about dandelions the other day - he hadn't heard of it before! I wonder if our parents were worried that perhaps dandelion juice was poisonous and told us that one to keep us away from them?

    LOVE your snippets card, that little hedgie is one of my favourites. Great combination of colours too.

    Hugs, Di xx

  20. Hi sweetie this is gorgeous Hugs Pops x

  21. so stunning jules.gorgeous papers and I love the sweet hedgie :D

    xx coops xx

  22. Hi Jules
    Glad you had a gorgeous Sunday... Our weather was hot! Hot! Hot! My Roy is in Morroco doing a charity Trek.... He is due back this evening i have been so worried about him ... 3 days walking ... Think hes the oldest there.... I expect he will have some tales to tell me....
    Oops! Sorry fabulous card... Still getting over my Uk hol... So i have only made one card.... hugs Sylvie xxx

  23. This card is gorgeous Jules - I love hedgie!

    Hope you have had a lovely day and didn't have any wet beds this morning!

    Take care xx

  24. Jules, this is so fun, and so cute, and so elegant at the same time :) I love it.. the colours are perfect and love the image xxx

  25. Yes Jules I was told that about dandelions too, now I know here thecsaying came from. Your card is too cute, love the design nd papers used.

    Ww are back to winter up here, cloudlr, rainy and very cool verging on cold.

    Wilma x x x

  26. Very cute and as always, lovely layout! Carole Z X

  27. Hi Jules, I just love the image!!! gorgeous make as usual!.
    ,Jules my pc has died so I have hi-jacked the laptop,
    I did some weeding today I hate dandelions they are so ugly! lol!

  28. Brilliant card Jules, just love that image. Beautifully put together as always.
    Yep! we used to call them "Pee the Beds"

    Patricia xxx

  29. A lovely card Jules. Such a cutie of an image and love the design and papers.

  30. This is gorgeous Jules. Such a cutie of an image and I always love your choices of paper.
    I gave you a little mention on my post today.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  31. Hi Jules, what a sweet card!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  32. Hey Jules! Glad you got lots of gardening done!

    I love the card to match your gardening expedition! hehehe

    Great Hedgie, and ladybug, I so love ladybugs and Dandelions!

    Used to catch ladybugs in my garden as a kid, and picked LOTS of dandelions to blow the seed flutters off (no idea what they are called? seed flutters seem appropriate lol).

  33. Fabulous card and love the cute image I have not seen this one before.
    Louise xx

  34. Oh this little hedgie is so the bit of glitter on the dandylion!

    We battle them too especially in the front garden...we chose all shrubs and lawn in the front...I think the dandylions think we were creating a bed just for them!

    Our buttercups are bad this year too!

  35. Fab card Jules, love the image.
    I think you just need to send more time in the garden or perhaps a trip to the Med!
    Have a fab evening.
    Hugs Sally xxx

  36. Hi Jules, love this card and another of those cute hedgies! Dandelions are good as a diuretic and the French word for them is Pis-en-Lit which translated means "Wet the bed" so I suspect that's where the saying comes from. Pauline xx

  37. Beautiful Jules :) Cathy x

  38. Love this fab character and loving the sparkle too. Glad you had a good weekend. x

  39. I always love the PB hedgie, and this is one I've never seen. Loved your paper combo too, & I had to go back to check on the heart location! Yes, I've heard the bit about the dandelion & the bed. In the USA, our DIY store had a long tool, with prongs at the end, and you push a lever that sends the prongs into the ground. You center this over the dandelion, and yank the critter up. Then dump him off the prongs into a waste bag. Sure saves on the back! It's a chore I need to get after myself. Thanks for sharing such a cutie card. Hugs

  40. Oh so cute.Love this image and the papers are lush.Hugs Debbie x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx