Wednesday 5 June 2013


Hi Everyone

Well the weddings have reached the "busy, busy, busy" stage .. .. .. it is that time of year.

So I need to take a little blog break so I can concentrate on what pays my bills and buys my crafty goodies .. .. though with a car service, MOT and car tax due this month I can't see many crafty goodies falling through my letterbox for a little while yet :-(

I know it is a good thing that business is so good that I need to take a break from here .. .. but I know I shall miss everyone and all your lovely creations.

I'll be back as soon as I can but in the meantime stay safe and have fun!



  1. Jules enjoy your well deserved break


  2. Create, create, create! Yes, we will miss you and look forward to your return.

    :-) Sally

  3. Will miss you too Jules but a booming business is always good news :) Don't work too hard though! Carol x

  4. So glad that your business is doing well. Take care and see you soon!
    Lorraine x

  5. See you when you pop back on after your break sweetie.A gal's got to do what a gal's got to do.Big crafty hugs Debbie x

  6. Good luck with all the hard work, bet it's worth it when you see the joy of the happy couples when they see the finished product.

    KAth x

  7. Will miss you, don't work to hard, but glad you are busy xx

  8. Being busy is a very good thing, Jules!! We'll be here when you get back! =D

  9. I'll miss you loads, but fully understand, you have to concentrate on your Wedding business, Luv Sam x

  10. Hi Jules,
    Glad to hear you're busy, especially with wedding stuff (my favourite theme).
    You will be missed. I love calling by your blog, catching up with your news and seeing your creations.
    See you soon,
    Kath x

  11. See you soon mrs...just don't make it to

  12. Will miss your wonderful cards Jules... don't work to hard & take care.. see you soon... Hugs May x x x

  13. Will miss you Jules, see you soon again I hope. Hugs x

  14. Nooooooooo PLEASE don't go Jules!!
    I don't know if I can cope without your wonderful cards!
    I hope that there is a heart help line! LOL

    I hope that you speed through your work load and pop back soon.

    Take care - big hugs xx

  15. As ever, you'll be missed Jules but business has to come first. We'll still be here waiting! Take care.

    Love and hugs, Di xx

  16. Enjoy the break but don't work so hard you don't get any 'me' time.
    Beryl xx

  17. Ohh, I shall MISS your beautiful creations Jules. Maybe I am lucky that I only recently discovered your blog and I have a lot to still look through on your blog :-)

    Come back soon! :-)

  18. Ohh, I shall MISS your beautiful creations Jules. Maybe I am lucky that I only recently discovered your blog and I have a lot to still look through on your blog :-)

    Come back soon! :-)

  19. Good luck with the wedding creations and hope you can blog soon.

  20. I will miss your wonderful cards but business is business. Take care.

  21. Hi Jules, you might be having a break from blogland, but it sounds that you will be more than busy with your wedding business.
    Good luck with that and will look forward to seeing you back when life is a little less hectic, Kate x

  22. Take it easy where you can Jules, and enjoy the wedding preparation creations! All the best with it xoxo

  23. good luck with the wedding creations. we will all be waiting patiently for you to come back x

    hugs to you xxxx

  24. Will miss seeing your lovely creations Jules so hope you aren't away for too long. Pleased to hear that business is booming though! x

  25. good luck with all your orders.i hope to see you back soon :D

    xx coops xx

  26. dont stay away to long Jules! i will miss my fix! lol!

  27. Hi Jules
    Will miss you and your fabby cards... But business comes first....
    Hope to see you soon...
    Hugs Sylvie xxx

  28. Will miss your lovely creations, come back soon! Meanwhile wishing you well with all the wedding invitations! Hugs, Carole Z X

  29. Hi Jules, your not the only one whos busy at this time of the year, the Christening went well and I got my first cuddle with my great grandson also my eldest daughter(Andys mum) is getting married in October so its going to get busier than ever. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  30. Will miss you muchly Jules & your inspiring cards. Glad business is doing so well for you.

    Take care hon xx

  31. Enjoy your Wedding time Jules, and look forward to seeing you back soon:)...

  32. Hi new to your blog. Hope to spend more time visiting.

  33. Hi new to your blog. Hope to spend more time visiting.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx