Monday 13 January 2014


Hi Everyone

I hope your week has got off to a good start.

My share today is one of those cards that it always makes me feel sad to make.  

It isn't one that I need to send personally, it has been requested by someone else .. .. but even so it is still sad to think someone is no longer part of this world and others are hurting because of their absence.

But I suppose it is all part of the pathway of life.  

So here we go:

This used:

Image and Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat  "Dandelion Wisps"
Backing Paper:  Pink Petticoat "Pinstripes" "Vintage Rose"(another one that is retiring!!  Gosh I won't be able to link through soon as all my downloads will no longer be available).
My trusty sewing machine
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads

So that is me for today.

Hopefully I will be back tomorrow .. .. .. but there is a lot on that there do list !!!



  1. such a lovely card that will be appreciated i alway jump to this image when i need one of these.

  2. Always such a sad card to make but a beautiful card Jules, the design and delicate colours are so appropriate.
    hugs Sue xx

  3. Hi Jules, what a beautiful card, gorgeous paper!

  4. Such a beautiful card. I'm afraid I have needed far too many of these in recent weeks.

  5. Jules , a beautiful card for the sad occasion but it will bring pleasure to the one receiving it to know someone is thinking of them and their loss. Hazel x

  6. Beautiful cards for sensitive time Jules, Shaz in oz.x

  7. Always, as you say, hate making one of these! Keep it simple seems the best option & this one does it so well.
    I hope the one I ad to send to one of my French neighbours last week was accepted it the spirit it was sent.


  8. Good morning Jules, a very simple, stunning card for the occasion we have to face but hate to think about.
    A card that would be very well received at that sad time
    Have a great day

    Patricia xx

  9. Lovely card Jules - perfect for the sad occasion x Susan x

  10. Beautiful Jules and perfect.

  11. A very elegant card and perfect for the occasion.
    Lorraine x

  12. It's lovely Jules. I'm sure it will be appreciated by the recipient.
    Beryl xx

  13. What a lovely card Jules so appropriate for such a sad occasion

  14. This is a beautiful sympathy card Jules. I agree I don't like having to make them either, it's sad, it's hard, it just isn't a fun thing to have to do. You want to be elegant and not cutesy. Just very hard to make. But you have done it very elegantly and I'm glad that you don't have to use this card personally.

  15. Absolutely gorgeous. Love the sentiment and its font.

  16. hi Jules, yes you are quite right, the type of card we don't like to have to make, but this is beautiful, Carole Z X

  17. so beautiful and delicate jules.

    xx coops xx

  18. A beautifully serene card Jules. perfect for the sad occasion. Carol x

  19. Hi Jules this card is beautiful and i am sure it will ease a little pain from those affected, Hope your week is going well xx

  20. Hello Jules, yes these cards are always so difficult to make as they evoke all sorts of feelings within us.
    This is beautiful, so understated and just perfect for the occasion, hugs Kate x

  21. Wonderful design Jules, with your image and paper.

    Hugs Diane

  22. Always sad to make Jules, this is a lovely card you have made, just perfect..
    Marjorie x

  23. Good morning sweetie, this is gorgeous, big hugs Pops x x x

  24. I know what you mean, these are always sad cards to make. But the recipients really treasure them, I suspect that those who haven't lost a loved one don't understand what a big difference a card can make. And yours is lovely!

    love Mags B x

  25. I've just had to make one of these too for a good friend who lost his sister on Christmas Eve.
    No day is a good day but to loose someone at Christmas is especially hard as it mars all the subsequent years. Hugs Mrs A.

  26. Hi Jules
    Fabulous card ... Love the papers and the image
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  27. So elegant and beautiful dearie.Hugs x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx