Sunday 2 June 2013


Hi Everyone

Happy Sunday!!

Well I am ploughing through my chores and "do list" quite well today .. .. .. please, please please let this be the way the whole week is going to go!!!  If so I will be one happy bunny come next weekend.

Funny how you have days when everything goes your way .. .. and then others where it feels like everything is working against you!!

One of the things on my "must do" list is a little acceptance card in response to a celebration we have been invited to (you will never guess who did the invitations and the favours LOL!!!).

Although this looks huge in the photographs it is really a dinky little 11.5cm x 9cm and it is really cute.  This is what I will be taking over to Pixie's Crafty Snippet Challenge this week as the whole thing used up some of those snippets that are slowly taking over the craft pod!!!  

I am beginning to feel like I could become one of those "secret hoarders" that they do TV programmes about.  The presenter will climb her way into my craft pod and hold up a miniscule piece of ribbon or card and say "can we just throw this little piece away?" .. .. and I will reply "oh no, I can punch a heart out of that or tie a tiny bow with that ribbon!!  LOL!!!

Anyway, here is my snippet share for this week

As always I am lazy on a Sunday and do not list my ingredients .. .. but you know you can always ask if you want to know what anything is.

I really enjoyed making such a small card and think I should do a few more of these for the salon .. .. when I get chance!!!

OK .. .. off to make the most of this being a good day.

Guess what?!?!?  We have 4 tiny tomatoes already!!!  We have never had fruit in our greenhouse so early in the year!!  We grow the little tiny cherry tomatoes .. .. I keep looking but have never found any heart shaped ones yet.  Wouldn't they look pretty hanging on all the plants in my greenhouse. After all they are called "love apples" so if they were heart shaped it would be much more appropriate don't you think?  LOL!!

Enjoy your Sunday.



  1. This is so beautiful...Love all the tiny details!
    PS It does not look tiny at all! It looks very impressive!

  2. Lovely CAS card Jules. Your post made me smile about hoarders I think a lot of us are the same...why is it our husbands cant understand why we hang on to those 'little bits'?
    Enjoy your tomatoes


  3. Lovely acceptance card, great colours, very elegant!

    Love hearing your hoarding stories Jules, you do make me laugh! hehee

    Enjoy your weekend xoxo

  4. Lovely little card Jules, love the center die, Kate x

  5. Hello Jules

    What a brilliant card, it's just perfect.

  6. Wow! Oh! Wow! Another stunning card, simply beautiful
    Sending you some sunshine.

    Patricia xxx

  7. Aww this is gorgeous Jules… what a beautiful and elegant design… I love the pretty paper... and the silver nailheads and ribbon are perfect embellies! :-)
    you have done well with your tomatoes!!!…I love those little sweet cherry ones and oh I had such high hopes for growing some this year… and some lettuce and chives etc… but our lean-to greenhouse blew down three times in all that bad weather.. and my mum got so mad with it that she ditched it!!! LOL :-0
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  8. Very elegant!! Hugs Juls xxx

  9. Gosh, this is a beauty. (Sneaky way to do those hearts too!) Love this background. Not sure if this was a square die set onpoint, or if was the diamond die, but it is very effective done this way. And your little posey trim - really pretty. Now THIS would make a great anniversary card with the sentiment changed! TFS & Hugs

  10. Lovely Jules I really like your backing paper can I please ask what it is
    jacqui xxx

  11. Nice card Jules 'snap' i just mad an acceptance too. I need some advice on how to tie a perfect bow mine are never great xxx Hope the heart Toms bloom soon xx

  12. This is gorgeous Jules. I love the elegant design and beautiful colours.
    I like the sound of heart shaped tomatoes, only trouble, they would look too good to eat!
    hugs Sue xx

  13. This is over-the-top awesome!! I love the tiny flowers with their bits of bling! Beautiful.

  14. Gorgeous card Jules. The design looks fabulous, so elegant.
    No tomatoes on my plants yet! Lots of flowers so far!
    Lorraine x

  15. What a lovely acceptance snippets you've made!


  16. A beautiful card Jules - elegant and classy, CAS and fabulous! Love it!

    Isn't it exciting when your home-grown produce starts to appear. We(well, Hubby actually!)has an allotment, and he dragged me over there yesterday to admire his hard work! Your Toms' are definitely early though - ours are teeny-weeny and no fruit as yet!
    Hugs, Sylvia xx

  17. Such an elegant little card. Really lovely.

  18. Hi Jules
    Fabby acceptance card.... I have been crafting all day made 5 cards.... So think my mojo is back.....
    Hugs Sylvie xxx

  19. Oooo! Gorgeous card there Jules. Soo pretty!

  20. This is a lovely acceptance card Jules, fabulous CAS design and pretty papers.
    I can't wait to start picking the tomatoes in my greenhouse, your's are nice and early considering the cold, wet spring we've had.

  21. Wow Jules, such a lovely acceptance card - and I did giggle about the teeny little piece of ribbon or card. Is this snippets lark making us better or perhaps even worse?!

    Just about to pack my little spotted handkerchief and head back home - hugs, Di xx

  22. A gorgeous card Jules and U think they would go down great at the salon.
    Who gets to eat the first tomato that's rrady in your house?
    Beryl xx

  23. Hi Jules - a beautiful little card - very elegant. Salon???? have I missed something? I know I've been awol a bit lately....
    Enjoy watching your toms grow..
    Heather W

  24. What a lovely Acceptance card Jules. I laughed at your "Secret Hoarders" image!

    Sarn xxx

  25. Gorgeous card, Love all the details...I've not got any toms Hugs May x x x

  26. Hi Jules, what a gorgeous acceptance card, so elegant! Carole Z X

  27. Oh Jules love it! you have a knack of making cas cards look so gorgeous!!!

  28. Just beautiful Jules.

    Now I must tell you that I have ordered a Josy rose hot wand and nail heads and it's all your fault! LOL!!

    You are just so clever! You should get commission - you would be quids in!!

    Hope you have had a lovely day xx

  29. wow this is simply stunning jules, so classy :D

    xx coops xx

  30. A really beautiful snippet Jules. Gorgeous papers and love the gold mat and ribbon.
    Hugs Sharon x

  31. I love the tiny bow and flowers! Such pretty paper too!

  32. Gorgeous card Jules, so elegant :) Cathy x

  33. This is a lovely acceptance card, I love the ribbon with the little hearts attached. I am sure there is a tomato variety which looks like a heart in profile! Pauline xx

  34. This is lovely, such an elegant card

    Debs x

  35. Elegant acceptance card! Love the design!

    Terrific to have the tomatoes starting already...just think of those tasty little morsels this summer!

  36. Elegant acceptance card! Love the design!

    Terrific to have the tomatoes starting already...just think of those tasty little morsels this summer!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx