Sunday 17 November 2013


Hi Everyone

I hope your Sunday has been good.

Thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday .. .. particularly in relation to my lovely Sis's bags.  She will love reading them.

I have had a play with my snippets quickly today.. but not totally successfully.

Normally when you mention "gold dust" in my eyes it means something wonderful .. . but the gold dust on my card has been a nightmare.

No matter how many times I have brushed it with a soft make-up brush I can't get rid of all the spare "specks".  Perhaps I should have used a scrubbing brush and try to get the wole lot off!!

Just moving the card into another position seems to produce more!!  LOL!!!

Anyway, at least I have tried .. .. and this is what I came up with for using up some of those snippets and taking over to Pixie's Snippet Playground .. 

Wish I had used what I call "normal" Glamour Dust now!! Or even none at all LOL!!!

Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.  Time for us to eat now but I'll catch you again tomorrow as I will need to make a card first thing to give to a friend tomorrow and I will be able to share that.

Not sure what I will make yet .. .. all I can say is there will be no "gold dust" on it that's for sure.



  1. Sorry to hear about the gold dust issues! If it helps, your card is gorgeous and I can't see any errant dust!! ;-)

  2. Good evening Jules,
    Great card as always, the "gold dust" looks good to me.
    Love the whole design


  3. Nevertheless Jules it's a gorgeous card, lovely image and papers, very traditional and festive, hugs Kate x

  4. This is gorgeous Jules. The tree looks fabulous and I love the colour scheme and gold sparkle.
    Have a lovely evening
    Lorraine x

  5. Hi Jules a beautiful card and the gold dust looks beautiful! Susan x

  6. It's a fabulous card Jules despite the errant gold dust...wouldn't have known about the problem if you hadn't said lol. Carol x

  7. A gorgeous card Jules. Love the image and the lovely rich colours in the papers.

  8. Your card is gorgeous Jules, such a beautiful tree. I love the papers and the gold sparkle looks fabulous!
    hugs Sue xx

  9. Lovely card Jules, you must have an enormous snippet box lol x XSusan x


  10. This is such a pretty tree, Jules! Love the gold dust and the bit of holly!

  11. This is beautiful Jules. The gold may have been a nightmare but is looks stunning as it does in the paper. Love the tree.
    Hugs Sharon x

  12. Your ard may have a surfeit of gold dust but I always think that Christmas is one time that you can go over the top with the shiny stuff :-) it looks lovely to me!


  13. Beautiful festive card, I love the gold sparkles! Great Tree and traditional colours!

  14. Oh I do love traditional Christmas card.

  15. This is gorgeous Jules,love all the gold,well worth the trouble it caused

  16. I've never used gold dust Jules but I end up with glamour dust all over my face usually until one of the family tells me! You wouldn't know you'd gone to such pains with the dust as your card, as always, looks wonderful. Sarah x

  17. I'm almost frightened to say 'what a gorgeous card' Jules, it looks fabulous - sorry to hear about the gold issues though.

  18. It's absolutely stunning Jules! Gorgeous rich colours and I love the gold - I know that Glamour Dust do a gold version, and silver too I think although I only have the gold. Does this mean I need to avoid it?!

    And am STILL looking for the heart, sigh, Can't do me usual handstands here to check for sneakily hidden one(s).

    Hugs, Di xx

  19. Your card looks lovely Jules gold dust an all. The problem I have is where is the heart? Under a pile of gold dust maybe!
    Hugs Mrs A.

  20. so gorgeous jules.i love your rich colours and sparkle and the tree is stunning ;D

    xx coops xx

  21. Another lovely card Jules. You have some great Christmas tree stamps.
    Beryl xx

  22. Falling glitter dust is lucky I hear! Sort of like leprechan lucky! lol

    This card is the colours and the way you tied in the glitter dots with the glitter on your image!

    Off to catch up on your blog...I haven't been by as I was busy doing a 12 days of Xmas challenge and then was busy with sick grandkids who needed Grandpa and Grandma to look after them!

    Of course we got ti finally well now and need a good long catch up on your blog...

  23. Very pretty card Jules . . . don't worry about the gold dust! You know what they say . . .Don't Sweat the Small Specks!

    Sarn xxx

  24. I love those papers, and the beautiful flourish tree! The gold dust looks fabulous!

    love Mags B x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx