Wednesday 26 February 2014


Hi Everyone

A scheduled post from me today as I am nicely up to my neck with wedding ribbons and bling and wanted to hit the ground running  ... .. another head down and get on with it day!!

A fun card  using an image from a new digital place I came across the other day  .. .. I only bought one image just in case I wasn't happy with how they looked once printed out etc.  But they are fabby!!!  I feel sure this Birdbrain character is going to be a regular visitor to my blog .. .I lurv him!!

So a quick and simple card from me as time is short and precious here at the moment:

This used:

Image and Sentiment:  From The Heart:  "Birthday Candle Birdbrain" (the image came with lots and lots of sentiments)
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
X-Cut:  Small Flower Punch
Glamour Dust
My Trust Sewing Machine
Metallic Cord from My Stash Box

and that is me for today.

Edited to say that my lovely blog buddy Amanda kindly pointed out that the image I had used was the image of the month over at "From The Heart" so my creation can be entered into the Stamp of the Month challenge!  Woo hoo!!  Off I go to enter .. .. and thanks Amanda for letting me know xx. 

Have a good day everyone and I hope you find a bit of quiet crafty time for yourself somewhere during the day.



  1. Brilliant, what a fantastic image and sentiment, love it
    Have a great day

    Patricia xx

  2. YOur card made me smile Jules such a great image and just love those sentiments...


  3. What a fab image and sentiment. I've bookmarked the link as I think that little chick - plus the clever asentiments will be finding a new home here.
    Great card and thanks for the link.
    Beryl xx

  4. What a fun card Jules. Thanks for the new digi link, it's always nice to see new things. Hope you get through your work today. Hugs x

  5. Fabulous card Jules and I'm glad you've discovered From the Heart, their images are a little bit addictive!! xx

  6. Good morning sweetie...

    What a truly stunning creation today...

    Big hugs love Pops x x x

  7. Hi Jules i LOVE this card gorgeous and a fab image, made me smile.
    Thanks so much for the advice for my posting prob i shall try that.

  8. Love this card Jules, made me smile and I went looking to buy it. Did you know they have a challenge with this image and if you enter you receive a free image? Check out the challenge tab on the website. Hugs, Amanda x. Oh and I spotted the heart lol

  9. Hi Jules, we do seem to like a lot of the same art work! I bought a few of these images the other day and have them printed ready to use! Love your card, hugs Carole Z X

  10. Hi Jules, oh that is one gorgeous image and sentiment, I love your design to. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  11. Oooo what a super image and a great sentiment too, Luv Sam x

  12. This is fab Jules, love the CAS look. I love FTH images they have some fab ones! Susan x

  13. Fabulous card Jules, love the super cute image, great design too, hugs Kate x

  14. Brilliant image and a really great card. Love the fabulous CAS look.
    Had a peek at this sight and some really cute images.

    Kath x

  15. Aw what a lovely birdy! Fab card, the heart was a tricky one, love a little challenge! Gorgeous colours too x

  16. He is funny, I wish I could find some crafty time during the day! X

  17. This is a brilliant card Jules, I love your image and fun sentiment - fabulous CAS design.

  18. Jules, this is fabulous !! I like the CAS style and how the focus in on the image and sentiment. Thanks for joining our SOTM Challenge @ From the Heart Stamps !
    We hope to see you too in our Sektch Challenge with a Twist every Monday. Have a great day :-)

  19. Brilliant, fun card and I love it.

  20. gorgeous card Jules. love the CAS style and colours x

  21. Hey stranger, sorry I've not been around for a while Have been busy with the girlies & DT stuff.

    Just love this little cutie & the sentiment is fab
    Hope you are both keeping well in the house of hearts
    hugs Shell xx

  22. love it ! great image and a sentiment to make you smile. janex

  23. Wonderful CAS card, fantastic image and the sentiment made me smile.


  24. lol so stunning jules.fab fun image and i love the sentiment :D

    xx coops xx

  25. Hilarious Jules!

    I haven't mastered the whole time management thing yet...sorry! Still a work in progress ;-)

    Have a good weekend xx

  26. That sentiment made me laugh so hard!! LOVE it!! Such a cute card too!!

  27. Brilliant fun card Jules that image is super so is the lovely clean and simple style.
    lorraine x

  28. Awwww... birdbrain is adorable and fun. Great CAS card! Sweet and simple.

  29. Oh I love this Jules a stunning card love the image and sentiment

  30. haha what a fun image and card!! Great quote/sentiment too! Your colouring is brilliant!

  31. He is a fabulous little bird. Hettie will be wanting him I expect. Fancy counting up all the butterflies. Now can I come up with a challenge to match Hmm!
    Thought you could use them on your invites and such like. either way enjoy. Hugs Mrs A.

  32. OMGosh, this card is to dang cute Jules! I love that little chick with the candle and that sentiment is just too cute! Hugs!

  33. This is too cute and I lurve it too!

  34. I lurve Bryan too!

    Sorry I've been a stranger running a shop leaves little room for blogging anymore :(
    Hope you're well.



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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx