Monday 2 September 2013


Hi Everyone

Happy Monday!!

A great day here in the House of Hearts today with lots crossed off my list  .. ..  so  I decided to have a play along with the Sketch N Stash Challenge.

I desperately need some general cards rather quickly so challenges with sketches are brilliant for me as half the thinking has already been done for me!!  Lazy Madam!!! LOL!!

The idea of the challenge is to follow the sketch but use your newest or neglected stash alongside it.

Well my newest piece of stash is the fabby backing paper and embellishments which I downloaded from the Nitwits sale that I told you about at the weekend (though of course there are lots and lots of other elements to the download) .. .. and my little boat could be classed as a little bit neglected as he has sat in my "things I want to play with" basket for quite a while patiently waiting for me to stop tying wedding ribbons and ink him up!!

So here is my make:

This used:

Image and Sentiment:  Woodware Clear Stamps "FRCL037" By The Sea
Backing Paper, decorative strip and anchor button:  Nitwits "The Coastal Collection"
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Diamond Stickles
Glossy Accent
Charm and Cord from my Stash Box

My little anchor button was just re-sized and printed onto normal card and then cut out.  I stuck it onto another piece of thicker card and then gave it a good helping of Glossy Accents and once dry stuck it to the corner of my image panel with a bit more Glossy Accents.

This is the sketch I worked to .. .. just in case you fancy playing along.  It is definitely one I will use again!

Have a good evening everyone.

Catch you when I do.



  1. This is such a sweet little card Jules. Love the papers and elements.
    I agree with you about following a sketch. I used one last week and the card came together so much faster.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  2. Hi Jules, love the card gorgeous!

  3. Lovely card Jules, great image and fab papers, Kate x

  4. Fabulous card Jules - cute image and the anchor button is the perfect finishing touch.
    Glad to hear you got lots crossed off the list today.
    Debs xx

    ps Thanks for playing along at SnS - good luck xx

  5. Hi there matey!!
    Lovely card Jules - glad to see you are still a member of the Glossy Accents club!!
    Very cute ship stamp - me likey!
    I also love a sketch, no brain ache.
    Glad all is well with you.

  6. Super card, Jules. I like the nautical theme and the wee boat is fab. Like what you did to the anchor button too. Elizabeth xx

  7. What a fab boys Jules love the design

  8. Gorgeous card for a little man Jules, love the boat and fab paper.
    I'm sitting on my hands and staying away from sales lol, does make it difficult to type though! Carol x

  9. Fabulous cute card, love the little boat and the papers are really great.

    Kath x

  10. This is fab Jules - I rarely manage sketch challenges - my mind goes blank when I see the pics!! Daft isn't it cos as you say the hard work's done for you!! Great card - love the papers ... more for my collection I think!!!

  11. This is a lovely card Jules. I so love a card that features boating, sea or lake or fishing!

    Yours has great colurs and great take on that sketch.

  12. Nice card Jules, glad your jobs are getting done x

  13. Brilliant card Jules and a fab take on the sketch. Love the little boat and charm
    Lorraine x

  14. This is wonderful Jules. Those papers are perfect for the fabulous sail boat image. I love the touches of red, gorgeous charm and the anchor button you have made looks brilliant too.
    hugs Sue xx

  15. That's lovely Jules. The backing paper is perfect for the sweet little boat.
    Beryl xx

  16. Love your gorgeous card, its so cute.

  17. This is fantastic Jules. I love it.

  18. What gorgeous card Jules and in such beautiful colours, love the design.
    Hugs Linda

  19. Love the card from the sketch, going to book mark that sketch site, thanks!

  20. so gorgeous jules.fab boat and i love your nautical details ;D

    xx coops xx

  21. Such a gorgeous card Jules super image and lovely bright colours


  22. Brilliant card, a perfect take on the sketch.
    Great layout, found the heart easy today.
    Have a fantastic day

    Patricia xxx

  23. Hi Jules, Love the card the paper is super and love the image.
    I am starting to like sketches as just lately I need all the inspiration I can get. I do however swop them around ..sometimes they no longer look like the at least they get me started though. Mojo is somewhere across the pond I think. I blame the Sunshine!
    Huge hugs Mau xx

  24. Fantastic card Jules I love it, the little embellishments you have added look fabulous.
    Thank you for joining in the fun with us at sketch n stash x

  25. a really fantastic card
    Many thanks for joining us at Sketch N Stash this week
    Doreen xx

  26. such a pretty card!
    Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Stash challenge!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx